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09-DEC-2005 joan m teno

December 9 2005 post white out.jpg


Tried to drive into work, but after white out conditions
and seeing two spns out came home to this beautiful view
in the backyard.

Java feeling better quickly ran around the yard in
delight with the snow.

December 9 2005

Wk # 50 Picture of the Week

Leica D-Lux 2
1/100s f/4.0 at 15.6mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time09-Dec-2005 15:57:36
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length15.6 mm
Exposure Time1/100 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 10-Feb-2008 15:00
What a Marvelous discovery you are...Thanks for sharing these simple Beautiful moments..TT
Mary Feryan14-Oct-2006 22:56
Good job! Aren't you glad you came home, drank coffee and took this photograph?
Guest 28-Feb-2006 02:33
Superb! Like the orange / pink sky.
optimist22-Dec-2005 11:03
Guest 22-Dec-2005 10:17
I just love this wonderful scene.. the sky looks great with the fluffy snow. Vote!
Monte Dodge19-Dec-2005 06:20
Great shot,,,,,, but crop off the fence.. Monte
Sheila17-Dec-2005 10:39
What a beautiful stunning shot!
beverley harrison16-Dec-2005 22:18
Guest 16-Dec-2005 17:49
Beautiful! A true winter wonderland photo. :-)
steve mcsweeny11-Dec-2005 09:28
WOW, Excellent! Glad Java is ok ;). Vote!
Pic Chick10-Dec-2005 23:58
Snow is a beautiful thing if you don't have to drive in it...Gorgeous shot. Stay home!
Jackdad10-Dec-2005 17:44
wow, nothing prettier than a huge dump of snow! drive carefully and stay warm though, won't you? glad to hear Java is better.
Karen Stuebing10-Dec-2005 11:10
A veritable winter wonderland. The pink sky against all that white fluff is so pretty. Lucky you to be able to stay home and enjoy this.
ewa toll10-Dec-2005 10:09
a fantasic winterpicture
Guest 10-Dec-2005 10:07
ohh...this is awesome!!! the contrast of the cold snow and the warmish light in the bg. gmv
Steven Jusczyk10-Dec-2005 08:16
Beautiful light in the sky!
Guest 10-Dec-2005 05:44
Nice shot.
Bryan Murahashi10-Dec-2005 05:01
Brrrrrr! Nice shot of this heavy fresh snow.
Karen Leaf10-Dec-2005 04:54
Joan I am scared witless to come home to this; holy cow.
Mindy McNaugher10-Dec-2005 03:29
Stunning image! Love the color of the sky! Glad Java is feeling better!!
idle_hands10-Dec-2005 02:16
gorgeous! keep cosy :o)
Herb 10-Dec-2005 01:50
Nice shot
Michael Shpuntov10-Dec-2005 00:04
The color of the sky in the background makes the shot IMO.
JW09-Dec-2005 23:48
What a superb image! Take care in the snow.
Guest 09-Dec-2005 23:10
Nice -
Sharon Rogers09-Dec-2005 21:50
Glad Java's feeling well and can go play in that, it's wonderful!
Guest 09-Dec-2005 21:49
Wow! This is so beautiful to view! The snow clinging to the trees looks awesome. We've had 100 degree heat this past week ... this looks heavenly.