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Profile for Susan
Name Susan (joined 03-Nov-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username hmssusan
Location Hong Kong
Hong Kong
View Galleries : Susan has 378 galleries and 14194 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 3288083 times.

View Guestbook : 30 messages. Most recent on 02-Apr-2012.

Message from Susan
I love travelling, but I am not a good writer. So, I take pictures of the places that I have been to and make it into a picture diary for myself. Hope this will be interesting to you as well.

My travel log

2019: North Italy
2018: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
2017: 合歡山 (Taiwan), 南怡島內藏山 (S Korea)
2016: India, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Iceland
2015: Huang Shan (China),Guangxi (China)
2014: Linzhi Tibet, Kenya
2013: S Korea, Sichuan Daocheng Yading, Xiapu
2012: Cuba, Mexico, South Xinjiang, Jiuzhaigou Valley
2011: Yuanyang, Krygyzstan, N Korea, Beijing, Kaiping
2010: Panyu, Argentina, North Xinjiang
2009: Jiangxi Wuyuan, Shanxi Pingyao, Tibet, Panyu, Singapore, Kaiping, Ethiopia
2008: Israel, the Netherlands, Iran
2007: Morocco, Jordan, Tulou Fujian China, Jiangjiajie Hunan China
2006: Cambodia, Hunan China, Egypt
2005: Turkey
2004: Yunnan China, Czech Republic, Hungary
2003: South Africa, Singapore, New Zealand
2002: Tohoku Japan, Macau
2001: Toronto
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