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Waldemar John 07-Mar-2025 22:31
Wonderful mosaics! Please contact me. I am interested in reproducing these as wall size fabric prints.
Guest 31-Jan-2025 19:11
Amazing pictures of Side ancient ruins. The story of many years ago, based on your pictures, shows how much they have done to improve the secular parts of the site, while ignoring many Byzantine sections.

Thanks for your contribution to history. Nakhati Jon
Tony Hedrack 13-Aug-2024 05:24
Beautiful website. Many, many thanks for it.
Guest 07-Jun-2024 06:39
Dear Dick,
I'd like to thenk you for all these beautiful images of my country. I appreciate you effort to keep these beautiful memories available to everyone.
You're a hero.

Best wishes.

Ayhan GENÇ
özlem ata 06-Jun-2024 18:06
Dear Dosseman,
i do not know how to thank you for your effort to make this amazing photos of Turkey. I saw that you also have photos of my hometown Amasra. to see them is very emotional. I was in Netherlands 3 times and i love this country like my own country. My best friend is live there. I hope i can visit Holland again soon I hope i can meet with you one day and thank you personly buy a coffee.
I will forward your website everyone i know.
Wish you best.
kind regards
Guest 23-May-2024 00:37
I'm a university student studying the Hittites right now. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your site. Thanks for doing what you do!
ismail hakkı güzeler 03-Mar-2024 11:38
Hello Mr. Dick Osseman. I was born in Bergama in 1961. I am a retired physics teacher. All the images you shared are very nice. It is especially nice to see the places I lived in and my relatives in your Bergama posts after many years. I wish you good health. Goodbye.
Dick Osseman24-Feb-2024 09:35
Merhaba Yaşar Türkkorur, Çalışmalarımın insanlar tarafından beğenilmesi beni her zaman sevindiriyor, özellikle de depremden bu kadar zarar gören bölge söz konusu olduğunda. Eğer benim gibi çok seyahat ederseniz, sonradan yıkılan pek çok şeyi görürsünüz. Suriye'yi savaş öncesinden, Diyarbakır'ı sıkıntılar öncesinden tanıyorum ve depremlerin bu kadar tahrip ettiği bölgeyi en sevdiğim yerler arasında sayıyordum.
Guest 23-Feb-2024 14:32
Mr.Dick Hello...
Bu güzel çalışmalarınız için sizi tebrik ederim. Kahramanmaraş resimlerini çok beğendim. Buraların çoğu 6 Şubat 2023 tarihindeki 7,8 şiddetindeki depremde yok oldu... En azından depremden önceki ve depremden sonraki resimleri birbiri ile karşılaştırmada çok işimize yarar. Bu bakımdan bu güzel hizmetini takdir ve febrik ediyorum. Allah senden razı olsun. (Yaşar Türkkorur)
Zeynep 18-Nov-2023 13:51
Hello Dick, I live in NYC and I’m originally from Gaziantep. I was looking up something in Wikipedia regarding my hometown and came across your edits. Your profound knowledge of Southern Turkey blew my mind. I just wanted to thank you for all your contributions and plethora of information.
Ryszard Lew 06-Oct-2023 00:02
I looked at your photos with great pleasure and great appreciation. This is extremely valuable work. This is a work popularizing the history of civilizations inhabiting what is now Turkey and, more broadly, the Middle East. Beautiful, high-quality photographs from many museums depicting artifacts of the past, including the Ottoman era, the Roman Empire, Greek settlements and Greek mythology. Congratulations! Ryszard Lew - Poland
Mücahid Candan 01-Sep-2023 06:24
I haven't seen any album about Türkiye like yours before. Some of them are from home town Bursa, which I really miss. Thanks to your photo album, you made me remember and had great feelings. Thank you very much, thanks for your great effort!
Timur Iskandari 19-Jul-2023 20:03
I ve been following this project for over a decade now. It is totally unique and unmatched by the quantity and quality of material about Turkiye. Great to see it is still up. Turkey is one of my favorite travel destinations. Not only can this site be used as an excellent travel guide Sometimes it's good just to sit back and relax studiying new towns and places
Graham Ng15-Jun-2023 11:04
You are wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
Yaver Zeytinoglu 21-Apr-2023 14:14
Deprem Dick I am from Eskişehir and Tavşanlı original wonderfull photos and knowledge thanks so much I had a friends whose nick names are Hollandali Ahmet and Ünal Temel who had restaurant and Hotels at Marmaris and Amsterdam i understanding why they have lisede too much the Dutch people see you
Nüvit Çamlıbel 16-Apr-2023 17:14
Sayın Dick Osseman, Ülkemizin her yerini gezmiş ve çok güzel fotoğraflar çekmişsiniz. 75 yaşındayım, Sizin gezdiğiniz yerlerin hepsini göremedim. Ülkemizin tanıtımı için çok yararlı bir çalışma. Elinize, Gönlünüze sağlık, Çok Teşekkürler.
Idil 01-Oct-2022 12:04
So wonderful pictures. I am amazed by the fact that you were able to include information and date for all of them. This whole webpage can be used as a textbook for school children for learning more about Turkey. Happy travels!
Ayhan Baha Tugsuz 22-Sep-2022 14:15
Goog job, really appreciate and congratulate you that we are, those loving this beatiful country , deeply concerned and thankful for your extraordinary works and positive attitude !
We are sharing these beatiful pages as well as your sincere approach to all people interested :-)
Dilek Sezgin 14-Apr-2022 14:21
Thanks for your effort and time taking and sharing all these photo treasures. I will use some of your photos introducing history of Ankara to my students.
Lars 16-Feb-2022 23:42
Dick, What a fantastic photo documentation of Turkey you have made. Especially all the Antic sites. I will look into it very often these days as I got to Alanya for a week on 28 feb. 2022.
PS: Can you recommend a particular Car rental company from the Antalya Airport ?
All the best Lars
Lloyd Bakke 11-Nov-2021 13:21
Good to read all about Trazon and see how it has changed. I was statione there form Jan 61 to jan 62. Does anyone remember the bear that was caged down by the ball field?
EdwinCer 12-Sep-2021 14:43
Есть отличный стротельный сайт

Guest 02-Sep-2021 08:53
Спасибо за комплимент
Dick Osseman02-Sep-2021 08:53
Спасибо за комплимент
EdwinCer 02-Sep-2021 07:39
Привет полезный строительный портал

Linda Osgood Neff 28-Feb-2021 08:32
Thank you! You have helped to make my teaching come to life.
Vladimir Nikonov 21-Feb-2021 17:12
Thank you for the amazing amount of work you've done.
I saw for the first time all the sacred symbols of Asia Minor.
Your site is the best of the best.
Maxie W Martin 31-Dec-2020 02:21
I was stationed at Diyarbakir from Jan. 1959-June 1959. I transferred to Samsun in June, 1959 and transferred to Berlin, Germany in Dec. 1959. Went back to the States for discharge in Dec. 1960. AFSC 29250 A2C Would like to join group. Maxie Martin
Guest 20-Jul-2020 21:41
Saw a guy who checked in back in 2011 Name was Gary Maples Looks like he was in Trabzon same time as I was My name if Jerry Guth email Would like to contact Gary
Amalia Spiliakou 21-Jun-2020 10:07
Dear Mr. Osseman Kalimera from Thessaloniki, Greece
I would like to let you know that as an Art Historian/Teacher/BLOGGER ( I am indebted to your photographic work. As my BLOG is not commercial, I took the liberty of using your picture of the Rotunda Ambo on my new POST "The Rotunda Ambo." If you have any objections please let me know and I will immediately remove it.
Thank you for the wonderful pictures of the Istanbul Archaeological Museum and the Rotunda Ambo in particular.
Amalia Spiliakou - teachercurator
Begoña 09-Jun-2020 01:21
Sr. Osseman : agradezco muchísimo sus magníficos reportajes fotográficos sobre grandes tempos Anatolia, etc, estudio culturas olvidadas y me es de gran ayuda, me reitero de nuevo, muchas gracias, Begoña
Guest 12-Apr-2020 11:28
Hello Mr Osseman,
Misis Bridge is restored in 1999 after the deadly earthquake of 27 June 1998.
You can edit on wikipedia;)

Thanks for great pictures and editing last 6 words on wikipedia;)
Huseyin E. Cetin
Dick Osseman20-Jan-2020 11:13
You're welcome. Have a good time.
David Myers 19-Jan-2020 02:06
Thank you for the photos as they add to the excitement of my wife and I for our first trip to Turkey.
David (Australia)
Dick Osseman09-Jan-2020 09:36
To je radost
Guest 08-Jan-2020 11:53
Host ,Dik za velkolepou praci ,Jozef Harang
Guest 07-Jul-2019 13:59
Thank you so much for allowing public access to your extensive galleries. Excellent work!
Søren Krag 08-Mar-2019 11:37
Great site!, fantastic mosaic photographs!
Kemal şendikici 26-Dec-2017 20:15
Dear Dick , Thanks for your great Turkey picture gallery it s a treasury for tour guides , photographers and researchers too , as I am tour guide and photographers would like to keep in touch with you when you come over Turkey , please more than welcome ..thanks again .

Kemal Şendikici ( Profesional tour guide and phot0grapher )
E Collins 07-Jun-2016 22:28
I just wanted to say how much I love your site and all the pictures. We love Turkey, I have studied it in depth, and we have been there several times but we still have not yet explored as much as you have. We hope to, one day. Your pictures are an inspiration to me and I love seeing all the different aspects, old and new, amazing and mundane.
David Clark 08-Jan-2016 15:01
No Kibyra...? On the mountain alongside Gölhisar (very hospitable Turks and no tourists in Oct 2013), on the road from Afrodisas to Fethiye. Well worth a visit. Excellent stadium.
Also where did you find the aqueduct at Alinda? Like you I drove via Labranda along the "very interesting" road to Karpuzlu. I entered the town and took the road up to the Agora and left the car there. From there I went to the top of the hill via the theatre to the defensive tower. Where did you drive to for your investigation of the site ?
Excellent site for fans of ancient towns/cities in Turkey. I will certainly be accessing this again. Thanks very much.
Dave Clark
Guest 12-Sep-2015 20:34
I think it is very impressive the places u have been to and photographed. Today i have been to Sidyma, but unfortunitely could not see all the site because of my footwear. I thought Dick should have them in its gallery, but i was surprised no tot be able tot find them. Is Sidyma on youre tot visit list or am i not looking clearly ?
Helen Miles 19-Mar-2015 15:26
Dear Dick, I cannot thank you enough for these photos. I am looking through the ones of the Antakya Museum and I am stunned by the detail of the mosaics. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Helen
Diana Phillips 08-Nov-2014 13:16
Dear Dick, I was delighted to find your website. I've been wanting to reconnect with classmates and neighbors (the McSherrys) from Izmir during my childhood but am at a loss for leads.
My father, Maj. Gen. E. W. Suarez, USAF, was with Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force when we lived in Izmir 1959-1962. Two of my elementary school teachers were Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Butterfield at the American Dependent School. We lived right on the bay (1152 A Mithat Pasa Caddeci). I wonder what that area looks like now, very built up? Although I was very young at the time, I still have some vivid impressions of our three years there, particularly colorful fishing boats docked along the downtown docks, sheep being herded down cobblestone streets, and trips to the beautiful beach cove at Seferihisar. Would really like to locate one of my father's aides in Turkey, Sgt. Bob Smith and his wife Esther who returned to the US when we did in '62.
Diana Phillips
Maria Berner 24-Oct-2014 08:51
great pictures!! I am happy having found this page...
Maria Berner
Gary Watson 19-Aug-2014 11:07
Hi Dick,
I found your galleries whilst looking at things around Side to see and found your gallery of Lyrbe f.k.a. Seleucia in Pamphylia. This place looks amazing and unfortunately on my recent visit to this area did not get to see this site.
I intend to try and get there on my next visit, but for now will be content to look at your amazing images.
Guest 08-May-2014 18:48
I just discovered your PBase Gallery on "Antioch on the Orontes" mosaics. Great work. I saw them. only once, when I was 12 years old. Thanks a lot for enabling me to see them. Again without having to travel there.
Cheers, Ferit.
Guest 01-Apr-2014 03:36
Thank you for sharing your pictures!
Kathy Pollard
Guest 07-Feb-2014 03:20
Hi, my name is Bill Cobb. I was at Tuslog 3-1 from 5/58 to 6/59. I was the supply officer. My roommate was Karl Chlarson, Elint OIC. We liveed in a new apartment house next to the governor's house. I really appreciate you pictures. You took a lot more than I did. My memories of Trab improve with the years. I still have my Club Kismet card. The 3-1 folks were a great group.
Guest 29-Jan-2014 03:04
Hello! My Name is Kathleen E. Ames-Brooker and I was stationed with the USAF in Izmir, Turkey from October 1980-October 1981. I was with Tuslog Detachment 118 and was a Law Enforcement Specialist working out of the Security Police Squadron and living on the economy in downtown Izmir. I lived on Sehit Neveres Bulvari which was near the APO and around the corner from the Security Police Squadron which was across the street from the BX and Commissary. I lost touch with many of my American and Turkish friends that I met while there, however, I recently reconnected on Facebook with my Turkish friend Muzeyyen. I met her through her father who worked guarding USAF facilities in Izmir. I spent many of my weekends off at their home in Karsiyaka and loved her parents like my own! Unfortunately, they have both died since then. I want to return to Izmir to see my "Turkish sister" and her family sometime in the near future, as I have so many wonderful memories of my time there. I saw many of the sights there such as Ephesus, Pemmukale, and Bodrum, as well as seeing Istanbul and Adana etc. I miss the sights, sounds, and tastes of Turkey and want to experience them all again! I will always have a place in my heart for Izmir and it's people and customs. Thank You so much for this website! It really brought back the wonderful memories! P.S. If there is anyone on this website who is fluent in both English and Turkish, I could use your help. I remember very little Turkish other than Merhaba and Cok Guzel, and while Muzeyyen knows a little English, she doesn't know a lot. Communication on Facebook is sometimes a little difficult. My email address is Thank You in advance for any help you can give me!
Guest 26-Aug-2013 19:05
Re kerak photos.Original entrance was located at east end of north wall where wall bends/Postern gate was covered by re-entrant angle and led to a chamber which gave access in turn to the lower of the the large vaulted halls shown in photo 2471.This contained the stables.In addition both halls provided accommodation,access to galleries containing defensive arrow slits and provided shelter from incoming missiles from siege engines.The buildings shown in photos 2530/1 comprise a palace and a donjon and are later MUSLIM WORK
Kristina 31-Jul-2013 07:30
thank you so much for your pictures of adana. I recognized so many places and could feel what it felt like when I lived there. It didn't occur to me to take normal pictures, I took pictures of areas of interest assuming I would remember the normal/ordinary places. I have begun to forget as it's been about 5 years since I lived there so I got to walk down memory lane. Again, many thanks. My heart is still in Turkey, I don't think I've recovered from living back in America again. Best to you.
lilliangail 28-Jul-2013 02:19
dear dick osseman, i lived, worked, and traveled in Turkey for the better part of 26 years. 1980-2006. it is said that home is where the heart is. i was born in the usa however my heart is in turkey. i am living in oregon in the states as i am almost 71 now and retired. you have given me all my heart dared wish for in your very incredible photos of the very real turkiye home where my heart is thanks for the early birthday present.
Guest 27-Jul-2013 20:54
Hi Dick, I stumbled onto your website when doing casual research on Paul the apostle and Tarsus. Thank you for sharing so many pictures! It was fascinating seeing them from across many years and I feel like I've been there now. Thanks!!! Evan
Dick Osseman01-Jul-2013 07:23

I have no such pictures. I leave the message in place for possible reactions by others.
mustafa 30-Jun-2013 20:04
Dear Dick,I wander if you have photos of Incirlik ,Adana during the years 1973-1975.I was working for Det. 193-1 security Police Law Enforcement desk as an interpreter-ranslater.(I am from Adana) I remember Maj.Robert Ficinus,(chief of sp.)Smsgt Ramsey,Msgt.Ruez,I would like to exchange e-mails if anybody interested and worked between the years.1973/1976.Now I am retired and working as a national professional guide in Antalya ,Turkey.All the best and thanks for the beautiful photos of Turkey.
Dick Osseman09-May-2013 20:25
Hamams? Don't know.

Cheap hotels: I didn't think my hotel was expensive, so looked no further. Forgot it's name. Think of the € 25-30 region.
Mich 07-May-2013 23:41
Hello. Wonderful photos. Are there old working hamams in Siirt? Any small cheap hotels? Thank you.
Guest 18-Apr-2013 22:48
These have been the most helpful pictures during my studies as a tour guide. Thank you very very much for this wonderful site.
H. Boers 21-Mar-2013 14:59
Hallo Dick, dank voor de postings van je mooie foto's. Heel bizonder voor mij zijn de foto's van de citadel van VAN en in het bizonder omdat vlakbij op het eiland Akhdamar in het Van meer, de kerk van het Heilig Kruis ligt. Na de grote aardbeving van april 1648 is zowat alles daar in die omgeving verwoest en ik vind het noemenswaardig dat verre voorouders van mij de financiële verantwoording op zich namen om de kerk te restaureren. Dank nogmaals en ik kom graag op je site terug.
Dick Osseman04-Mar-2013 19:41
Thanks for the compliments, Pierre.
Pierre Schneider04-Mar-2013 07:16
Hi Dick, I'm back from Istanbul. I have many pics to proceed (raw). Now I'm looking for the names of the different sites we have visited and I found your work. You have made à big work and you are a excellent photographer.
I had a nice trip in Turkey, Istanbul is a huge city.
Best regards, Pierre.
Dick Osseman26-Feb-2013 20:10

Osseman is Dutch, a name indicating a man who has oxen, so a farmer. Nothing Ottoman about it. I recently found the name was used in Holland in 1453.
Guest 26-Feb-2013 08:24
Hello and much thanks for the great job you have done...
I hope it is still an ongoing job also.
I just wondered if your surname "Osseman" has anything to do with the "Ottoman"???
Is this a root search or something like that?
Just a wonder.
Kind regards,
Guest 09-Feb-2013 17:23
My wife and I lived in downtown Adana from 1958 to '60 when I was stationed at Incirlik AFB.....we lived close to the train station in Yuzevler neighborhood. We loved it there and we would love to return although I know it has changed a bunch. These were our honeymoon years as we got married just before moving to Turkey.
Guest 24-Nov-2012 20:05
your work is amazing. Thank you for sharing your pictures with all of us who cannot visit all these places!
Dick Osseman22-Nov-2012 20:31
Hello Ted,

I think not. Can you indicate where it might be, I expect to be in Istanbul in two weeks.

And of course thanks for the praise.
Guest 22-Nov-2012 17:30
The last time I was in Istanbul, I visited the elegant Orthodox church of Saint Photios. Do yo have any pictures of that?
I greatly enjoy all your pictures of Turkey.
Ted Henderson
Marco Neri 22-Nov-2012 03:24
Thank you !
Ellen Keim 19-Nov-2012 17:29
Thank you for your amazing pictures and your generosity in sharing them. I am a convert to Islam and know little about Islamic history so it's a special treat to be able to see the mosques and architecture as well as general views of the various cities. You're the best!
Dick Osseman05-Sep-2012 05:10
Hi Richard,

My answer is "No, I do not try such a thing". I simply show what I come across (and do that a lot), I do not take sides in issues like the one you mention. If there is no church, I do not take a picture, it's that simple.

In some other cities I show you will see I took pictures of churches, some former Armenian, some others, some still functioning, some converted to mosques, museums or whatever. In my country (the Netherlands) many former churches are now used as shopping malls, for offices, housing, as museum, and that does not tell a thing about the Dutch apart from the fact that many are not that religious any more.

I tend to dislike people who use lots of question marks to end a question, I feel they often do not ask a question but state an opinion You should be careful in that area.
Richard Harootunian 04-Sep-2012 22:53
Arter viewing your photos of Erzurum I was shocked not to find any church or any other building like the famous Sanasarian Armenian College, ST. Mary Armenian Cathederal and other Armenian landmarks!!! My bGrandparents were born in Erzurum The Armenian Archbishop of Erzurum claimed 75,ooo members before 1915., and that was just in the city, not in the surronding villages that were populated by mostly Armenians. or you trying to wipe out what's left of the Armenians in Eastern Turkey??????
Khadija Leuenberger 07-Aug-2012 09:49
Thank you for your wonderful pictures and for sharing them with us on this site! I absolutely love them, and every now and then take a virtual walk through the wonderful wooden mosque of Beysehir with them. My visit to Beysehir is unforgettable to me, the feeling of walking in an old forest still vibrant. But I have not been able to take in all the details, which your pictures enable me to fully estimate.
My other favorites are the ones of Ararat landscapes. Do you travel by public transport or with your own car? And have the turkish authorities yet asked you to accept a medal for overwhelming love of their country, and the means to spread that love?
Thank you very much!
Guest 19-Jul-2012 15:27
Amazing work thanks you .
Syed Rizvi 01-Jun-2012 04:08
Great Pictures. After seeing your extensive galleries I realize how much of Istanbul I missed during my March 2012 visit.
Malcolm Jemane 23-May-2012 07:17
The quality of your pictures are very good. I did not really have any interest in the topics you cover but the pictures are very good. Thanks
ibrahim h caglayan 07-May-2012 18:50
Hello Mr Osseman,
I would like to respond to Drew, who apparently was stationed in Trabzon, years during which I was practising my english on the same airmen at the base, as a middle school student learning english. He apparently wants to come and visit Trabzon but is asking if it is safe. Drew, why is it that only americans ask this question? Please have no worries, Trabzon is safer than most american cities especially if you crack a few words of turkish here and there. But be warned: You will not recognize Trabzon at all. No longer does the airfield by the sea await an occasional C47 or F28. It is a major aerodrome now with flights landing or departing every few minutes. The Boztepe hill is now covered with 15-20 storey buildings (including my family's hazelnut orchard which was right there). There is a four lane highway disecting Trabzon in a line parallel to the water front. However, that old charm is still to be seen at secret corners of the town. Do come and visit. Incidentally Sabri was a friend of my late father and I have worn his suits as well.
Thomas 13-Apr-2012 04:56
You have done GREAT job. Thank you so much. You made me wanna visit all these places.
fedelita 01-Apr-2012 11:11
Hi Mr. Dick,
I admire you! Such a great photos,thank you for sharing it!More power!
Dick Osseman23-Mar-2012 17:41
Regarding the old headquarters i would not have a clue. Sorry.
Gene Clarke 22-Mar-2012 04:03
Dick-I enjoyed your pictures of Izmir, and they brought back a lot of memories of my time there in 71-73 when I was a young 2LT assigned to SGS at the old NATO Hq. Am trying to convince my wife to visit Turkey, and these pictures may help! You wouldn't happen to have pictures of the old HQ, would you? Izmir has changed so much, I could not find it on Google Earth! Thanks.
pavel 04-Mar-2012 03:36
mr osseman thanks for your interesting site it was beautiful to discover the st nicola church photo in demre through your pictures I pray to st nicola and ask health
Drew 04-Mar-2012 01:59
Great webpage. I was a 294 at Trabzon from 1966 to 1968. I well remember Tom Sabri and the suits he made although it didn't take long to grow out of them. Yes, it is a beautiful country and I got to do some sightseeing while there and met a lot of friendly people. We even visited operations at Samsun on a break. Awesome! I wonder if anyone has pictures of Russian ships or planes tha showed up in the early 60's or late 50's. I would like to visit Turkey again but don't know how safe it would be now.
Thomas Hourihan 27-Jan-2012 17:50
Thank you very much for this posting. Our family is making a two week trip to Turkey in March coming. We will fly from Istanbul to Cappadocia; fly to Izmir; drive to Canakale for two days and return to Istanbul. We have tons of guide books, but nothing comes close to your work at showing us what our eyes will take in. I just treated myself to a new D7000 and your work will be my inspiration and goal.
António Martins 12-Jan-2012 12:14
Thank you for this photos. Incredible work. It helps a lot !!
klaus 30-Nov-2011 13:36
FAntastic site. I am really impressed. We lived in Ankara from 2001 untill 2006. 5 years. I wanted to REENJOY Turkey, and I looked for pictures- that could take me back. I am so happy I fournd your site. FANTASTIC.Regards Klaus and Sigrun.
yosef levy 20-Nov-2011 17:08
Dear Mr Ossman,
It was delightfull to discover by chance your most interesting blog.
Iam from Israel but have a special sentiment to Turkey fore my late parents were born in Urfa,east Turkey and immigrated to Palatin in 1900.
My parents use to speak Arabic and not Turkish as ekpected.
I visited Turkey many times and 3 years ago I took a special tour to north-eastern region of the country and visited also Sanliurfa and Diarbakyr.
Your photo galleries helpe me very much to reexperiece the wonderfull time I had spend in Turkey.

Thank you very much and all the best,
Yosef Levy
Jerusalem Israel
Crescent-Duloz 09-Nov-2011 20:17
I'm Impressed !
What a splendid collection, and what a beautiful country with all aspects.

Zeer mooie foto's, doe zo verder. Ik heb een paar keer Turkije bezocht,zou direct terug willen, er is zo veel te zien, jaren werk...
Hoe doe je het toch?
oguz ozcu 26-Oct-2011 07:06
Hello Mr. Osseman,

I am happy to visit and spend 2-3 hours in your galleries for Sinop. Thanks for beeing here and taking these wonderfull photos and sharing them with the rest of the world. I appreciate all the nice work you have done. All the best. Oðuz
Dick Osseman23-Sep-2011 17:16
I was not even aware such a spot exists. I do not think I will bother, sorry. Thanks for the compliments, though.
sarosh 22-Sep-2011 15:40
Ilooked thru the pics of Troy...amazing .I visited troy,pergamum and ephesus this summer.It was an unforgettable experience.Do you have any pics of the tumulus of Achilles...i tried so hard to find it...took the road to kumkale right to the edge of Dardanelles but unfortunately it was off limits.I am sure there is another way
sophia 08-Sep-2011 05:46
Dear Mr Osseman
I will be visiting Turkey soon & yr hundreds of pics are indeed helpful. Thank you so much.
Bülent Deniz 05-Sep-2011 07:16
Dear Dick, I think Turkish Government should appoint you as a honorary consul! What you did is an upmost admirable work. Thank you thank you thank you. . . .
Özgür 27-Aug-2011 09:26
Hi Mr. Osseman, I am your admirer. Please keep the good work! Best regards.
Chucttruh 19-Jul-2011 03:54
Very informative post. Thanks for taking the time to share your view with us.
Usequenet 17-Jul-2011 05:23
Thank You For This Blog, was added to my bookmarks.
M. Connelly 12-Jul-2011 16:36
Enjoyed your pics. of IZMIR. My husband was stationed at Cigli AF base from 1963 to 1966. We lived on base, but did get to Izmir often. It was agreat city and I often wonder what it looks like now. Thanks for posting the great pics. Brings back memories.
Mary Villegas 11-Jul-2011 19:58
I am going to Turkey (Diyarbakir) in Sept. and I was looking at your pics and they are great. Loved them.
optodielmived 11-Jul-2011 05:34
Very Interesting Post! Thank You For Thi Post!
effildIncitle 11-Jun-2011 12:30
You certainly have some agreeable opinions and views. Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject.
Alice 25-May-2011 19:55
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photos. I visited Turkey for 2 weeks and am enthralled with the country. I wanted to take it home with me. But it looks like you have.
Dick Osseman03-May-2011 05:45
Hi, Phyllis,

I have not been at Göbekli, I think the site is not open to visitors. I do show copies of some of its' statues that are exhibited in Urfa at a cultural centre, see there.
Phyllis 02-May-2011 22:45
I see you returned to the southeast in 2010. I am wondering if you have ever made it to the Gobekli Tepe site outside of Sanliurfa?
Adjemova 26-Apr-2011 07:57
I lake view Tekirdag
Guest 15-Apr-2011 13:33
Thanks for the beautiful images! They provide a window into places that are difficult to travel to. I have been to Ani, but not at this time of year that you were, when the flowers bloom and the ruins are green. Now that I have found your pictures, I will look at them often-a tremendous resource!
Gail Boyajian
Rita 08-Feb-2011 00:38
I am the Rita that you are looking for. But they have the last name incorrect, my last name is Thornton. The Maniz's lived across the hall from us, and my husband's name is Dan. My e-mail is and you may give it out to this person, Thank you and I do love your pictures.
Dick Osseman06-Feb-2011 10:32
Hello Peter,

Thanks for liking my pictures site about Turkey. In my signature you can see I have some other galleries also.

You sent the same message several times over, that was not necessary. I have a filter on. Only after I approve of a message I will make it visible, because I used to have trouble with extreme nationalist Turks writing nasty messages.

I did see the albums that you have sent a link for, and I like your colour sense. I am too busy to follow all the creative works of people who write me, so I will not make it a habit. I used Google and saw a bit more about you:

Internet is fascinating, isn’t it? The things you can see, read, hear? Enjoy, have a good day,
Peter Sanci 06-Feb-2011 00:18
DUNDAS ONTARIOhttp!435&authkey=JpXMl!Up8Jg%24

://!291!435 12-Jan-2011 12:48
HELLO,your website si good,think your porting
H.Cihat Azizoglu 11-Jan-2011 23:51
Hello Mike Marunchak
I am Cihat,maybe you will remember me from Diyarbakir.Those wonderful days in 60's.Please forward my deepest respects to your dad and mother.My e-mail is
Esspweb 05-Jan-2011 12:54
Great website. I have no words for it.
Lloyd Bakke 27-Dec-2010 00:40
I was stationed at Trabzon in 1960and61. I too was fascinated with the area. Do any of you remember the pet bear that was located at the site? I have just located this site and I am very impressed with the current pictures. Nothing like when I was there. Thank you for all of your hard work in putting this together.
Kenan 09-Nov-2010 17:37
Hi Dick,
After sometime I am back to your site. Because I wanted to send a link of your website to a friend. I just finished reading your profile(updates, etc.). You are such a fine human being. The world would have been a much better place if there were more people as well rounded and wise as you are. Thanks so much for all the great pictures and allowing me to visit part of my own country in fine pictures that I would have never have achance to see. Keep up the great work. Kenan
Les Le Gear 09-Nov-2010 14:53
Hi. I was stationed in Izmir in 1970-71 and am looking for photos of the NCO Club, Theater (next door) and AAFES Newstand across the street. If you have photos would appreciate sending copies to me. Thanks.
Levent Haydaroglu 02-Nov-2010 11:37
Merhaba Dick,

bu harika fotograflarini yayinladigin icin cok tesekkür ediyorum. Hepsi birbirinden ilginc ve güzel. Seneye Agustos veya Eylül aylarinda Dogu Anadoluya gezi planliyoruz, senin gidip resimledigin doga harikalarini görmek icin. Tekrar tesekkürler. Stuttgart'tan selamlar.

Lieber Dick,

tausend Dank für Deine herrlichen Fotos. Wir planen eine individuelle Reise im August/September 2011 nach Ostanatolien, wo Du viele wunderschöne Fotos gemach hast. Viele Grüsse aus Stuttgart.
FocusingOnWildlife.com24-Oct-2010 12:22
superb images, will check your site on regular basis.
Tom 12-Sep-2010 17:10
Thanks for taking the time to post and caption these photos, Dick. We travel to Turkey often to visit family and friends and to visit our home. You have the best collection of areas, sites and information that is similar to my families interests. Cok tesekuraderim.
Larry Waymire 26-Aug-2010 18:50
Your Pictures are great, interesting and very helpful with Bible study.
Janet Moore 20-Aug-2010 01:05
Your pictures are so wonderful and brought back so many great memories for me. I lived at 250 Cumhuriyet Bulvani, Izmir in an old house from 1968 till 1974 and loved every minute I spent in Izmir. I found out that the house next door at 252 is now a gallery and saw a picture of the house on a web site but it did not include the connecting houses so I was not able to see ours. Thank so much for your collection of pictures, they are truly wonderful and beautiful. They capture the beauty of Izmir and all of Turkey.
John Edwards 21-Jul-2010 12:02
Hi Dick,
I am back once again to enjoy your wonderful images. After gaining your permission to use some of them for teaching purposes a couple of years ago I just want to thank you for that.
I think your contribution to our understanding of others and of our own histories will not be forgotten.
Kind regards
John Edwards
Mustafa Derya 02-Jun-2010 06:30
Dear Dick, first of all thank you very much for all those beatifull pictures from my lovely country. You did marvellous thing by the help of photograhy's documentary power. As I guess, you spent enough time at each place to asses local values and symbol of the cites, because your photos reflect local symbols very well. The quality of pictures : No words to say, each of them are perfect.

Once more, thanks for your work ( emeðine saðlýk ), Turkey will continue surprising you and all of us.
Ron Johnson 23-May-2010 23:34
Dick, I found your site from my research on Sumela. I was stationed in Trabzon, Det 3-1 during 1962 and the Cuban Missle Crisis. This was one of the premier events in my life. Going out on the Black Sea, hiking up to Sumela, even hitchhiking to Samsun. The people were wonderful, espeacially when we arrived by thumb at smaller cities and went to the Chai house in the evening. They always sent for a man who spoke English and wanted to know all about the USA and tell us all about themselves. I haven't been back since and note the many changes as presented in your pictures. Like Douglas McArther however, "I Shall Return". Thanks for your efforts.
Necmi Ornutalı 11-May-2010 06:06
Güzel Türkiyemin her bölgesini Zaman Zaman Gelip fotograflarýný çekiyorsunuz bizler içinde güzel bir kaynak elinize saglýk çektiginiz Türkiye fotograflarýný kopyalayabilmem mümkünmü müsede edermisiniz Kopyalayabilmem için bana dan link verirseniz memnun olurum. Ýstanbula geldiginiz zaman sizinle tanýþmak isterim.
web sitem
intranet27-Apr-2010 07:53
Great articles and website, thank you very much.
please return to visit my business intranet :) thank you.
diyapolis 14-Apr-2010 08:25

Thanks to good work ...

We're still waiting for work, and the new photo.

best regards.
Ozan Senli 20-Mar-2010 18:55
I loved the pictures. Makes me miss certain things..
Phyllis Eddings 08-Mar-2010 20:34
Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I wish I had found your site sooner! I love older building myself, so appreciate your affinity for them as well. I am amazed at how many you have posted, as well as how many trips you have made to Turkey. I have only been 2 times, and there are so many places I still want to see. You've made it possible.

You should consider publishing a picture book of Turkey. I have yet to find one at all, and rarely see good photos in those that include Turkey in a broader topic. I'd be first in line to buy it!
Rana 26-Feb-2010 23:35
Dear Dick,
I am writing from Turkey and working as professional tourist guide.I want appraise you for your fascinating web site, pictures and your great knowledge about history of my country.
Rana Rizvanoglu
hammoudeh24-Feb-2010 14:50
hiiii Dick...its very nice of you.i am Ahmad Daoud from Jordan i would like you to help me finding my missing uncle,his name is (soleeman Daoud)(ÓáíãÇä ÏÇæÏ( he left jordan long time ego i think in 1966 .we heared that he is in Turky and he used to have Gas Srtation in Edrine,,also we heared that he is married & having nice family,but we realy do not know,we do not have any messages or letters from him.but for me i knew him i was kid,,but never to forget his smile and his personalty even if it is 100 yeras.
Carrie Boelter 12-Feb-2010 02:03
My family and I were also stationed in Izmir from 1970 to 1972.We lived 3 blocks from the sea front.We had a great time there.Looking back from the photos from now to when we were there,it's beautiful.Back then in the 70's,Izmir looked very poor.That pier has changed from 1970 big time!Awesome.Keep bringing memories for us whom once called Izmir our home.Thank you.Carrie
Trish French 10-Feb-2010 20:18
Thank you very much for your wonderful website. We were stationed in Izmir from 93-95. It is sad that it has been turned into an unaccompanied tour, now so many will miss out on a magnificant part of the world. We had a wonderful time there. We lived on Biring (sp) Kordon. My husband worked in Buca. We had a 2300 sq ft Apartment over looking the bay for $600 (what a steal) of course back then the bay was not as pleasant as we have heard it is now, but we sure had a nice breeze going in the summer when we opened all the windows. We miss the bazaar, and the day trips to Ephesus. We miss Bodrum and Bursa. I particularly loved Bursa for the silk shopping HEHE. Thanks again for having a wonderful website! :)
Fatma Özen 17-Jan-2010 11:56
Hi Mr. Osseman.
These are wonderfull pictures from our big, lonely and beatiful country. Thank you for your sharing.
Turgut Var 16-Jan-2010 18:53
Excellent Pictures. Very informative and represent a scholarly effort that I have ever seen.
Elixir 14-Jan-2010 04:19
Hello Dick

I love your photoes, your story and thank you very much for everything in this site.

I will go to Hasankeyf next March...Do you have some advice? :)
Alex 07-Jan-2010 10:42
Dear Dick

Wonderful library, the best I've come across for Turkey. Thank you
Osman 29-Dec-2009 20:41
Hello Dick,
Many thanks for sharing your photos of Turkey. They are very expressive and capture the essence of the country.

Hansu 02-Dec-2009 23:07
Dear Mr. Osseman,

I only wish that I could have written these lines in Dutch; I loved the pictures, I loved the stories and I do truly appreciate that you share them with others. Being a Turk, who is way too far from home, you reminded me of so many beautiful things, including some tastes and smells.

Oprechte dank en alle beste voor u


yasin aydın 22-Nov-2009 22:33
Bu çok güzel fotoðraflar için teþekkürler Mr.Osseman.
servet eker 20-Nov-2009 18:16
what all you mean some one coming to your country and trying for you that everyone can see how beatiful is your land... and you all screaming on him... you will never be a real human poor turks... regards to you dick
Okan 05-Oct-2009 00:23
Dear Mr. Osseman,
I love your pictures and I want to thank for all that what you did/do .

Greetings from your neighbour country,Germany :-)
Ron 14-Sep-2009 19:51
Dick, I have lived in Turkey on and off for several years. Since I was unable to visit as many sites as you my "hat is off to you" for providing us ex-pats with your pictures.
1 Demirci de Bursa'dan 13-Sep-2009 09:46
M.ERCAN TOS(memi) 11 Eylül 2009 16:11 | BURSA(0538 240 07 07)
Ed Roberts 06-Aug-2009 20:13
What a collection.

i lived in iskenderun in 1967-68 and loved the place more than I can tell you. I've written about it, as it was then, but now it is huge, metropolitan and a major steel city. Then its was 70,000 souls all Arabs become Turkish citizens. I was immersed in the town and culture and literally became a member of a family who spoke no English - thus I became quite fluent in Turkish.

Bugun benim sozler gitmis ama Turkce cok severim ve benim arkadaslar eskidan bende cok ozlemiyorum.

Cok tesekur edrim, Dick, daha fotograflar lazim eger Iskenderunde gidiyoursunuz bir zamanki.

Allah Islmarladik.

Ed Roberts
Ann Tucker 23-Jul-2009 16:31
I have a Turkish friend who emailed me this site and I was thrilled to see Izmir again. We lived on Cigli '65-'67 and I loved Turkey and its people!! My spouse was Tilford Tucker, an Air Policeman on Cigli. If you knew us please email me. Thanks again for the pics.
Elizabeth Radley 08-Jul-2009 16:44
PS I found this website which are computer reconstructions of Byzantium Monuments in case you are interested.
Elizabeth Radley 08-Jul-2009 16:42
Hi Dick -- I have been meaning to thank you for all your photos. It is truly a work of love. I used your site extensively while planning my own trip to Turkey this past April. It helped me to decide which places I wanted to see in my short time there (5 weeks, which seems a lot, but is really nothing). I agree with you that the eastern part of Turkey is more interesting, but since I had never visited I am glad I saw the sites of Troy, Bergama, Ephesus, and Perge (wish I hadn't missed Aphrodisas). I am planning a return trip to start in Antioch and am glad to see your postings for Syria. Thanks again for your dedication and such wonderful photos being made public. Elizabeth
beth 23-Jun-2009 20:53
Thank you for the great pictures!We are moving to Incirlik in February and we have been looking for any information that we can find about what we can do and see while we are there.
Anïta from Denmark 22-Jun-2009 21:07
The photos are truly pretty nice. I've been having looks at your site for a while and to have opportunity to see these beauties without going to Turkey is so good indeed. All the photos have various particularities and that makes them likeable. I'm dreaming of the day I'll see this beauties closer. However, it's likely impossible for even a little trip at the moment since I'm so busy with my job in my own country. At the future, I'd like to have a summer house in the Aegean cost. Thank you.
keya horn 22-Jun-2009 15:51
Thank you for such beauty. Do you have the shots of the temple at Kars? I saw them this weekend and can't
seem to access them. They are the ones with the reliefs of the postures around the outside.
Rick Scott 20-Jun-2009 05:12
Thank you so much for your work. It has opened my eyes to the many wonderful things in Turkey.
emine 18-Jun-2009 15:17
Hi, Mr. Dick, I am following your site for years, I can say you are a great photographer and very interesting man. Your site is a great database. Thank you very much for all... I just want to ask your copyright policy? I couldn't found at the site.
Steve Takesian 11-Jun-2009 05:04
Thank you so much for the wonderful Photos of Turkey. You have givin me a look into the area of my family. Thank you so much
cüneyt 01-Jun-2009 23:02
Dear Dick,
The words are not enough for your works.I ama an architect.Tonight is the worst night of my life..Suddenly I recognised your website.You gave me and made me open different types of life.I needed this.Thanks Dick ! go on keeping travelling...
Selim Bilgin 27-May-2009 09:31
Dear Dick,
I have been living in Moscow for more than 15 years and whenever I need to be happen in my lovely country, I remember of your beautiful site. I am from the north-east region of Turkey and some 2 years ago I sent you an e-mail asking for a joint visit to that part of Turkey, namely Artvin and surroundings. My invitation is always valid and I am sure it would be interesting for you to visit places with a local person in order to get deeper knowledge. Anyway, I hope you keep on this valuable study and give us opportunity to visit places through pictures.
Herbert Engl 20-May-2009 13:41
Dear Dick, I stumbled across your picture galleries by chances - and was awestruck! Not only is it an amazing collection from all over Turkey, but one can also feel your love and admiration for Turkey and its people. My wife and myself have been to most (not all) of the places you describe . We will take your work as a guidance for future travels. Next week we are leaving for a two weeks journey taking us from Ankara to the Aegean coast - your photos came right in time to prepare our minds. Tekrar cok tesekkür ederiz, selamlar!
angele 14-May-2009 11:24
i had a very special friend from istanbul turkey and we were very good friends i wish to find her please her name is fusun buyuklu went to visit her about 12 years ago.wish to get in touch with her iam from malta my name is angele cassar bye thanks
Kathy 13-May-2009 17:20
I want to thank you for your pictures. I lived in Turkey for 3 years from 1962 to 1965. My father was in the Air Force, we lived in Cigli on (an AF base) about 60 miles, I think north of Izmir, so I have really enjoy seeing your pictures. We went to Ephesus and Pergama many times. I don't remember the ruins in Izmir, so either they were not completely uncovered or I have merged them with Ephesus. We also had a lay over in Istanbul in 1965 and two Turkish stewardishes took us to Topkapi, and that is how I found your site. I mostly remember all the jewels, because I had seen the movie Topkapi, so it was very interesting for to see these pictures from so long ago and remember and wonderful time we had living in Turkey. We also stayed in Izmir before we left in the Hotel Ephesus, I don't know if it is still there, but at the time it was brand new. Again thank you so much for these pictures, I will tell my sisters about them I know they will also enjoy them.
Frederik Daniëls 29-Apr-2009 11:48
Dank je voor de prachtige foto's Dirk!
Een aanrader voor je volgende fotoreeks: De antieke stad Sagalassos tussen Isparta en Burdur. Een van de best bewaarde klassieke sites van Anatolië waar elke zomer een team van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (België) opgraaft.
Het splinternieuwe museum van Burdur toont de vondsten en is naar mijn bescheiden mening één van de mooiste en interessantste van Turkije.
Frederik Daniëls, België
Anca 28-Apr-2009 12:36

Dear Dick,
Hello from Bucuresti(Bucharest) Romania. I find your pictures to be a great use for my future traveling to this beautiful place in 20 may 2009 .I enjoyed watching your photos. Thanks a lot for sharing them.
28 .o4.2009 Anca

Mürüvet Koldaş 26-Apr-2009 12:46
Teþekkürler ve tebrikler.Emeðinize saðlýk.Fotoðraflara bakýnca neden orda deðilim ki dedim.Ekonomik durumumu düzeltip aþýk olduðum (köy,kýyý- köþe,anýt- heykel, müze,salaþ bir köy kahvehanesi,gizli kalmýþ herþey,bir kuzu,yalnýz gezen bir köpek..)'milas,bodrum,kapýkýrý,kayaköy,fethiye'...size gelicem.Gezmek,görmek,keþfetmek ve kendimi tekrar þarj etmek istiyorum.AKLIM ORALARDA...
Terıe Leıjs 11-Apr-2009 11:52
Dag Dýck
Mýjn naam ýs Terýe Leýjs, 67 jaar. Ik loop vanaf Istanboel naar Hatay en was býj Hasan Hüseyin Avcu. Zýj ontvýngen me gastvrýj en výa hun PC zag ýk jouw sýte. 9 Meý ga ýk terug naar Nederland en maak een verslag met foto s van deze tocht. Daarbýj zal ýk zeker regelmatýg jouw mooýe sýte raadplegen. Komplýmenten, ýn de haast zag ýk maar flýtsen, maar het zýet er mooý uýt. Jammer dat ýk het nýet eerder wýst, zodat ýk het voor deze"tocht kon gebruýken.
Terýe Leýjs
Verslag van tocht vorýg jaar ýn PDF op onder actýes
Guest 07-Apr-2009 02:29
Merhaba Mr. Osseman, your Web site is a welcome for my memory of great times for an Air Force assignment that was, as I can describe as a young man (when I was 19 years old assigned in 1970 to the American Hostani (Izmir Turkey) as fabulous. My name is Gregory Schlegel, Sargeant USAF 1967 - 1971, Izmir,Turkey - American Hostani, Medical Service Corp. Your photo gallary of Izmir is spectacular. I still have excellent memories of the lovely areas of Izmir inluding the many Scuba diving spots that many of us (US divers), who were assigned to the American Hostani, went to on the weekends. I was assigned to the Hospital and those friends I recall were Dr. Paul Kaminski MD, Dr. Goldman DDS, Dr. Frank DVM, Jeffry Pribel, Capt. (Pharmacist), TSgt Bill Mabee, Sargeant Wally Yearchek and etc. Are there any pictures that anyone can post on this site of the American Hostani (Hospital) and surrounding areas (such as the NCO Military Club and the Officers Club)? I recall (as a member/ attendee) of the Gran Efus Hotel Pool Club (swim and Bar area). Paul Kaminski, MD Ob/ Gyn, myself and others from the hospital, spent many hours at the pool area just to relax and spend time with friends. Any pictures? All the best to my Tuslog 119 friends - please keep in touch!
Mr. Osserman I also recall many great Marine / ocean sites where many of my friends and myself went scuba diving and never disrupted the aquatic sites and respected the Turkish laws by not removing any of the relics or property of sites I visited during deep water dives in the Agean Sea but I left them behind / for other divers and the Turkish to continue to possess. I look forward to returning to Izmir when I visit again maybe in a year or so. I took many pictures of Turkish cities and other beautiful locations (Kayseri, Marmarouis, etc (along the Turkish coastline) and other great areas where I visited during my assignment and visit in 1969 - 1971 sites Where in your Web site can I view to recall some of the areas in Izmir where I once visited? Where can I see pictures of the American Hostani, Kultur Park, there was an Islamic place of worship close to the Amerikan Hostani, US Military APO / Post Office. Thank you for your Web site and generosity. Best Regards, Greg Schlegel
Gregory Schlegel 27-Mar-2009 06:43
Gregory Schlegel, Sargeant USAF 1967 - 1971, Izmir,Turkey - American Hostani Medical Service Corp. Your photo gallary of Izmir is spectacular. I still have excellent memories of the lovely areas of Izmir inluding the many Scuba diving spots that many of us (US divers), who were assigned to the American Hostani, went to on the weekends. I was assigned to the Hospital and those friends I recall were Paul Kaminski MD, Dr. Goldman DDS, Dr. Frank DVM, Jeffry Pribel, Capt. (Pharmacist), TSgt Bill Mabee, Sargeant Wally Yearchek and etc. Are there any pictures that anyone can post on this site of the American Hostani (Hospital) and surrounding areas? I recall (as a member/ attendee) of the Gran Efus Hotel Pool Club (swim and Bar area). Paul Kaminski, MD Ob/ Gyn, myself and others from the hospital, spent many hours at the pool area just to relax and spend time with friends. Any pictures? All the best to my Tuslog 119 friends - please keep in touch!
SANDRA SARANDINOU 24-Mar-2009 22:30
jana 24-Mar-2009 05:48
ilove it! evry pics shows the beauty of turkey... keep it up!
Melissa 21-Mar-2009 05:39
Hi. I am Melissa from New York. Wonderful wonderful. I enjoyed every pictures. Keep shooting Turkey. :)
Guest 19-Mar-2009 16:32
hallo herr .. Al-Muhamed

ich hab dein e-mail übersätzt auf deutsch ich hab zwa nicht ganz verstanden aber sie können mir bitte auf arabisch erklernen was sie meinen ... ich komme aus dem irak ich heiße Hammad Didar und wohne in Austria in stadt Linz Oberösterreich ..

MFG Hammad didar aus linz
Guest 19-Mar-2009 13:55
Hi! As an American living in Turkey (Adana to be specific) I am always on the lookout for websites to share with my family and friends back in the United States. I can't wait to explore yours a bit more and share it too! Thanks for this site and all the positive interest it generates in a country I am now happy to call home!
Connie 18-Mar-2009 22:14
Hello from Texas,
I love your pictures. Like you, I have been all over Turkey. I have enjoyed looking at your pictures as they remind me of all the places I've seen.
Rory 14-Mar-2009 00:40
Merhaba! I came across your site while searching - a new friend from Bolu invited me to come over and I was doing some research to see what it's like. Your pictures sure influence my decision to go. I have been to Turkey many times, and I would never get tired of going. Love the country, the people and it's one place I would always be comfortable in. Thanks for your pictures of daily life, and of obscure places - sometimes we do need to get off the tourist path. Love your pictures of Adana and Incirlik. I remember walking those same streets. I hope you don't mind if I direct my friends to your site. I want them to see the reason why I keep coming back to Turkey. Thanks for the memories and please keep them coming!
Poseidon33 12-Mar-2009 12:30
Wouw! Great pictures, great work! An excellent source of picture gallery for several places in Turkey...

Thanks again...
ahmet kucukercan 03-Mar-2009 15:31
actually looking for the name of the firm (municipality) who actually manages the public transports (tramways) in Kayseri.
Hope you can help...
Thanks in advance!
somebody is asking you abaut the firm manages the public transports (tramways)the name of this firm is YAPÝMERKEZÝ.and ý would like to say you it was a graet job.the pictures in kayseri was fantastic congratulations.many greatings from kayseri turkey
Dick Osseman15-Feb-2009 17:26
Thanks for the comment and as for Bandirma: see
cigdem askin 15-Feb-2009 16:31
Dear Mr. Osseman,
I came accross your web site and photos of Turkey through e-mail traffic. My husband and I are both from Turkey and we live in USA. It was a pleasure to see the photos of our towns, a wonderfull wonderfull trip and brought back old memories. What a great hobby you have, I must congratulate you for taking the time to post your photos onthe web. I am honored to have you in our country as a traveler who photos "real life" of Turkey. yes there are a lot of photos of old homes, streets etc. but that is the true life of the public not the wealthy ones. Once again, thank you for being realistic and showing the truth. WE LOVED YOUR PHOTOS and will go back to take a look at them as I have time. Have you been to Bandirma? It is in the city limits of Balikesir.
Jacqueline Molinas 15-Feb-2009 01:00
Dear Mr. Osseman,
I was in Canakkale in 1994, how it has changed. I saw people on horse and buggies. Both grandparents came from Canakkale in 1911. I went to the Synagogue Where my grandparents were married and saw my family name on the outside of the Synagogue. I also, went to the cemetery and saw family names there. I have great pictures of Canakkale and wonderful memories. I'm so sorry that my grandparents weren't alive for me to tell them or show them how the town has changed. My grandmother used to tell me how she went to the river to wash the clothes.
Ebubekir 09-Feb-2009 14:46
I’m watching your photo’s whenever I have time, and I would say: they are great. I’m wondering the perspective where you take your pictures from. They bring me in an another world.

And I would thank you for your fantastic photo’s especially of my parents hometown Erzurum.
I have been there for 3-4 times in my live which I can remember the last time in 2005. Because of you photo’s of Erzurum, I’m thinking to go there in summer holiday. With of course a new photo camera .
Sorry for my bad English ;-)

Ebubekir, The Netherlands
Paul 09-Feb-2009 07:55
Thanks for all your hard work, but where do you plan to go next. I live in Alanya and there are a lot of sites in this area that haven't been covered by anyone as far as I know so where are you going to next? I can't thank you enough for your site.
Helo08-Feb-2009 04:37
Dick, thank you for the great pics especially in and around Ankara, Adana, Izmir and others. My stay in Turkey, on and off since 2004 have always been satisfying and now that I found your wonderful gallery of 'time' shots life is good!

Thank you!
Ron 08-Feb-2009 04:24
The photos in and around Izmir, Istanbul and Adana brought back found memories of my stay in Turkey, on and off since 2004. If one loves history Turkiye is a great place to live and visit!
EP Larson 07-Feb-2009 05:36
Great photo's Dick (Osseman)! I was employed at the Pirinclik Air Force Station as a civillian contractor working for General Electric from 1969 to 1988 and your pictures brought back fond memories. I have heard this radar base has since closed. You took a lot of great pictures that I wish I had done while I was living and working there - we were required to live on base but I did have a lot of Turkish friends living in Diyarbakir. I am wondering if you have published a book of your Diyarbakir photo's - if so, I would like to purchase a copy. Also, I enjoyed reading the comments from your guestbook. I was suprised to read some of the comments from men that had been stationed there. There was a little villiage just outside the base and lot of the Turkish men there worked on base. I notiecd a comment from Ibrahim H. Caglayan, whose uncle lived there - it was such a pleasure to read that a little boy from a poor villiage could earn a PHd It was such a small base, I bet I have seen some of these people somewhere on base. I found this site by accident this evening as I was curious what I would find if I just typed in the word "Diyarbakir". If anyone knows of any of the Turkish men that lived in Pirinclik and worked on base or US servicemen stationed there - I would enjoy hearing from you. ( Again, Dick - thanks for the photo's, the web site and look forward to seeing more pictures - Thanks again!!!
Sanal Durukal 24-Jan-2009 09:00
Dear Dick Osseman, Thank you for you beautiful photographs, may I recomment tou you to visit Dim Cave in Alanya ( Kestel district ) .That is a real NATURAL WONDER .
L. De Vos 09-Jan-2009 20:07
Dag Mijnheer Osseman, neem me niet kwalijk dat ik in het Nederlands een commentaar schrijf maar in mijn moedertaal gaat het me best af. Nadat ik een paar jaar geleden, in voorbereiding van een Istanbulreis, op uw verbijsterend mooie foto's van de Aya Sophia was uitgekomen, heb ik recent opnieuw gebladerd in uw talrijke prachtige opnames. Ik wordt niet alleen geboeid door de talrijke verschillende invalshoeken maar tegelijk ontroerd door de aandacht die u heeft voor het spontane eerlijke poseren van kinderen, de schoonheid van 'vermoeide' gebouwen en van de achterbuurten. Dit is fotografie naar mijn hart. U inspireert mij, hopelijk verdienstelijke dilettant, telkens weer.
Grant Whittle 06-Jan-2009 22:52
Hello Dick,

Thank you very much for sharing these photos. What a wonderful legacy to leave of a life well travelled and well spent.

Guest 06-Jan-2009 18:47
Hi Dick,

I came across your website accidentaly looking for sculptures of the Alexander Sarcophagus. your photos are stunning. I am thrilled to have stumbled upon the photos that you have from the museum. I wanted to know if you had any more pictures of all four sides? I am a sculptor and have sculpted two parts of the sarcophagus. Also, I was wondering if you knew of any books that might have pictures of the Sarcophagus. It is hard to come across ones that are clear. Take a look at my website and look under Limited Edition.
Goran, the artist
karen Kallas 31-Dec-2008 00:01
Wonderful and evocative photos. You have quite a vast collection. Enjoyed viewing them! Am planning a trip to Turkey in May '09-can't wait to go. Thanks for sharing your art,
Karen, Chicago
Guest 27-Dec-2008 22:45
Your pictures reminded me of the Istanbul I fell in love with back in the 80s. Working and living there for 5 years left me with wonderful memories and even better wonderful friends. And you are quite correct in saying that Datca comes to life in the summer - it does but at a wonderful leisurely pace (I now have a home there)

Your photos are quite brillant thanks
Gamze 25-Dec-2008 09:35
Dear Dick Osseman,
Wonderfull work, thanks so much.
Güçlü Ildız 24-Dec-2008 22:05
Thanks Dick those fabulous pictures.
Levent Bickin 23-Dec-2008 14:45
Thank you very much dear Dick Osseman...
I am happy to see that foreign people love and enjoy my country !
you are always welcome to TURKEY!
Ellerinize saglik cok tesekkurler bu guzel fotolar icin.
Dick Osseman21-Dec-2008 21:41
I read your message concerning my work in Izmir, I never realized some people never see all parts of their city. Although even Amsterdam has some pockets where I rarely go I think I know my city well. However, I decided to wait until I am a few years older and a pensioner to start taking pictures of Holland. I have a vague plan to digitize pictures I have of Italy, again thousands of them. But for the time being it has to be Turkey.

Thanks for the kind message you sent, enjoy your city.
Breeze 21-Dec-2008 21:29
Dear Osseman,
Please allow me to offer you a hug. A see a fellow humanitarian, history, and art lover behind your camera. What your camera captured showed me parts of the city I grew up in, Izmir, that I never had a chance to see. I thank you for bringing me images from parts of the city that as a single, modern, young woman I would not have felt safe visiting or experiencing on my own, especially Suburbs and Night images.
Seeing the naked, lively and beautiful truth your camera could reveal might you have a similar set introducing other countries? How about your own, Holland? Could you show me your Holland?
Yasin 18-Dec-2008 21:13
yep, in short, photos show how Turkey is rich in all terms, but a gallery of this can not be built by a Turk. This what our problem is as a country. Thanks for your work Dear Osseman. You need to be given an award for your work.
Bill Sturdivant 18-Dec-2008 20:00
A friend sent me the link to your page on Karanlik. In 1967 as a U.S. soldier I was stationed in Sinop. Once a group of us made our way to Goreme. Thank you for these wonderful images of that ancient church. Now I'll go enjoy the remainder of what you have placed here for us all to enjoy. I'm in anticipation for any pictures from the Black Sea. I never learned to spell the language but in phonetics ... Alaishmaladik.
jacqui 16-Dec-2008 23:34
i came across your site this evening and found it very interesting. I have spent many happy hours in Turkey but not in the remote places there. I have friends who live in Diyarbakir and it as opened my eyes as to the different conditions they live in compared to the holiday places most of the youngsters work in many thanks
musham 11-Dec-2008 16:05
fatma 03-Dec-2008 13:27
thank you mr.Osseman for your attention.turkey is a haven but a lot of people isn't unawareness.i m happy because we have some peopple like you.
yok 26-Nov-2008 17:00
I wish that you would pictured other areas too not only poor backside of the city like ''tillo'',''kýz tepesi'', ''garnave'' ,''kezer'' etc. But ý sould thank you too for taking great pictures of SÝÝRT

Laura 21-Nov-2008 17:33
I came accross your site today...thank you for the beautiful pictures...they brought back many memories. We were stationed in Izmir 97-2000. We lived behind the American hospital (Kut B was the building, I dont remember the street name)and have many fond memories of our time there. I hope we can return again in the near future.
sally 14-Nov-2008 21:52
hi do you think you could find me an english speaking msn group from karsiyaka denizli
soha essam el-dien 12-Nov-2008 06:54
hello first :)
am soha essam from egypt am anthroplogist ,am soo happy that i found your site and see all your nice pictures.
i got a beautfull eyes to took this shots :))
i decided 2 go with my familly 2 have fun and i ll send my pic. to you to be update .
thanks again.
genevieve 19-Oct-2008 00:53
Is there American hospitals in Ordu Turkey? I want to move their when I finish nursing school.
Michael Lance Barrett 17-Oct-2008 01:17
Grettings from Maryland Mr.Osseman. This November, I shall make my 3rd trip to Turkey in as many years. My friends and associates think I am crazy. Henceforth, I am planning to link them to your amazing photo portfolio. My heart may be in Paris, but my soul is now in Istanbul. A friend promises to take me to his hometown of Konya. Thanks so very much for sharing this wonderful land, cultures and people.
Ibrahim H CAGLAYAN, PhD 16-Oct-2008 16:43
Hello Dick,
Congratulations for a truly fabulous effort. Born in Trabzon, I used to spend my summer vacations as a schoolboy at our hazelnut orchards right next to the US Airbase whose land was bought from my grandfather. That in itself is a story to tell. I have read notes from many airmen who have been there in the sixties as I had. I remember the good times I had with the airmen there some of whom I had befriended and invited to my uncle's home a few hundred yards away. Having polished my english with their help I later found myself living in the US for 15 years until my return in 1990. Your fantastic website puts many professional and government websites to shame. Congratulations and many thanks for your well appreciated work. Ibrahim H Caglayan, PhD Ankara TURKEY
Hüseyin ORDUHAN 15-Oct-2008 01:03
...Amazing...Ýncredible...Wonderful...I am greeting you with honour! Thank you so much...
Nizamettin 09-Oct-2008 06:47
thank you dear Osseman,very beatyful
Sheila 26-Sep-2008 01:20
Hi Mr. Osseman, I really like all the pictures you posted about Turkey, especially the ones about Mugla. I visited this place just this May 18 and I immediately fell in love with the place and the people, they are all very warm and friendly. All the memories I gained from this trip; from the people I've met and places I've been to, will deeply be treasured in my heart. I enjoyed my stay there too much, in fact I'm planning to go back and visit Turkey again (hopefully before end of this year)... but this time, it will be at my fiance's home town... Bursa... =D
I'll be looking forward to see more of your wonderful pictures...
Oğuzhan GÖKDENİZ 15-Sep-2008 18:46
Selam Mr. Osseman; Bugün seninle beraberdik yaklaþýk olarak 2 saat sohbet ettik. Seni Kutluyorum Türkiyenin Tanýtýmýný yaptýðýn için ama asýl kutlamam senin tarihi sözlerin. Bana bugün dedinki ben turist deðilim ben türkiyeliyim burasý benim memleketim. Çok hoþuma gitti biliyormusun. Seninde sýk sýk dilegetirdiðin Türk Ýnsanýnýn sýcaklýðý misafirperverliði bir baþkadýr. Hangi dine dile ýrka millete mensup olursa olsun Türkler Sýrt çevirmezler. Yani Bizde bir Yunus Emre amntýðý vardýr. "YARATILANI SEVERÝZ YARATANDAN ÖTÜRÜ" Mesajýmý Türkçe olarak yazdým çünkü sen çok güzel türkçe konuþuyor ve okuyorsun. Þu an Kozan'da misafirimizsin sanýrým yarýn Feke'ye gideceksin sana baþarýlar diliyorum saðlýcakla kal... (Bizim Huzeyfe Saðmen'in sana selamý var:) ) 13-Sep-2008 19:28
Walt 29-Aug-2008 22:13

You web site with all its pictures of Turkey brings back a lot of memories. I was stationed in Izmir twice with NATO and stayed three years each time. Your photos made my homesick for a visit back there. There were a few pictures missing that I would like to see. From reading your various comments, you probably have them, but not on the web site. One is of St. John's Cathedral in Izmir. The U.S. military leased the building for many years for use as a military chapel for the Americans stations there. I would also like to see pictures of the ruins of Philadelphia, modern Alashehir (Alasehir), Loadicea (Laodika?) near Denizli (between Denizli and Pamukkale), The few ruins in Akhisar would also be nice. The ones you have posted are great. Keep up the good work.
göksel genç 19-Aug-2008 15:47
Teþekkürler dostum,
Türkiye seninle gurur duyuyor...
nihal 19-Aug-2008 08:33
thank you very much dear Dick Osseman...
i am happy to see that foreign people love and enjoy my country !
you are always welcome to TURKEY!
Aydın 19-Aug-2008 07:56
çok teþekkürler Sayýn Dick Türkçe'de öðreniyorsunuz sanýrým ne güzel sizi kutluyorum.
Angie 03-Aug-2008 07:22
Thank you so very much for letting the world and myself see you wonderful pic of Adana Turkey I myself lived in Adana back in 1984/86 and loved my time yes the people are wonderful and the food well I just love the food I would eat at a small cafe called the cafe ROSE the best food
again thank you for taking me back.
makatbi 30-Jul-2008 12:21
Thanks for your efforts
sara ali 23-Jul-2008 18:04
WOW...I have been to Turkey several times, but your photos take me there in a way my own eyeys never could have. Thank you so much. Now I would like to go back and stay awhile.
himane12-Jul-2008 08:52
All I can say is I'm very impressed.
Guest 04-Jul-2008 09:05
slm millet
NAFIZ AKBULUT 22-Jun-2008 23:07
Guest 17-Jun-2008 08:56
Hey, what a great foto galery of Turkey! I have never seen such beautiful pictures! Thanks a lot! Lilian
Tamer Sağduyu 14-Jun-2008 12:53
Dear Dick; Thank You :)))
Anie 11-Jun-2008 09:02
Great to find your site, Dick, it's so much better to see pictures than to read descriptions.
It will help a lot in figuring where to go in Turkey, later this year.
Its a long way from a small coastal town in Australia, but somehow
I think I'll feel at home.
Alpaslan Yaman 28-May-2008 18:06

This website is awesome. I wish that I came across it last year when I was planning my trip to Turkey, first time back in 25 years and the first time for my wife and kids. However, I will surely place your link in my favorites and recommend it to others to use for planning their vacations. As a Turk, I am very happy to see that you have always enjoyed your visits and I hope that you and others that visit will always be made to feel welcome.

With kind regards,


P.S. I know that to do what you are doing takes a lot of time and effort and your love for it shows. We are all the benefactors of this effort, for this I am very grateful.
Kimberly Watson 21-May-2008 18:27
Dear Dick: I found your site by doing a search for photos of Mersin. I want to Thank you for the photos. My parents are actually there today. They are participating in the Eastern Mediterranean Yacht Rally and seeing your photos gave me an idea of what they are experiencing. You know, there are all types of things to see in other countries, and I feel your photos showed it ALL. Thank you!
Laurie Elle 11-May-2008 03:31
Dear Sir, I have just returned from my first trip to Turkey and I have fallen in love. I am already planning my return and it will not be soon enough. I have been researching the ceramic tiles from the Ottoman Empire which is what ended up bringing me to your incredibly beautiful site. I'm just beginning to look through your galleries and am thrilled to have the photos of the ceramics from the museum collections. I truly cannot get enough of the ceramics and your galleries are a rich resource for my study. If you have any suggestions for digging deeper I would love your thoughts. Thank you for sharing your obvious love for this incredible country,through your talented eye with your camera, your photos have completely captured my imagination and obviously the imaginations of many, as seen below in your viewers comments. Warm regards. I just saw the registration for the site, I'll do that later and post this as a guest.
Peter Muzyka 05-May-2008 11:22
Hello Dick,
You are amazing. Your photos and your captions provide an amazing travel log that is almost like visiting these places. It is great to see how people in other parts of the world live and to see the historical, artistic, and the culture of people in other countries. Please keep up the fantastic work. My only regret is that I had not found your site before now.
Sheyda 04-May-2008 23:50
Dear Dick,
it is very nice of you to exhibit the pictures you took. it certainly gives an idea about the city as seen by a visitor. i am sorry about the ciriticism and demands addressed to you by people who actually do not realize what you have done. i can only suggest that you read and understand them as a reflection of the culture, for it is only then that you may even enjoy them... i came accross with your page while searching information about Erzincan. i sincerely appreciate what you have done.
Guest 01-May-2008 18:48
Hello Dick Osseman,

I've been admiring your free soul - some of it clearly shows in your beautiful Turkey pictures. I thought I was a good traveler of Turkey myself but after seeing all the places you've been I'm humbled to say the least. Especially since you've been able to freeze and preserve what you've appreciated and then share.. Thank you, Enver Lucas
vilisia 29-Apr-2008 22:39
Le foto sono straordinariamente belle! Consentono di percepire il clima umano e le meraviglie di questa straordinaria terra che è la Turchia.
Molto efficaci soo i tagli ravvicinati che mettono a fuoco aspetti su cui non è semplice soffermare lo sguardo.
Bengü beken 29-Apr-2008 16:01
Dear Osseman
I really appreciate your photos. ADANA my country owing to you. Thank you very much for these perfect galleries. Thank you for the pictures. I

I love your photos.
Thank you for visiting Turkey
Tawnya Colegrove 29-Apr-2008 15:19
Dear Mr. Osseman,
I came across your site by searching for Iznik ware to buy. I lived in Izmir for about 8 months with my English husband who was working for Phillip Morris. I fell in love with the people. Everywhere I went I was welcomed. I love your pics because they show real life. This is one area tourism pamphlets will not show, only sea side resorts. I lived in an apartment & did volunteer work in an orphanage. I miss the outdoor market & the smells of fresh bread baking in the air. Keep up the good photos, you certainly have a charmed life to get to see so much of our world.

Tawnya Colegrove ( ).
mehmet gokdeniz 27-Apr-2008 21:31
Dilek 22-Apr-2008 13:04
Bay Osseman, çok güzel fotoðraflar, teþekkürler Abana fotoðraflarý için. Bir kez daha yolunuz Kastamonu Abanaya düþerse ,bizler burada size yardýmcý olacaðýz
Herr Osseman , sehr schöner fotografen , danke für den bilder von ABANA .
orhan salcı 16-Apr-2008 22:09
bay osseman.güzel sitenizi bugün keþfettim. yakýn zamanda kastamonu ya tekrar gelebilmenizi isterim. resimlediðiniz birçok eser restore efildi, birçoðu restore ediliyor.. geldiðinizde tanýþabilmeyi de çok isterim.. baþarýlar diliyorum ve teþekkür ediyorum þehrimize ve ülkemize olan ilginizden dolayý
orhan salcı 16-Apr-2008 22:05
bay osseman.güzel sitenizi bugün keþfettim. yakýn zamanda kastamonu ya tekrar gelebilmenizi isterim. resimlediðiniz birçok eser restore efildi, birçoðu restore ediliyor.. geldiðinizde tanýþabilmeyi de çok isterim.. baþarýlar diliyorum ve teþekkür ediyorum þehrimize ve ülkemize olan ilginizden dolayý
Nevzat CALIK 15-Apr-2008 18:24
Sayýn Mr. Ossemann
Türkiyeye göstermiþ olduðunuz ilgiye teþekkür ederim.
Bundan sonraki yaþamýnýzda baþarý ve mutluluklar dilerim.
Joseph Kioseloglou 13-Apr-2008 20:50
Dear Mr. Ossemann,
I am a Christian Ortodox from Istanbul living in Greece.
Congratulations for your photos, they are really nice.
You show me the places that my grand fathers borned (Karaman - Kayseri)
and the places that I have been when I was young. "ISTANBUL"
Really it is not possible to forget the place that you have born.
Thanks for your beautiful job
I have put it in the first place on my computer to show to my colleques my birth place.
Thanks again
Dick Osseman03-Apr-2008 21:22
Yes, all words you have to memorize. If you are young it will be easier.
Paolo 03-Apr-2008 20:42
Dear Mr. Ossemann,
I’m an Italian boy living in Genoa.
I fell in your website and your photo collections, because I’m planning next summer vacation in Turkey and I wish to see landscapes from this country.
Congratulations for your photos, they’re very high quality. Although I’ve never been in Turkey, I can say that your photos are showing the true country very far from sea resorts and worldwide known landscapes.
I read also your story with lot of interest, the first tours in the 80s, the comparison with my country Italy, that it seems to me you like very much.
Your photos are better than other tourism website or travel guide, you show a real passion and a deep feeling for Turkey.
Just a question: is it so hard to study Turkish?
Roberta Prandi 03-Apr-2008 20:27
Let me compliment you for your job and the very clear message you posted in your profile.
I absolutely agree with you: you share your pictures and you take pictures of what you like, that's all that matters. We should just enjoy them.
I visited Istanbul recently and I was absolutely awestruck by the city. Like you, I like the old parts, that 'hit' you behind every corner. My absolute favourite was the Ortakoy square, with the Mosque on the water and the bridge behind it. That is a fantastic mixture of old and modern, and I found the simbolism of the bridge uniting Europe and Asia just overwhelming.
I left my heart in that place.
Dick Osseman03-Apr-2008 11:48
I'll mail you later.

Thanks in advance.
Umit 03-Apr-2008 10:11
Hi,I liked the pictures and i want to thanky you to Mr. Osseman to advertise the Turkey. I have an offer to him to visit the village area of the Samsun also. Such as, I'm from county Ayvacik (before depended to Carsamba). I'm sure mr Ossemann will enjoy since we have real good places like two barrages, Yesilirmek river, good nature and delicious meals. Also I'll be appreciated to show our hospitality, means you can stay our home in our village which has good nature and my grandfather is permanently living there. Just contact with me...
Elva Fernandez 31-Mar-2008 08:45
dear mr. osseman:
Im a mexican girl that had the opportunity to got a job offer in turkey and i went to work to istanbul for a full year in 2003, really can describe my self that year like one of the best time of my life, i love my country (mexico) and i have been in many countries but my eyes never saw something like that, i made friends and fall inlove there too, but really after that year finished and came back to the other side of the world i felt like i was living in one place but my mind and heart where in other place thats why i decided to come back in 2005 and 2006 and i really dont get tired of it, now im living in canada and really i feel my self happy here but nothing like turkey, all people that ask me or even some friends that went with me in the last trips understand and are impress of how i speak of there, the country the people all all all really i love it, cok guzel!!!
Bob 30-Mar-2008 16:54
I lived in Turkey, Adana, from 1999 to 2001 and fell in love with the country and the wonderful people. I return about once a year, but your photos are so far above what I was able to take. I look at them and yearn to return sooner than my planned vacation in May. I thought I had traveled extensively throughout the country, but you have seen so much more. I envy you. Thank you so much for your photos. I will pass out your site address to all my friends that remember the country as happily as I.
guest 28-Mar-2008 07:15
I love your photos. Have you visited Arycanda - spectacular - built in layers up a mountain.

Selge is also well worth visiting as the Belgians are excavating and making fantastic finds like a x3 statue of Hadrian!
Hakki Gündüz 24-Mar-2008 07:15
Hi Dick
Ich sage Hut ab Super archiw Danke Dir für all Deine mühe Wir Lieben Dich.
Johan 15-Mar-2008 16:57
My wife and I visited Turkey in 1999 and found Kas the most beautiful place. My heart desires to go back there one day. Johan from Cape Town South Africa
ercan 15-Mar-2008 05:40
Hi Dick,du hast ja wirklich super Bilder gemacht-einfach toll!!!Ich habe selten solche schöne Bilder gesehen-bitte weitermachen!!!Schöne grüsse aus Bremen.
Stan Badger 10-Mar-2008 03:36
Dear Mr Osseman,
Thank you very much for all of the work you have done in Turkey and for making it available to the world. I lived in Ankara for 2 years in high school and after 40 years was finally able to take my wife to show her Turkey's wonderful history and the hospitality of her people. We frequently spend hours looking at your photos and hope to go back again some day. Many thanks!
TALAT 20-Feb-2008 16:01
Dear Dick!
Very nice pictures about Turkey, i am also from Turkey. I was born in Tokat, and live in Vienna /Austria, but i never see Photos like this before form Turkey. You are better than the tourimus department in turkey or an info page about Turkey.
Many many thanks! And good luck for your work.
Vielen Dank und alles gute
Dick Osseman19-Feb-2008 07:06
Dear Kemal,

Of course I remember. I have not been to Inebolu for a while, too busy elsewhere in the country. Thanks for the message.
kemal basoglu 19-Feb-2008 00:45
dear Dick,
first i want to thank for the nice pictures,i hope you may remember us.when you came to inebolu you used to drink coffee in the garden,oppsite of the mosque.i'm the owner of this patisseria.i hope to see you in inebolu again.bendensin :) thanks for everything
Guest 16-Feb-2008 12:46
My friend sent me your link in an email. I loved the fact with one click I can find out a lot about cities in Turkiye. Then I got cruios about you and read your profile. I just could not believe how people are trying to use the forum rather than simply appreciate for someone out there giving their time taking pictures, informing us and making us smile while looking at the pictures. I am from Eskisehir but live in America now. I am really happy that you love my country and are my country's friend. Keep up the good work, take the kind of pictures your heart desires. It is your work, your site... Thank you very much.

Erol Erdogan 13-Feb-2008 23:38
Hello Mr Osseman,
I am a Turkiye friend of Rens, I live also in Kusadasi. I saw a lot of your pictures, also I visited all of my country and never make any picture as like you. I feel me lazy and stupid. Thank you reminded me that Turkiye is such wonderfull nice country.
Erol Erdogan
Rens 12-Feb-2008 21:21
Hallo heer Osseman, met bewondering zit ik uw foto's te bekijken, ik ben door een Turkse vriend attent gemaakt op deze bijzondere website voor en over Turkije.
Ik woon in Kusadasi nu 2 jaar en hoef geen rondreis meer te maken, voor ik alle foto's heb bekeken ben ik wel een jaar verder.
Amzing all pictures, thank you so much you put Turkiye in the world as a country how have such nice historcal buildings and all others I cant say all by name.
Thanks from all my Turkiye friends.
Kusadasi 12 Subat 2008
Ferdi Sen 09-Feb-2008 03:50
Thank you for the very nice picture`s. I am from trabzon and i wasn´t there since 6 years.
Ulaş 08-Feb-2008 19:51
Dear Osseman
I really appreciate your photos. I'm recognizing my country owing to you. Thank you very much for these perfect galleries.
bilgen 07-Feb-2008 22:59
hi dick,I am from amasya and first of all ý want to say that your photos are wonderful.It is very nice to see amasya in such excellent photos..they are very nice that's they are xýzelich..tot ziens
bilgen türe 07-Feb-2008 22:55
dear dick,thank you for your such wonderful photos.I am from amasya and I liked your photos related to amasya.they are amazing,that's in Dutch they are xýhelich...I appreciate your art and your efforts..tot ziens
eRgUn 23-Jan-2008 23:36
Dear Dick Osseman,
it is realy very good work, but I could't find Tunceli in your galleries.I hope you'll add it soon.Kind regards...
fraser murray(scotland) 23-Jan-2008 14:27
thank you for showing our turkey,we have been visiting turkey for 21 years now.
Neil R. Huff 20-Jan-2008 01:41
Mr. Osseman: I lived in Adana in 1963 and 1964 before being transferred to Istanbul by CARE International. I loved living in Adana as it was then, and I can hardly believe how different it looks today. It has prospered and grown enormously. Your photos are excellent, and provide me with a good idea what has occured in the city in the intervening years. I came away from that four years in Turkey with a great respect for the Turkish people and a life long love of its food and culture.
Ken 18-Jan-2008 22:39
It is so sad to see some people ruin your otherwise fine days by utter ignorance by blurting shallow yet still provacative comments. All I can do is to thank you once again to perhaps neutralize some of that negative feedback. Your imagery is so real, I feel right thre as if taking the photos myself. You have been doing incredibly fantastic job (and unpaid public service)for Turkiye, or Turks (whether they are aware of it or not). I think that the government of Turkey should give present you with a medal honoring your work and should offer you a pension for the rest of your life.
Ali Levent Kaçmaz 14-Jan-2008 16:52
Dear Dick Osseman,
You are a modern "Evliya Çelebi".I am sure that you know him.I am a 40 year old Turkish citizen but I did not see many of the places you submitted to us.I would like to congradulate you for the job you did.I am knowing my country by looking the photos in your site.Many many thanks.
Ali Levent Kaçmaz
zee 13-Jan-2008 10:14
beautiful pics... i'm glad i found this site
stephanie 09-Jan-2008 23:30
mr osseman i often look at the lovely photos of urfa that you have taken i to like to look at old houses they have character and reflect the history of the area.i hope to go to urfa in april,as there is some one special waiting for me.i will look around and take my own photos(which will not be as good as yours) but some thing for me to look at and enjoy as well as yours.thankyou for taking your time to take these great photos.
Kathy 09-Jan-2008 06:55
Thank you for the pictures. I am in the process of learning about my family and where they came from. As happens, the family migrated to the US at the turn of the last century. I grew up when the Soviet Union was considered "Russia".. and no one really talked about where they came from.
I have begun a quest of finding the pieces of the puzzle to find out where my ancesters came from... and the first stop is "Kars Russia"... Thanks again for taking me to a place of my past...
naciye 08-Jan-2008 15:11
Mr. Osseman,
Sizi onceikle tebrik ediyorum,cok emek isteyen bir caliþma sergilemissiniz.Ancak ben bu calýsmanýn satir aralarini farkli okuyorum.Bir Turk olarak,ustelikde objektif olmaya dikkat eden biri olarak.Fevkalade bir cerceve icine inanilmaz bir anti propoganda resmini ustalikla yerlestirmissiniz.Bende Turkce bildiginizden cok eminim,hem bu sebeple,hemde sizi alkislayanlara; 4 ekmek kucaklayan cocuk,eli tabancali adam,sefaleti her halinden anlasilan,secilmis cocuk fotograflari,sokaklarda namaz kilan insan profilleri,yollarda yatan insanlarla, apacik bir milletin özetle tarihi gorkeminin uzerine gelismemisliginin vurgusunu yaptiginizi dusunduruyor ve ne yazikki okudugum alkislar bunu ne kadar basarili yaptiginizi gosteriyor.Her milletin ara sokaklarinda bu gibi,hatta daha vahim resimler cekilebilir,Sizinkinde de.Bence kendi ulkenizin bu yuzunude dunyaya tanýtýn.Sizi alkislayanlarada;biz bu kadar duyarsiz olursak ,daha cok pirinc ayiklariz demeden gecemiyecegim.Hepimize kolay gelsin!
Aaron 06-Jan-2008 23:22
Dick, thankyou for publishing your photos on the Internet. Your photos of Turkey brought back great memories! I can almost smell the food, bread, and fun I had while stationed at Incirlik. I think every one should visit another country. If it weren't for the military I would not know the joy or have the memories of such a splendid people and country.
carla yilmaz 05-Jan-2008 23:29
Thankyou for taking these wonderful pictures, i am particularly interested in the ones of ihlara having spent 6 months out there in 2006 whilst i got married to my husband (turkish, born in ihlara)and lived a traditional village life with him and his family whilst we sorted out his visa to return to the uk with me. The landscapes are breathtaking and the Hasan Dag mountain fascinates me. I have taken many pictures myself and am always on the look out for more images that capture the spirit of this amazing place, yours certainly do and i was thrilled to discover them this evening.
D. Tokay 05-Jan-2008 15:09
We, academicians appreciate your art and efforts to capture such fabulous sights from Turkey, the cradle of many civilizations, to present an extremely rich overview to all viewers. I was so proud and delighted to recommend your website to many EWCA[European Writing Centers Association]conferencees from all over the world as an organizer and chair. Your website URL is still on our EWCA 2006 Conference Website visited by many colleagues with admiration, and I find it as the best reference address to be given to any new international professional I meet at home and abroad.A BIG BRAVO and special "THANK YOU" to you. As Berger points out,"ART is in the eye of the beholder"!
Dick Osseman01-Jan-2008 09:56
I do not understand you either, I think it is best that we keep it that way.
bahadir 01-Jan-2008 03:07
i just noticed you and your atracctives..
firstly i thank you that you tried to meet our city to world from ice of a different nationality of world and secondly i dont like that you used and show our special, virgin and secret places.. dont get me wrong but we famous with secrets in the world in the Turkey, and you showed it everyone and wrote everywhere to warning to not let em write anything political.. you trying to give some message or something? i couldnt understand..
Joel Burnett 30-Dec-2007 06:36
Dear Dick Osseman,
I like old houses too and am amazed by the durability and variety in other countries. Here in the USA, houses seem to be built thinking of only two or three generations in the future. As a carpenter, I have a special appreciation for houses. I really enjoyed your galleries. Keep up the good work.
nazmi 27-Dec-2007 11:55
hi,ý suggest u to come beypazarý in ankara.ýt has many hýstorýcal buýldýng look lýke safranbolu houses.
ibrahim 26-Dec-2007 19:18
ellerine saglik (healt to you hands / turkish idiom) for all those pictures. no turkish tourist ministry was up to this time able to present comparable pictures of turkey an it's history. thanx-a-lot!
Diana 25-Dec-2007 02:45
Thank you for such glorious pictures. I am amazed by the beauty of this country and wish I could see it first hand, but for now I'll stick to your website. Thank you!!!!!!!!1
Dick Osseman20-Dec-2007 17:46
Seek and ye shall find
Guest 20-Dec-2007 15:43
Dear Dick Osseman,
good work, but I could't find Elazig or Harput(famous place in Elazig)in your galleries.I hope you'll add it soon.
D. Ates 14-Dec-2007 15:50
These pictures are so georgeous.Thanks alot for showing the beauty of Mersin.Also I have missed my hometown.Thanks to these pictures,I am so excited.
esra13-Dec-2007 11:35
Hi Mr. Osseman,
i'm the student of the teacher Melek
I like pictures very much,thanks a lot for these pictures
Zafer Yonar 11-Dec-2007 21:46
Hallo heer Osseman,
Heel toevallig heb ik deze site ontdekt (via via). Ik kom persoonlijk uit Iskenderun (provincie Hatay). Hoe u aan deze idee bent gekomen , weet ik het niet maar wat ik kan zeggen: Het is perfect. Ik wens u veel plezier en succes in uw leven. God zegene u.
met vriendelijke groet,
Zafer Yonar
Den Haag
Laurie 11-Dec-2007 15:18
Dear Dick

I came across your site after reading that the town of Hasankeyf is planned to be made into a dam - therefore destroying one of the oldest towns known to man. I will never have the pleasure of viewing this town first-hand so Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful pictures of this town and many others. For those of us in the world who don't get to see these places first-hand, you are keeping these things alive.
Guest 09-Dec-2007 21:11
I plan to visit Bursa this coming Tuesday after staying 9 days in Istanbul. I had determined my itinerary prior to viewing your wonderful photos and have now altered my plans due to your lush and effective shots. I so appreciate seeing the reflections of things through the eyes of sensitive viewers. Anyhow, thanks so much for presenting your work of a city which obviously is quite special. Barbara, Portland, Oregon, USA
Guest 08-Dec-2007 20:15
Great insight into Turkey for someone wh has never been. Great stuff.
Guest 06-Dec-2007 17:22
dear mr. osseman:
like everybody else before me, i believe your pictures are beautiful and the result of dedicated work at every stage. so, thank you very much (like everybody before has said). unfortunately, i cannot keep myself from wishing that it were a turkish person that presented the country in such a manner, which of course is no fault of yours. also i cannot keep myself from wishing that i could cover as much ground in such a period, which, again, is no fault of yours. anyways! thanks again, and please keep us posted with your new voyages, turkey and others.
Bahri Kiraz 06-Dec-2007 14:31
Hello Dick,
I saw your brilliant pictures of my Adana.
It is a great job!
Thank you so much!
Very best regads
ADANA´LI Bahri Kiraz
ali 06-Dec-2007 07:56
resimler harika cok cok tesekkurler
john 06-Dec-2007 07:55
thanks a lot for these pictures
Erdoğan KAYNAK 30-Nov-2007 16:05
No need to spend days and weeks to see all the beauties scattered all around Turkey. Any time, any where. They are all ready for your service. Just give a break and watch them.
Thanks for the hard work you have put preparing such a useful resource.
haci omer asla 25-Nov-2007 17:32
arkadaslan hayi belsirmaya bugunlerde biraz soguk ama insanlari hala sicak ve misafirperler bende fransadan haci omer aslan parcasi
Jackie 23-Nov-2007 22:15
Just looking at the pictures I have never seen Turkey other then the news or National Geographic so it was nice to see,
sedef inan from izmir 16-Nov-2007 22:07
Thanx for the wonderful work that you've done - I'm really impressed.
Please take more pictures of Izmir next time when you come here.
Ercan Badem 16-Nov-2007 13:35
Beautiful pictures! Excellent work! You are certainly a very talented person and I sincerely wish you continuous success in your future endevours, whatever they may be.
Ted Henderson 16-Nov-2007 01:23
Hi Dick,
recently returned from Turkey, and I found your site a great help in identifying and labeling my photos. I have been to Ephesus three times and to Sardis twice. I seem to have more photos of the places than you show. Perhaps you do not show all you have available. Before traveling to Turkey, I visited Greece. Do you have any photos of that country?

Bill 10-Nov-2007 18:46
I visited Turkey last year and have many digital pictures. If you want, I would be happy to share them with you.

William R. Feldman
Gold Canyon, Arizona
Gerhard Hägele 10-Nov-2007 08:40
Dear Dick Osseman,
thanks for your fine photographs from Turkey. I have enjoied skipping through the multitude of sights - while I was searching for Bitlis and Eastern Anatolia. I am an old guy - travelling in Turkey since 1960, coming back as often as possible. What a variety of landscapes, much history and so many good people. I wish you save journeys.
Best regards
web hosting 09-Nov-2007 10:53
Levent Ozturk 09-Nov-2007 08:33
Great job, you are incredible! I am sorry for that I can not make comments on the artistic side of your masterpice since I am not a photographer. But I respect your effort and unarguable achievement in depicting a contry's culture and history. I also had a flavour of my hometown Mersin which I miss very much...

Best regards
Fahri Mintes 30-Oct-2007 11:35
Mr. Osseman, I am really enjoying your pictures very much. Thank you for presenting them to the whole world. And I would like to invite you to Konurlar, the village I was born at. You are very welcome to visit Konurlar (district of Inegöl in the province of Bursa) whenever it suits you. This tiny mountain village is situated on one of the former silk roads and it is preserved excellently for those who love to travel in time. We own a residence (pasa Konagi) there and you can stay in it as long as you want. Once again, thank you. Fahri Mintes
lale 23-Oct-2007 15:27
a friend posted me this site and am I ever glad he did!
I am speechless - enjoyed it like hell!

Great work - u can see - u can capture what u see - and mostly, bring the soul out of the things u look at!
Congratulations and a big hug - if I may!
lale akat
Saygın Oyman 16-Oct-2007 17:48
hi mate,

this is an excellent job. im turk but will put my nationality back. i can not understand these stupid people still talking about that, we are on an art!! anyway, this is really something that everybody wants to do i think. i am really curius the rest what you have next. and would like to see all, if you think to visit turkey and bodrum, just store my e-mail. think we can share a lot... good job, well done
Dick Osseman14-Oct-2007 17:41
What's this: profile spamming?
Guest 14-Oct-2007 16:58
I saw your profile on the internet, so I decided to write you. You can have a look at my profile. And if I interest for you in next letter I will write you a little bit about myself.
Tim Harder-Parry 09-Oct-2007 13:36
Dear Dick,
A lovely site- sanely presented. My sister has lived in Ankara for about 20 years, and I have been fortunate to visit Turkey several times. I was in Cappadocia, and am delighted that the images you presented are similar to the ones in my mind's eye. Visiting your site was like going back to Cappadocia and seeing those places again. Thank you.
Guest 04-Oct-2007 22:29
As a turk who now lived and resided in the USA for the last 20 years, there is no better place to recommend (to my friends and others interested in Turkey) to see your galleries first before they head decide to have a vacation in Turkey or not. I lik to think that the officers of Turkish Government in time will recognize you as an unofficial ambassador to Turkey and will bestow upon you an honor in one form or another. And I sincerely hope that this will not remain just as a wish that I have that will never come true.. Thanks.
zeynep 04-Oct-2007 09:02
there are so many places to visit in turkey go on
NEVZAT 04-Oct-2007 08:13
Dick Osseman10-Sep-2007 17:00
To Erkan
i am glad you like my work. i am at it now, in Erzincan again.
Erkan Erdem08-Sep-2007 15:36
Dear Mr Osseman, I am sure that you heard about the famous Turkish traveller
"Evliya Celebi". Again and again I am coming back to your galleries to see places that I, as a Turk myself, never saw before. Your abilities of taking pictures and presenting them are amazing. You are one of the best. Thank you for sharing and representing this countries sights and beauties with everyone.
Kind regards,
Guest 27-Jun-2007 14:08
I think looking through your pictures is time well spent.
Guest 01-Jun-2007 12:21
I'm very pleased as I found your beautiful site. Please keep this site as long as possible.You'r photos are wonderful. Ýf you come Ýzmir. ý can help you.
Thanks again
Karthik Raja19-Mar-2007 15:28
Unbelievable! If there was ever an expert photo gallery on Turkey this is it! Wow!
My wife and I just returned from Istanbul and we ahd a wonderful time. We will definitely go back to see more of Turkey someday.
Cheers and keep sharing.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 06:42
I feel like an amateur when I look at your stuff.
Guest 08-Jan-2007 21:35
Mr. Osseman,
Your collection of photos, their meticulous organization and their presentation sets an absolute and unmatched standard. My deep regard.
Guest 19-Dec-2006 09:31
TÜRKÝYE VE ANTAKYA - HATAY tanýtýmýna saðlamýþ olduðunuz katkýlardan dolayý size teþekkür ederim. hazýrlamýþ olduðunuz çok güzel web siteniz için tebrik ediyor ve baþarýlarýnýzýn devamýný diliyorum bir ülke ve þehirleri avrupalý bir insan tarafýndan amatör ruhla ancak böyle tanýtýlýr bende kendi web sitemde sizin sayfalarýnýza ve profilinize link verdim.ellerinize ve yüreðinize saðlýk tekrar tekrar teþekkür ederim. Sevgiyle Saygýyla vede Saðlýkla mutlu esen kalýn.saygýlarýmla
Þükrü Yýlmaz
boran 13-Dec-2006 15:17
merhaba sitenizi beðendim çalýþmalarýnýzýn devamýný bekliyoruz
R.Tanju Sirmen 13-Dec-2006 12:08
Visiting is something; but sharing good memories with others, is really something!
Seeing my own country within your eyes (even the places I haven't see myself) is an excellent feeling.
Thanks for your effort.
Tulin 13-Dec-2006 11:31
Hi, i wonder if you only see women with scarf and gipsies in Turkey... It is for sure that partyl yes, but on the other hand i think you have missed picturing of modern part...
Altug Unuvar 12-Dec-2006 19:52
thanks a lot for these wonderful pictures. thanks from turkey/Ýstanbul
ömer turan 10-Dec-2006 19:28
hi to all ..firstly ý wanna tell thýs your website is really nice but you should have put much seasýde photos of samsun..but its nice as someone from samsun ý really like your website :)
nazife gök 08-Dec-2006 13:27
resimler çok güzel.özellikle dalaman resimlerine bayýldým.tebrik ediyorum sizi.
bende çektiðim resimleri göndermek isterim.yayýnlarmýsýnýz..
e mailim
Carisma 08-Dec-2006 09:58
Hello Dick,

I am impressed from your trip. I guess it would be a very big challenge to do a trip in this kind.

Hopefully, you will do a lot of good experience and enjoy your trip.
HAP 07-Dec-2006 19:41
Dag Dick,
Eindelijk gekeken op je prachtige foto-site. Adembenemend, zo veel en zo fraai. Daar steken mijn vakantiekiekjes erg mager bij af. Je bent op heel veel plaatsen geweest in Turkije. Kalkan moet je ook een keer doen. Maandag zal ik de Turken van de dialooggroep waar ik in zit attent maken op je site. Groet, Harry P.
duru deniz 30-Nov-2006 16:02
öðretmenim önerdiii.iyiki de önerdiii.
Nicky 30-Nov-2006 00:09
Hi Dick, I have spent a lot of time in Turkey & just loved the place, your photos are wonderful & would inspire anyone to go there.
Mehmet Bakiduvan 28-Nov-2006 14:48
Dear Dick,

First of all I have to thank you for your success about taking shots of Turkey. I'm writing that email from Safranbolu-Turkey. We have a tourism agent in here. We've checked all the places of Turkey that you have taken. But Unfortunately We could not see any shots of Safranbolu. We're going to be glad to welcome you in Safranbolu-Turkey soon.

P.S : If you request us some photo-shots of Safranbolu , You may visit our homepage below the text.

-Mehmet Bakiduvan-
Pelin Tezer 27-Nov-2006 08:02
Merhaba sevgili Dick. I had dropped a message before with appreciation to your art but this time had a chance to read your profile and was most impressed with the beauty of your personality and your brain. I also admire the way you respond to those cons! I just prepared a blog and included your link. I shall send you a private message and provide you with the link and would be delighted if you spare your time to view it. Stay happy and healthy. With my deepest respect, Pelin
memet 24-Nov-2006 18:56
thank you for such a study ýt ýs not enough detailed ý want to see more pictures from different parts of turkey anyway ý lýked ýt very much although ý have seen ýt recently ý belýeve you wýll do your best and approach more people ý thýnk not enough people knows about thýs sýte
Süleyman OLGUNÖZ 24-Nov-2006 12:42
bravo çok güzel
>>cobra<< 24-Nov-2006 11:21
hey dick je hebt een hele mooie site man, de foto´s zijn gewoon perfect.
ik wens je nog veel succes toe met je werkzaamheden.

>>> Amsterdam >sivas<<
r_ozden 20-Nov-2006 22:37
Hi mr osseman
I have just inspected your web site thanks a lot for the great photos of Diyarbakýr city and to another region of Turkiye photos.Specially photos of Dyarbakýr historical walls and children playing in the street thank you again. We will be very happy to seen you again in our Diyarbakýr city.
Best regards
Mehmet Tunçer 19-Nov-2006 20:38
Dear Mr Dosseman,

I'm very pleased as I found your beautiful site. Please keep this site as long as possible.You'r photos are wonderful and I admire as a Turk. And I decide to make a new photo set of mines..I wish to thank you and congratulate you. Please visit my site, I'm trying to "Preserve" some of those beauties..I made many conservation plans like Pergamon, Perge, Antalya, Konya, Ankara, Abant, Sapanca, Kaþ, Sanliurfa etc..
You can see my some of academic papers at and web sites.
Best wishes and regards..
Sedat Zeytunlü 19-Nov-2006 19:00
Dear Mr. Osseman,

thank you very much for your brilliant pictures. I am originally from Antakya, but due to work, I'm not living there. With your pictures, I felt as if I was there, and remembered my childhood. They all are nice feeligs. Thank you for loving Turkey. turkey loves you too...
burak 19-Nov-2006 01:22
these photos make my heart beat wildly.. im ashamed to see this intrest to our country and the adventure spirit from a froeigner, which is more than mine.
guest 17-Nov-2006 15:30
Trabzon'da onca guzel manzara ve sahil seridi varken, neden gecekondu mahallesi konu edilmis anliyamdim dogrusu, dunyanin hic bir yerinde hic bir turist gidip homeless yada project homes larin resmini cekmez ama gelip Turkiye de nerede at arabasi , nerede bir koylu vatandas varsa, nerede kenar mahalle de sokakta asilmis camasir yada sokak ta oynayan gariban cocuk varsa onun resmini cekerler......her iste oldugu gibi bu iside yabancilara birakiyoruz, onlarda bizi bu kadar tanitiyor iste...
Guest 16-Nov-2006 21:33
I congratulate you for your work.very professional,beautiul photos.Bravo!and ý also thank you on behalf of my country and myself.
Anthof Sevi 16-Nov-2006 20:36
Congratulations Osseman. Realy very nice photos. You could see Turkeys different faces and you have show them. I hope u will done an exhibition in Istanbul wich I will see it. Congratulations again...
Guest 13-Nov-2006 17:20
thanks i love turkey dj katot
charles 13-Nov-2006 15:54
evrim turgay 13-Nov-2006 07:16
Hi Dick, all the photos are amazing. I really appreciate your labour. It s great job!
Kath Rose 11-Nov-2006 10:27
fabulous photos. thank you very much.
Dick Osseman09-Nov-2006 11:35
önce mesajlar görebilyoruz, ama sonra - benim görmegim sonra, iyi mesaj olsam, ve kötü degil, görebilyoruz.

Guest 09-Nov-2006 08:28
osso oðlum mesajýmý niye göremiyem
cyberman 09-Nov-2006 08:28
Sevgili OSMAN, harika bir site hazýrlamýþsýn, ellerine ve emeðine saðlýk, ALLAH yardýmcýn olsun.
ali 09-Nov-2006 08:27
osso teþekkeür ediyoruz babam biz bu kadar resim çekmedik sen zahmet edip çekmiþsen
Guest 09-Nov-2006 08:27
Sevgili OSMAN, harika bir site hazýrlamýþsýn, ellerine ve emeðine saðlýk, ALLAH yardýmcýn olsun.
Oguzhan Kocatepe 07-Nov-2006 14:40
Dear Osseman,
I am embarrassed that you have visited much more places than I did in my country.
The photo collection is excellent, and I want to congratulate you on your superb work.
Thank you and best wishes on your future life.
yeşim 04-Nov-2006 08:27
Thank you for your web site.I like pictures very much.
Cliff 04-Nov-2006 01:15
What else can be said as a person who not only loves Turkiye but also it's people I find your comments truthful and your photos Brilliant. Anyone who asks me why I love Turkiye I will direct to your web site. Thank you for all your hard work in composing an excellent web site.
engin 02-Nov-2006 16:11
Thanks a lot. Great documentary. I love the way that you compose on your web site too. Congratulations! As a Turkish man i should say; We are ALWAYS welcome to people from all over world. Enjoy the Turkiye (Turkey)!
fazil altan 31-Oct-2006 00:52
Thank you very much Mr Osseman..
engin 30-Oct-2006 07:30
Bu güzel fotograflarý bize kazandýrdýgýnýz için size teþekkur ederim
kim bilir daha ne kadar yer vardýr?
Guest 28-Oct-2006 14:36
Dear Dick,

I enjoyed your beautiful pictures of this great monument.

gaosu 26-Oct-2006 07:36
Invitation to attend China International Civil Symposium on Yuan Qing Hua
October 19, 2006 in Beijing, China
Dear Sir,dosseman:
Do you wish to take the Topkap1 Palace china
Porcelain pictures of porcelain to us, it is very important for us. Can be marked. Welcome to visit China.
At the two previous symposiums on Yuan Qing Hua, the emergence of a lot of collects of blue and white porcelains of Yuan dynasty (Yuan Qing Hua) had astonished both Chinese and overseas experts in this respect. This symposium will induce more Yuan porcelians from international collectors and invite more international friends, thus creating an authoritative symposium of worldwide scale. To show our scholastic attainments to the world, The Third China International Civil Symposium on Yuan Qing Hua (Kuangzhou), jointly sponsored by the Organization Committee of China Civil Symposium on Yuan Qing Hua, China International Collection Association (CICA), American Research Council on Yuan Porcelains, Hongkong Antique Commercial Council and Jing Hong Tong Arts Company, Ltd., will be held from November 23 to 26, 2006. Many experts of highest grade in Yuan Porcelains, both from China and overseas, will be gathering in Kuangzhou. We sincerely invite you to attend this Symposium.
The highlight of this symposium will for the first time publish to 42 countries in 6 different languages criteria of Yuan dynasty porcelains, expert attestation and training program of Yuan porcelains of international standard; to show many standardized porcelains of various periods in Yuan Dynasty; to create breakages
touching area; to invite exhibition of rare porcelains from overseas; to set up display area of reproductions of high and low grades with interpretation of comparison between genuine and sham; to invite foreign Yuan Qing Hua experts to attend the conference. We will also introduce the subject of archacology of Blue and White Porcelain trade under Yuan Qing Hua Silk Route and establish an expert team to trip to the West.
Yuan Qing Hua is the treasure of Chinese porcelain arts, occupies a very important place in the world porcelain history and this is also the topic causing great interest and concern in the international porcelain research in recent decades. It is the focus topics for Chinese porcelain field in recent years with hot debates and different opinions that China as the producing country of Yuan Qing Hua ,how to take effective measures to collect and arrange the Yuan Qing
Hua from various museums and private collectors and set up an authoritative and scientific authentication system; to further comprehensively recognize and summarize its artistic style and characteristics; to solve the criteria to distinguish Yuan Qing Hua from blue and white porcelains of Tung dynasty, those of Sung dynasty, especially the similar products of early Ming dynasty, etc. Although those subjects had been fully discussed and expounded at the two previous symposiums, it is our intention to summarize and publish the current position of
Chinese civil Yuan Qing Hua and documents concerning worldwide criteria of the Yuan Qing Hua through this symposium with your participation.
With best regards
Oranization Committee,
China Civil symposium on Yuan Qing Hua
010-60871945 fax:010-65266198
Yasin 24-Oct-2006 23:32
All photos are nicer than other. Thank you :) Come again :)
Dick Osseman20-Oct-2006 20:37
Dank, Elvan
Elvan uit Sivas 20-Oct-2006 20:11
Hallo Dick, complimenten voor de prachtige foto's van verschillende steden van Turkije. Zo'n complete site is uitzonderlijk. Je hebt veel werk in gestoken en het resultaat mag er ook zijn. Ik heb met veel plezier je site bezocht en een plaats gegeven in de favorieten op mijn pc. Veel succes met je verdere werk.
Guest 20-Oct-2006 14:09
Dear Mr. Osseman, I really appreciate your work.
Guest 16-Oct-2006 01:39
adama bak ben hayatýmda gitmedigim yerlere gitmis.adamlar turkiyeyi bizden daha iyi biliyor.
Guest 15-Oct-2006 20:27
Congratulation sir.
H.D. Mitchell 14-Oct-2006 17:08
Very impressive!!! I am a script writer in Tucson, Arizona. My present project is a screen play and your galleries provided much visual for my research and scene description set in first century C.E. Cities like Cyrene, Antioch, etc. Thank you for sharing your artistic gifts of camera and photos. Do you have any photos of Jerusalem or the Roman Empire in general? Sincerely, Mitchell
Aysun Yenice 12-Oct-2006 09:33

I visited your web site.Ýt was pleasure to see your remarkable work.Thank you and con gratulation.I am mosaic artýst in Ýzmir-TURKEY.I enjoyed Gaziantep and Antakya Mosaics gallaries.These photographies have a great values for to me and to my students.
Yaşar ÇULHAOGLU 08-Oct-2006 12:23
Turhan Yýlmaz Ankarada bir lokantaya girer ve garson ne istediðini sorar Turhan hoca
-Bi tavuk götü der
Garson þakýn birþey anlamaz bir baþka garson gelir Turhan hoca onada bi tavuk götü der sonunda þef garson bütünce bir tavuk getirir Turhan Hocanýn masasýna set bir tavýrla koyar ve þöyle der.
- Al sana tavuk ister götünü ye ister baþýný...
Mustafa YILMAZ 08-Oct-2006 12:14
Turhan YILMAZ ýn ASKER MEKTUPLARI kasetinden bir mektup örnegi Kastamonu agzý gerçek oguz türkçesidir bununlada gurur duyuyoruz Derneklere Turhan YILMAZa destek olalým çagrýsýnda bulunuyorum.
Gýz ana esger ocagýna teslim oldum. Emme þindiden özledim Iccak hamurlu ekmege inek yagýný çalýp yimeyi özledim. Burda herþey va Yemek iyi yatak iyi emme bizim yapodan yer yatagýný dutmaya bi gaç gece yadýrgadým lekin þindi alýþdým uyuyon gayrý.
Bide tarana çorbasý bizimkine benzemeya içinde darakdalýsýmý yokdu nedü dadý bihoþ be ana.
Aðþam olunca nöbetde yulduzlara bakýyon maþallah davar sürüsü gibi parlaya yulduzlarýn içinde de ay soru Þevketin Ýsmet gýza benzeya.
Sakar inege tevetür bak ana bide begir gunnayýnca gatýrýný iyi paraya sat. Esger dönüþü masrufumuz böyük olacak.
Bubamda sag olsaydý beni esger elbisesi içinde göreydi neydelim gader ana. Esger elbisesi dedimde vedükleri pantulun içine benden baþka iki esger daha sýgýya. Bi potin vedile biri 42 nümere ötekisi 45 nümere benimse ayaklarým 40 nümere, bu yüzden egitim alanýnda seyidemeyon yüzün yüzün çapayken iyi çapýyonda götün götün çapamayon be ana....
Yasmin 06-Oct-2006 12:41
Hello, wou even zeggen dat ik de foto's echt supper vind. hoppelijk komen er nog meer.
Antakya is echt prachtig.
manavgatlı 06-Oct-2006 08:59
teþekkürler side resimleri çok güzel ama çok büyük bir yanlýþ yapmýþsýnýz .alanya side deðil beyefendi MANAVGAT/SÝDE .düzeltirseniz sevinirim.teþekkürler
peace 05-Oct-2006 19:23
samsunun fotoðraflarýný çok beðendim thanks........
Ahmet Korkmaz 05-Oct-2006 10:34
Hi Dick
I received an e-mail and saw a link for that wonderful website. I live in Paris and really miss my country.By the help of your website my homesick is a bit treated now.:)Thanks for that lovely pictures...
Ece Turkmen 05-Oct-2006 03:14
Hi Mr.Osseman
I really appreciate u because of your works.Turkey is one of the most unique country in the world.And your photos reflect it perfectly.Really wonderfull..
KAZIM HASIRCI 04-Oct-2006 11:17
pelin 01-Oct-2006 09:43
waoww.. i'm from Istanbul and a brasilian friend of mine is here to visit me , your site helped a lot while i was trying to decide where to take her! wonderful job, great picts. congrats!
Andy 25-Sep-2006 05:45
I have lived and conducted research in Turkey off and on for several years, and this was the first year I could not go since 1999. Your excellent photos make me ache inside and I long to go back as soon as I can afford it. I have visited about half the places you photographed, often stood in the same spot as you took the shot I believe. In some of the towns where I lived for long periods in the southeast, I think I even recognize people in the street scenes! For the places I have not been to, the photos beg me to finally make it to... Kars, Tokat, Amasya, Sardis, Anamur, all of them really! Thanks for sharing your images, hopefully some day I'll have the time to share my pictures with the world as you have. To the rest of the world -- visit Turkey, you won't regret it and you'll never forget it! Better yet, find a way to stay a year as a teacher or student, there's no better way to learn the language and really get to know Turkey.
Jackie Smith 24-Sep-2006 03:55
I have spent countless hours on the internet and i mean countless looking for photos of Turkey which portray the country an not the tourist industry and found this site by accident. This is the best site i have ever come across! Thank you Dick for your countless hours and not to mention the cost it must have taken for you to have created this site for everyone to enjoy.
Jackie Smith
annie 20-Sep-2006 13:42
Absolutely thrilled with the pictures but disappointed that Agri and Tasiclay where not included. Still a job well done and ty for sharing them.
Mesut Kaya 20-Sep-2006 06:42
Çok teþekkürler, ellerinize saðlýk. Harika bir site olmuþ. Tüm arkadaþlarýma tavsiye diyorum.
Guest 18-Sep-2006 01:56
kasaadarsi in turky pictures show me
Guest 18-Sep-2006 01:55
pictures of kasadarsi in turky
ibrahim 14-Sep-2006 23:31
thank you for interesting in, outher people will know about where very nice place in turkey. Thank you for remembering our memory of all the beautiful places..
Anthony 14-Sep-2006 04:03
Very nice site!
sibel 12-Sep-2006 01:25
Elif Shafak, Taner Akcam, Halil Berktay, Fatma Muge are traitors haters of Turkiye
Leslie Bates-Buyukturkoglu 11-Sep-2006 16:18
For years, my husband and I have been trying to help change the image of Turks and Turkey in the United States through entertainment and film. Now we have some help! What a beautiful site (or should it be sight or cite -- all three!). Thank you for refreshing my memory of all the beautiful places I've lived and visited. And yes, you should show all sides of life. Both the good and the bad make it what it is: wonderful. Leslie in Los Angeles
Clark 09-Sep-2006 14:56
I can't get over how much Turkey has changed since 1966! I was in military and lived in Ankara and Karamursel; loved the country and populace. I still write friends I made while living there and hope to make it back again in near future. Thanks for the beautiful photography.
Clark from Rochester, New York
Tekin 07-Sep-2006 16:43
Mr. Osseman,
tek kelime ile super....
Jck 05-Sep-2006 12:14
A couple of weeks ago I knew as little about Turkey as most people in this part of the world. Then, I started reading "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk and have become fascinated by everything Turkish. Even though the book is, among other things, political (you may have read it), I am not interested in taking sides with any group or view. I do not presume to have any qualifications to do that. I am simply interested in Turkey's history, people and every day issues affecting them. So I started researching Turkey and stumbled across your site. You have done an excellent job showing the real country.

So, Dick, awesome job and thank you!

.. and .. keep snapping.

Jck, Winnipeg
Zahit Sahin 04-Sep-2006 11:49
Hello Osseman,
All they are excellent photos, thanks for refreshing my memory.
Best Regards
Enis Ozyar 03-Sep-2006 09:01
While I was trying to find photos about my lovely country to use them during a lecture in Switzerland I found myself in your website. Great job !!!. Thank you for your effort.
Best wishes.
Guest 30-Aug-2006 11:43
I have seen your side by chance (e-mail from a friend). I could not stop myself writing these appreciation lines. Whatever your reason is for doing this site you did a fantastic job. I wish all the best for you. YILDIRIM (ISTANBUL)
Murat Sinen 28-Aug-2006 21:26
Hi osseman me being photographer i absolutely loved your documantery well done good luck
fatih 27-Aug-2006 10:21
hallo.osseman leuk dat u so een wem site heb gemaakt.ik als hollandse turk wiil uk voor bedanken.een turk moet man goed kennen om te begrijpen
Emre Akça 26-Aug-2006 18:21
Incredible,superb and fascinating work.Well done.I suggest you to check Altinoluk (Edremit-Balýkesir) area too...
nesibe 26-Aug-2006 15:08
slm fotoraflar cok guzel olmus eger karamanin daha resimleri olsa sevinirim
Claude 23-Aug-2006 14:55
C'est fantastique! Félicitation!

Des photos superbes qui rend toute la beauté et la richesse de la Turquie!


Claude from France
Dick Osseman23-Aug-2006 14:13
13 years or so, on and off.
Cüneyt 23-Aug-2006 13:30
Incredible page. Guess I'm kind of lost inside :o)

How long did it take to take all these pictures?
oktay 17-Aug-2006 14:34
Greetings from the Turkey. You have certainly documented my beautiful country well in this informative and easy to use site. Just loved your site. Thanks for sharing
erkan 17-Aug-2006 07:16
I don't know what to say... It is amazing..
I admire that you had the chance to see all around my country.
Semra 16-Aug-2006 09:51
This pictures are wonderful. Congratulations. I'm a turk and I'm ashamed that I didn't see many of these nice places, although I've seen many places in the world.All of them great. I'll circulate these photos to all of my friends. Warm regards from Turkey.
Suzan 16-Aug-2006 03:21
These pictures bring back memories of wonderful times in Turkey. Will be going back for my third visit in October. I love the country and the culture, turksih people are so friendly. Can't wait to get back there!!!!
cHiqlet 12-Aug-2006 01:10
Hey man u r great! Thanks for Turkey's, especially Samsun's photos. Take care off.
Greatings from Turkey.
Jizz 10-Aug-2006 15:34
There's too much hate here. We should all jizz instead. Turkey is great, it makes me want to jizz.
Pat 10-Aug-2006 15:23
Hello Mr. Osseman - I have very much enjoyed your lovely photographs and am now more interested in visiting Turkey than ever! I saw some of the people who complained that you haven't shown enough new Turkey, but....I agree that you may safely ignore that silly criticism. If anything, the Turkish tourism guys should put you on the payroll...what a gem to find your galleries on the web. I will tell everyone I know to take a look!
Jizz 09-Aug-2006 14:20
I've been to Turkey. I like to go there because it makes me want to jizz
Gunduz 08-Aug-2006 13:49
I like Turkey. Turkey good.
hanneke 02-Aug-2006 17:30
Dag Dick. Mijn complimenten voor je prachtige foto's. Echt fantastisch wat je ervan hebt gemaakt. Je bent zeker fotograaf van beroep. Hartelijke groeten van Hanneke. selam:)
aksoy 31-Jul-2006 09:32
This is very wonderful.
roser pinto 28-Jul-2006 04:27
very interesting! great!!!!
ReCEP 27-Jul-2006 08:48
serkan 25-Jul-2006 14:28
merhaba niksar ýn güzel insanlarý sitenizdeki herþey süper olmuþ niksara da bu yakýþýr zaten
Omer ve Sevda 25-Jul-2006 10:15
From the balcony of our home in a village just outside of Aksaray you can sit with the family drinking turk cay and admire the view of hassan mountain.Whether summer of winter it doesnt matter its something to be seen.In aksaray people are so hospitable and it doesnt matter where you go you are offered cay. The golden Apple pateserie is a very nice place to visit for cay and turkish pasteries and you are always made welcome.There is no better way of life than village life.
Ed Stevenson 25-Jul-2006 03:15
Thanks for the great pics. Glorious architecture, all over the country, all ages.
Marie-Hélène Sohier 23-Jul-2006 14:13
hello,i was looking for Gaziantep ,to find some information about he city
his culture way of looking,so I could have an idea of it .Because my friend
is living there for the n ext ix weeks ,accoring his job.And i find this
beautifull site,who shows me the city ,how people live but also his
history.Thanks for it Dick!!! Greetings from Kortrijk(Belgium)
lily 22-Jul-2006 04:03
I was very pleased watching all those beautiful ones pictures, congratulations for you.
Greetings from Mèxico.
Emrah 21-Jul-2006 18:31
Words will not do justice when it comes to explaining how much I admire your work and effort. We, as the Turkish nation should be thanking you for putting together such incredible archive of pictures from this beautiful country. Honestly spaaking, with these pictures, you are contributing much more to our reputation than our government ever has or will... Once again, thank you...
murat kavgacı-salman gökhan 21-Jul-2006 15:07
kahramanmarash photos is very gooood.. thank you
Semih Perdahcioglu 20-Jul-2006 11:08
Ik groeide op in Bursa en nu woon ik in Enschede. Hartelijk bedankt voor herinneren aan hoe mooi die stad is. Dank u wel.
luigi 19-Jul-2006 17:16
Ti ringrazio tantissimo per le magnifiche foto e il lavoro utilissimo che fai. La pace fra i popoli passa attraverso la loro conoscenza reciproca. Istambul o Costantinopoli deve tornare a essere un esempio per tutto il mondo di una possibile pace e conveniente convivenza pacifica per tutti i popoli.
Da Firenze Luigi Sedita
AdiyamanLi 02 18-Jul-2006 10:29
Adiyamanin Kahta Ýlcesindeki Dünyanin 8.inci Harikasi olan NEMRUT DAGI ve Daha bir cok Tarihi Mekani yüzlerce Resimlerle Görmek isteyenlere önerim...

Many fotos about 8.TH WONDER OF THR WORLD NEMRUT MOUNTAIN(KOMMAGENE) and other Historical places in ADIYAMAN - Kahta...

Thank you very much Dick OSSEMAN ...
Vahan 14-Jul-2006 19:33
Great job. Keep up the good work.
Very informative and visually beautiful galleries.
dr aydın 13-Jul-2006 13:00
thank you ver much.ý waiting in turkey.
hakki acar 10-Jul-2006 17:35
mardin ve midyat gibi önemli iki þehri burda tanýttýðýnýz için teþekkür ederim...thanks for you..
Hayk 09-Jul-2006 01:49
It's great! I saw my historical Motherland!!! My grandfather from Tokat... But now no one armenians living there.............
Patricia Zuiderwijk 07-Jul-2006 21:06
Thank you for the beautiful photo's from Kayseri,my friend stay there on vacation for 4 weeks,this year I cannot come with her, so I enjoy the photo's even more.
oktay dursun 04-Jul-2006 13:59
hello. thank you for this web page and your pictures.we want to see you in turkey every time.because you had made a good thing about turkey.but i couldnt see pictures about safranbolu.according to me you must see this old ottoman town.i live in this is very nice and mystic.i will be happy if you come here.thank you again.i hope see you.take care yourself.
İsmail ŞENGÜL 03-Jul-2006 10:46
Thank you for visiting Turkey ... Her zaman bekleriz ...
Aynur Acar 01-Jul-2006 09:20

sayýn dosseman, ülkem hakkinda yaptiðiniz calismaya ve gosterdiginiz cabaya cok tesekkür ederim. güzel turistik yanlari yansitarak bizim turizm elcimiz gibi calismissiniz. ben 25 yýldýr uluslararasý calisan ve bir çok ülkeyi çok iyi bilen biri olarak bir özeleþtiride bulunacaðým, her ülkede olduðu gibi benim ülkemde de olumsuzluklar var. isterdimki baþtacýmýz köylülerimizi sokak dilencilerimizi görüntülerken, çaðdaþ ve modern türkiye yi, insanlarýmýzý ve özellikle kadýnlarýmýzý da yansýtsaydýnýz keþke. web sitenizi bahsettiðim detaylarla güncelleyeceðinizi ümid ediyorum. ingilizcem olmasýna raðmen size türkçe yazmayý tercih ettim. çünkü düþündümki türkiye hayraný bu dostumuz mutlaka türkçeyi de çok güzel konuþuyor ve anlýyordur dedim. sizin gibi zahmet verip türkiye için olumlu çalýþan baþka bir sevgili dostum Ingo Nietsche gibidir :)) selam ve sevgiler,
Cihan Aydin 30-Jun-2006 23:15
Very good work!!!

We mush be ashamed that even as a native we do not acknowledge foreigners about our country well enough like this site...
joan 29-Jun-2006 13:11
Hi, I used to date a turkish girl and we stayed in kas for a few days before we went to Olimpus, and I remember a little french restaurant there that we wnet too and the beautiful smell of jasmine all around... to this day when I smell jasmine it stirs the memories back up in me... it would be one place I would have loved to go live.. let me know if you know of any property available for future reference.. I still have friends in Turkey in Ankara and now have a longing to be in Turkey again.. Great site dick, well done, jo
Hillary Reed 29-Jun-2006 12:00
Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!
Cervera Paul 29-Jun-2006 11:57
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit
Lyza Cailler 29-Jun-2006 11:56
Vous me faites envie de visiter votre pays!
Will surely have to scedule my next trip to Turkey.
Dick Osseman29-Jun-2006 11:21
Could some of my guests write something original? I have the feeling I receive a kind of comment-spam with each time the same message. I tend to delete it, I like a personal message, not a rubber stamped one.
Lukas Mirsen 29-Jun-2006 08:05
This is a wonderful wealth of information. Good Luck!
Steven Morris 29-Jun-2006 07:25
Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!
Micheal Geltser 29-Jun-2006 06:41
This is a wonderful wealth of information. Good Luck!
Lucas Maad 29-Jun-2006 04:36
This is a wonderful wealth of information. Good Luck!
Simon Parkes 29-Jun-2006 03:37
Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!
samuel david 29-Jun-2006 00:22
Just whant to say HI! I love this place!
Nicholas Cerniglia 28-Jun-2006 23:52
It's my first visit to your website. After just a quick browse, I'm really impressed!
sabri 28-Jun-2006 18:43
by the way it is SAFRANBOLU not SAFANBOLU:-))if you write to my adress ican help you with safranbolu and share my own safranbolu pics
sabri 28-Jun-2006 18:40
dear dick, ý am from safanbolu.please research about safranbolu from is an magical historical is very important for the architects too..hey you can not miss safranbolu,you must see....i hope you will agree with me after a trip to safranbolu
Daniel Gray 28-Jun-2006 13:18
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit
andrew myron 28-Jun-2006 12:25
Best site I see. Thanks.
peter kiesewetter 28-Jun-2006 01:12
This is a wonderful wealth of information. Good Luck!
ahmet 27-Jun-2006 18:50
tesekkürler yaptýðýn çok güzel bir sey kaliteli resimler çekmiþsin saol.
AdiyamanLi 02 27-Jun-2006 11:53
Adiyaman Kahta Nemrut Mountain


Dick Osseman27-Jun-2006 09:19
If you are in Giresun, the city must be right under your feet.
sadiye algün 26-Jun-2006 20:40
I am in Giresun, where is Giresun city, I didn't see? I am very sorry
Dick Osseman26-Jun-2006 07:33

Ik streef niet naar glamour, maar streef jij naar een depressie of lijkt dat maar zo?
David Blalock 26-Jun-2006 02:25
Not much on my mind right now, but it’s not important. I’ve just been letting everything happen without me. I just don’t have anything to say right now.
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit your site more ofter from now and I bookmarked it.
This is a wonderful wealth of information. Good Luck!
Best site I see. Thanks.
I can't be bothered with anything these days, but such is life. I don't care. So it goes. More or less nothing seems worth thinking about. I've just been hanging out waiting for something to happen, but that's how it is.
It's my first visit to your website. After just a quick browse, I'm really impressed!
Alleen onder Glamour versta ik wat anders maar dat moet kunnen. So interesting site, thanks!
Simon Parkes 24-Jun-2006 01:13
Just whant to say HI! I love this place!
Just found your home page its great, it looks like you folks do great service keep up the good work.
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit your site more ofter from now and I bookmarked it.
Alleen onder Glamour versta ik wat anders maar dat moet kunnen. So interesting site, thanks!
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit
Just found your home page its great, it looks like you folks do great service keep up the good work.
Simon Parkes 24-Jun-2006 00:35
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit
Best site I see. Thanks.
This is a wonderful wealth of information. Good Luck!
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit your site more ofter from now and I bookmarked it.
Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!
Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!
Best site I see. Thanks.
Trabzonlu 22-Jun-2006 20:17
very nice page

mach weiter so
Vesa Poikaja"rvi 22-Jun-2006 03:14
Just whant to say HI! I love this place!
Mike Urtel 22-Jun-2006 03:03
Your site is very cognitive. I think you will have good future.:)
peter kiesewetter 21-Jun-2006 14:39
Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!
Guest 21-Jun-2006 11:18
I am from Turkey. No speak English. But your site best beatiful. Turkey ... very thanks. ý am my site... I am a or Boðazkale Teacher. Photo very beatiful. Bye
Guest 20-Jun-2006 20:58
I just want to say thanks and I found this by accident and am really enjoying it. It looks as though I will need to go by Dunbarton Oaks and see the Musuem of Byzantine art there, since this has piqued my interest and I live in Washington DC.
Steve Payne 20-Jun-2006 12:28
It's my first visit to your website. After just a quick browse, I'm really impressed!
emmanuel asare 20-Jun-2006 06:31
Just found your home page its great, it looks like you folks do great service keep up the good work.
Ken Carr 20-Jun-2006 02:28
Just whant to say HI! I love this place!
Micheal Geltser 19-Jun-2006 11:47
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit your site more ofter from now and I bookmarked it.
ACE AKIYAMA 17-Jun-2006 10:14
Just found your home page its great, it looks like you folks do great service keep up the good work.
likos 17-Jun-2006 07:27
Hoi Dick


Groejes uit Trabzon

samuel david 17-Jun-2006 05:24
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit your site more ofter from now and I bookmarked it.
keith fletcher 16-Jun-2006 05:32
Nice site!
Please now see my site:

This is a wonderful wealth of information. Good Luck!
Just found your home page its great, it looks like you folks do great service keep up the good work.
Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit your site more ofter from now and I bookmarked it.

Best regards!
Mike Berman 16-Jun-2006 01:45
Great site! AAAAAAAAA+++++++
Mirana 15-Jun-2006 16:02
I just discover your site as I am doing some personal research on Turkey.
Thank you for sharing this incredible pics with us.
Hillary Reed 15-Jun-2006 13:26
Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!
Hillary Reed 15-Jun-2006 00:47
Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!
arsakli 14-Jun-2006 11:08
Gerekli denetimlerin yapilmasi kaydiyla endise edecek bir sey oldugunu sanmiyorum. Bay Osseman bir fotografci ve ulkemizin zenginliklerini fotograflamasý tanitim acisindan onemlidir. Tabii kilise kalintilari yaninda dogal guzellikleri de yansitmaktadir. cayeli'ne 12 km mesafede olan ve Sairler Deresi uzerinde bulunan Agaran selalesini gorup resimlemenizi oneririm.

Mr Dosseman, I know that you are in Rize now (14.06.2006) and I hope you are taking wonderfull Rize photos. I advise you to visit Agaran Waterfall which is 12 km from cayeli and 30 km from Rize. You can reach the Waterfall through Sairler Creek and also on nte from: htp://
İlhan 13-Jun-2006 08:57
Merhaba. Turkiye kulturel acidan cok zengin bir ulke. Bu zenginlikleri bir nebze de olsa yansitmaniz cok guzel. calismalarinizdan dolayi size tesekkur ederim. Ancak dikkatimi ceken bir sey var. Kulturel miras acisindan cok onemli bir kent olan Safranbolu ile ilgili bir calismaniza rastlayamadim ve cok sasirdim. En az 5000 yillik bir gecmise sahip olan bir kent hakkinda tek bir kare fotografa yok calismalariniz arasinda.Sanirim henuz bu kentimize gitmediniz yada gidemediniz. Safranbolu ile ilgili Safranbolu Kaymakamliginin ve festival komisyonunun web sitesi maalesef kapanmis. Ancak fotograf gormek isterseniz web adresinden, Karabuk valiligi ve T.C. kultur Bakanliginin web adreslerinden bazi fotograflara ulasabilrsiniz. Ayrica her yil eylul ayinin ilk haftasinda Uluslararasi Belgesel Film Festivali yapilmaktadir. Bu festival kapsaminda Belgesel Film Yarismasi disinda fotograf yarismalari, resim yarismalari ve bunun gibi bir cok kulturel faaliyet yapilmaktadir.Yine bu donem safran ciceklerinin actigi donemdir.Sadece kent merkezi degil koyleri de kulturel miraslarimiz arasindandir. Safranbolu 1995 yilindan itibaren UNESCO tarafindan dunyadaki koruma altina alinan kentlerden biridir.Bu sehrimizi de gormenizi siddetle tavsiye ediyorum. Calismalarinizda basarilar dilerim.
RAY 12-Jun-2006 05:02
Guest 11-Jun-2006 10:15
Ankara is not only this you have missed a very huge part of it
sali 09-Jun-2006 15:42
thank you very described my country beautityfully.
Guest 09-Jun-2006 10:08
onur 08-Jun-2006 17:14
Hi Osseman
Very nice photos about Turkey.
Thank u for site.
mehmet ali 07-Jun-2006 19:36
magnificant eye, stunning details and really good job. thanks for every single published and unpublished shots. Best trip of turkey in 30 mins. Maybe you may add historical info or your trip diary to photos.
Terry 07-Jun-2006 17:04
Dear Dick

As an American just returning from three weeks in Turkey I wish to thank you for your insights regarding Eastern Turkey. I have never been east of Adana and will now really consider the eastern regions of the country. Your characterization of Turkey as a land of friendly people matches perfectly with my experiences. A wonderful place, now I am ready for my fourth trip.
Bosporus 07-Jun-2006 00:50
Waren Sie nicht in Gümüshane? wenn nicht dann haben sie ein Grossen fehler begangen. :-)
Ali 06-Jun-2006 20:52
Hi dick,
I live in denizli ( pamukkale ) I can helt to you for Denizli and edit your photos on adobe photoshop. I am a graphiker.
Guest 05-Jun-2006 21:09
From an Egyptian who adores Turkey
Mr. Osseman

I'm an Egyptian who is deeply in love with Turkey... I visited it few times and I can never get enough of it... and everytime I go through your brilliant collection... I could hear the friendly voices of turkish people... I can smell the freshness of the air on Buyuk Ada... and I can taste the delicious grilled fish prepared in those tiny boats on the bosphor side...
Dear sir, you make me fall in love over and over again with Turkey... and ignite my dream to tour the whole country... Antalya... Cappadoccia...Trabzon.. Sinop...and who knows I may be able to take photos that compete with your collection :) but hey... you'll always be the master. God bless you and bless Turkey and its people..
Guest 05-Jun-2006 21:08
From an Egyptian who adores Turkey
Mr. Osseman

I'm an Egyptian who is deeply in love with Turkey... I visited it few times and I can never get enough of it... and everytime I go through your brilliant collection... I could hear the friendly voices of turkish people... I can smell the freshness of the air on Buyuk Ada... and I can taste the delicious grilled fish prepared in those tiny boats on the bosphor side...
Dear sir, you make me fall in love over and over again with Turkey... and ignite my dream to tour the whole country... Antalya... Cappadoccia...Trabzon.. Sinop...and who knows I may be able to take photos that compete with your collection :) but hey... you'll always be the master. God bless you and bless Turkey and its people.. 04-Jun-2006 12:05
Pretty good site. Nat
lonely wolf 31-May-2006 07:39
how are you
dick nice jop thank you very much frend thank you see you sonnnn
Guest 31-May-2006 07:34
dick first thank you in yürkiye
wery nice because we are liveng paradasie thank you byyyyyyyyyeeeeee
Piraye Yargıçoğlu 31-May-2006 07:31
Dear Dick,
I don't know what to say... You've done a great job.
What wonderfull photos. I am very impressed..
Congregulations. so thank you very much!

Piraye Yargýçoðlu
Antalya /Türkiye
Ragıp BAŞBUĞ 31-May-2006 06:57
Dear Dick,
Thanks to you. This is realy definitely a great work for the globe!
I am from Divrigi, I'll use some divrigi photos for my site.
Thanks again.
Dr. Ragýp BAÞBUÐ
bizay 30-May-2006 13:48
selam sayin osman bey size gezip görmeniz için bir yer öneriyorum . Bu adrese girin veyahut
Emel 29-May-2006 17:17
Dear Dick;
l visited your site today and l understood that you put into work so professionaly as a result of this l want to congratulate you as to it.. :)
l am from Kütahya and l have been living there for 18 years. However,l saw new places which l haven't seen them before even though l live there.. Thanks a lot..
As far as l am concerned, you deserve so much good things..
Again thanks so much and l want you to keep on taking these wonderful places's photographes.!
Good wishes :)
http://RonaldinhoTurkiye.Org 29-May-2006 10:17
Hi. Dick Thanks FOr Photos.
Good pictures. but you also have to travel so much place :) Turkey has so much place :)

gul 29-May-2006 00:54
Dear Dick,
I have visited your site this morning
I have lived in Australia most of my life & only been in Turkey for holidays
I must congratulate you & thank you very much for your time & effort into such a wonderful site... I have never seen Turkey in the same way before!
thankyou once again! & please keep up the great work!
orkun 28-May-2006 23:40
I am a student of architecture in Izmit and I couldn't believe when I first visited your page and found out that all those pictures that I couldn't find anywhere was here. I congratulate u for your efforts and have to say that it's such a shame for any Turkish citizen for not doing something like this before. We still use books that were printed many years ago and naturally were outdated, we have no idea what's happenned recentlty. Thank u again and please visit our Faculty of architecture in Kocaeli University. We would be very glad to help you and would really want to have a chat.
Dick Osseman28-May-2006 07:14
In answer to Ihsan: the general director of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has sent me a letter of appreciation for my work. His assistents wrote mails to me indicating that my work is greatly appreciated. I don't expect a medal, this was good enough for me. Also, some 3 pictures have been used in a book, Die andere Türkei, with contributions from Erdogan, Schröder (former German prime minister) and many famous authors, and some have appeared in newspapers, so my work has been noticed here and there.
Ihsan Polat 28-May-2006 01:34
Hi Dick,
This is definitely a great work! I wish some officials in Turkey discovered your website up to now and somehow awarded that! I'll do my best to have your work be heard by everyone in Turkey!
Zübeyir Zeytinci 27-May-2006 17:59
Bu mesajý Türkçe bildiðini varsayarak yazýyorum. Sana imrendim. Kendi ülkem olmasýna raðmen ben bile bu kadar yeri gezemedim. Sana gezmen için bir yer öneriyorum. Burasýný sitende göremedim. Belki vardýr ama ben görmedim. Çorum'da tarihi Alacahöyük ve Þapinuva þehirleri var. Bu þehirler Hitit uygarlýðýnýn en önemli iki þehiri. buralarý gezmenide tavsiye ederim.

Ülkemi tanýtmak için yaptýðýn bu emek için gönülden binlerce kez teþekkür ederim.
baL 24-May-2006 03:05
Site güseL, paylasýmlar güseL, bakan göz güseL bizde güseL býrakaLým
Guest 21-May-2006 18:28
kafana sicim
Guest 21-May-2006 12:28
On my once in a lifetime trip to Turkey, my camera died!!! Thank you for the photos.
Rose B
Köksal 20-May-2006 14:44
Thank you for your wonderfull photos.
Specialy from Nevsehir and Kayseri.
We are waiting for your visit to Nevsehir again,you are a friend of all us.
Rev Alice Davenport 18-May-2006 15:55
These photos are amazing! I traveled to Turkey 23 March with Dominic & Sarah Crossan and Marcus & Marianne Borg (Center for Spiritual Development, Portland) and I treasure being able to look at these outstanding pictures/ works of art!
Turgay Hazine 16-May-2006 13:53
Ben Turgay...Ülkemizi tanýttýðýnýz için size teþekkürü bir borç bilirim.Ancak fotoðraflarýnýz arasýnda Safranbolu ve Erzincan'ý da görmek isterdik.Sizi en kýsa zamanda Erzincan'a bekliyoruz.Gelmeden önce mail atarsanýz sizi karþýlarýz.

I'm Turgay. Thank you for introduction my country your web site.But I didn't see Safranbolu and Erzincan in your photo collection.Example: Safranbolu Home or Kemaliye...We are waiting you to Erzincan.Before You will come to Erzincan,send e mail our...We will entertain you...See you again...You can use this e mail adress for conact mine:
muzaffer(muzo) 16-May-2006 12:45
sevgili dick;
þahsým ve ülkem adýna teþekkürü borç biliyorum.gerek ülke turizmimize yapmýþ olduðunuz katkýlarýnýzdan gerekse ülkemizi fotoðraflarýnýzda bu kadar güzel yorumlayarak oluþturmuþ olduðunuz karelerden dolayý sonsuz teþekkürler.
alper 16-May-2006 10:50
Dear dick,

I visit your site and I'm be very happy.. You must see elazig... this link include elazig photo... analyse that... And you visit misterious city, elazig...
Remzi 15-May-2006 17:41
Yaptýðýnýz bu güzel çalýþmalar için çok çok teþekkür ediyorum.
Þunu da belirtmek isterim. Lütfen Siteniz ve fotoðraflarla ilgili olmayan hiçbir yoruma izin vermeyiniz. Hele YALANCI, TARÝHÝ SAPTIRAN ve bu güzellikler içerisinde hala TÜRK'lerle uðraþmaya çalýþan zavallý ermenilerin yorumlarýna asla...
Guest 14-May-2006 20:39
Faik ÖZCAN 14-May-2006 11:44
teþekkuru borc býlýrým hem kendý hemde Türkiye adýna Bu güzellikleri bize Tekrar Hatýrlattýgýn için

Guest 12-May-2006 12:13
i really appreciate with you because of publishing this website. I think Fatma is a bit right but it is not related with you. These are artistic photos and you dont need to take photos of beaches and other touristic places. I am a guest university student in Germany and offer my all friends all over world your website to introduce my country. After visiting your website, most of them become jealous of me because of having a great country with rich and matchless culture,history,geography and nature. Any public body organizations haven't been able to make advertisement of Turkey as much as you have done. In addition,I think you should visit "Ordu" again, because there is no photo of sight of Ordu Centrum taken from on the top of Boztepe(hill). It is worth to go there for only that photo. I look forward to see you new photos of Ordu and Turkey. Best regards..
Gökhan 10-May-2006 18:29
thanks 4 beutiful Turkey pics..Hi from Turkey..
CENGİZ AYDOĞDU 10-May-2006 09:57
TÜRK'ler, deðerlerini kaybettikten sonra kaybettigi DEÐERlerin farkýna varýr.umarým kaybetmemeyi öðrenirler.(tabi ki geç olmadan).Güzelliðimizi hatýrlattýðýnýz için teþekkürler.(
Radu 09-May-2006 13:34
Good job,congregulations.
If you ever visit Turkey try south west Turkey.Especially The Saint Nicaleo church,probably tyhe name of the town which it is located is Demre, may be a place which will satisfy you and of course to us.While I was visiting the hidden valley near Kalkan area,I wished ,I was a photographer.
Carry on with your work please,it is a pleasure to see them.
Guest 08-May-2006 12:15
Dear Mr.Osseman, first of all I feel an obligation to thank you for your work.You have done really an extraordinary job.I also want to thank you because the web site you`ve created became my "waypoints" in Turkey.I want you to believe me that after I look up to yor site I go to visit the places in Turkey.I look the pictures you have taken and I then I decide to go there.I say "ok the pictures look very good I`m going there"..
That`s just what I wanted to share my emotions with you..Thank you again and see you..
Dick Osseman07-May-2006 17:44
To Omar:

I checked at the alfatihoun.edaama page and first saw "You have reached your destination" and then "This site is under new managment and it will be totally redesigned. We apologise for the inconvenients. We will be back soon". For a traveller to first be told he has reached his destination and then that it is under construction is not much of an arrival. I invite you to tell me more about your purpose. Also, I did - as a non-believer - not much like it to read fatwa's on how to cope with non-believers, elsewhere on the pages. I understood it is permitted to greet me or even answer my greetings (thanks), provided you use the right phrase. It is even permissible to inquire after the health of my children (I am afraid I don't have any, so do leave tjhat part out if ever we meet). So do send me an e-mail on what is the purpose of this mysterious site and on how you intend to use the pictures. For the time being you do NOT have my permission to use any of my pictures on that site.

I do thank you for all the compliments bestowed on me, though.
Omar 07-May-2006 13:17
Dear Ossman,
What a wonderful excellent picture database you have. Absolutly very great for the muslim memories behind the Great Ottomans.
Thank you very much. I saw the guns like Muhammad Khan Al Fatih used as well as the maritime museum and much more, a travel past the time!
If you don't mind I will certainly use some of your pictures into my
Thank you very much again for this fantastic travel in my desk chair.

aykut comlekci 07-May-2006 10:03
Dear Osman,
I prefer to call u a Turkish name though u deserve it far more than a native in presenting this marvellous land.
I ask those who approach with criticism and dare to question yr intentions:how much do u know yr land and what have u done to present it to others?Unfortunately with this manner u are only enstrengthening the negative feelings against our beloved land.
I know u don't need to be backed thourh yr fabulous work speaks for itself.
I do travel as far and as soon as I have the means both abroad and within Anatolia.
I see that we have a mutual taste in travelling to feel the old and geuine fabric of a destination.Please feel free to ask more on the ''off the beaten tracks''.
Hakan 07-May-2006 02:58
I have been living in USA for 6 months.Sometimes, I need pictures of my country to show to my friends who interested about Turkey.I haven't got good and many pictures as Mr.Osseman.I would like to tank you to share these pictures with us.
Guest 06-May-2006 18:19
You discovered Turkey more than like a Turkish. Thank you very much.
Guest 06-May-2006 14:39
As someone who has only recently discovered Turkey and begun to fall in love with it, I am hugely grateful for your photos.
Oguzhan Altay 06-May-2006 10:41
Thanks for the great work, i apriciate it.
mustafa 04-May-2006 20:15
thank you very very much dick. and i just want to say;i ashamed to my self because i live
in Turkey and i haven't seen most of city which you have seen and take foto. you are really wonderfull men.i forwad this page to all my friend who are live in Englang,Germany,Holland.... i would like to meet you if you come back Alanya.Ýf you come please write me
fth_17 04-May-2006 12:57
Dur Yolcu! Bilmeden gelip bastýðýn bu toprak, bir devrin battýðý yerdir... Osseman'da bunu yapmýþ. Bizim burnumuzun ucunda olup da göremediðimizi bize göstermiþ. Bizi bize anlatmýþ. Çok da iyi yapmýþ. Ellerine, yüreðine, dostluðuna saðlýk. Ben Çanakkaleli'yim ve fotoðraflarý görünce kahroldum. Ýçim içimi kemirdi. Ben ve benim gibi Çanakkale'de yýllardýr yaþayan birçok kiþi böyle bir fotoðraf arþivine sahip deðildir. Kendimi sorgulamamý saðladýðýn için teþekkürler...
Þimdi ülkemizdeki turizm faaliyetlerinin ne kadar anlamsýz ve boþ olduðunu anladým. Bakýyorum da Türkiye'yi anlatan bu fotoðraflar hiç bir yerde yok.

Çalýþmalarýnýn devamýný diliyorum...
ahmet mersinoglu 04-May-2006 11:51
I think it is a pity that some people use this really good website to express their political opinions in such subjects as "is Kars a Turkish city or an Armenia city or a Kurdish city". I saw such discussions (some of them were really out of place) for many of the East Anatolian sights. Why don't you comment about the nature, folkloric and historical values, discuss about how such regions can be kept intact and developed ?
Surely the historical facts are very important but we are in century and should look ahead to a mutual and better future. If anybody wants to use this website for expressing his/her political ideas than do it in a creative and peacefull manner. Don't
stir up hatreds and mistakes of the past. Try to use this web site as a link between all the intellectuals of the region who love this area for its nature, traditions, architecture and rich history, for its colourfull mosaic of peoples. What a nice place it could be if Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Iran and other neighbouring countries could cooperate in every way developing their common trade, tourism and most of all understanding.
Murat DÜLGER 04-May-2006 07:09
Dick Osseman

ülkemiz için yapmýþ olduðunuz güzel katkýlardan dolayý çok teþekkürler. Thank you very much
Duygu 03-May-2006 14:47
Dear Mr Osseman,

I appreciate you that You have this site with amazing photos. This site is wonderfull. When I've triped in it I thought that you knew my country well than me. Thank you very much for these photos, and good thoughts of yours. Pictures realy tell everything about my beautiful country. Please always visit us, It is a big pleasure to see you here for several times with those kind of photos.
Dick Osseman02-May-2006 19:31
To Zeynep:

I like writing indeed, but since I do it a lot at my job - mainly just work documents, but still a lot of typing - I like to do a different thing here. But every now and then I put some in. Thanks for the message, it made my day in return.
Hazar 02-May-2006 18:18
Its id a perfect site for people who wants to know more about Turkey and also for us who lives overseas and wants to have a little breeze from the valleys of our motherland...
Thank you so much...
Bill Malone, Austin Texas 02-May-2006 14:12
Great site. I was in Izmir in 1967. It appears to have changed quite a bit. We found the Turkish citizens to be very friendly and hospitable. Hope you will add Karsyaka in the future.
Patty 01-May-2006 22:41
Thank you so much for your lovely site. Your photos are outstanding.
Evrim Sönmez 30-Apr-2006 16:55
This is a great site. Thank you for doing such a wonderful thing.
I.KUDRET SAMANTIR 30-Apr-2006 08:27
sevgili dick,
Turizm bakanlýgýnýn yapamadýgýný siz yapmýssýnýz tebrikler.
Sayenizde Amerika dan Cin e kadara butun arkadaslarýma bu siteyi forward ediyorum.
Tekrar tesekkurler.
Seniha- Izmır-TURKEY 29-Apr-2006 11:31
Thank you Dick, your gallery W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L...!!!
fuad 29-Apr-2006 10:33
congratulations, and wondurfull work. and ý want to ask a question
Why are u keen on turkey, there is a phase here, turks have no friends out of their themselves
HARUN BALKAN 29-Apr-2006 09:33
Firsful I want to thank for all. Thank you very much.
gökhan 28-Apr-2006 14:42
congratulations, this site is wonderful
dogankent 28-Apr-2006 14:30
Ülkemizle ilgili bu kadar güzel resimleri çekip site kuracak kadar bizleri mutlu eden bir adým attýðýnýz için sonsuz teþekkürlerimi sunarken, dostluk ve kardeþlik adýna böyle objektif düþünceler içeren baþka ülke vatandaþlarýný görmekten son derece mutluluk duydum. Ülkemizi bizden fazla gezip, bizden fazla tanýtmaya çalýþan birisi olarak sanýrým az-çok dilimizide öðrenmiþ olduðunuz kanati ile duygularýmý türkçe olarak ifade ediyorum. Kaldý ki baþka türlü ifade etme þansýmda yok eðer dilimizi bilmiyorsanýz size sadece þunlarý diyebilirim... Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
erdem çetin 28-Apr-2006 12:42
your pictures are very good.but i think you must go arhavi in's at the northeast on turkey.also you must see malkara in tekirdað.
Frerik 28-Apr-2006 12:15
Hallo meneer Osseman,

een doorgewinterde Turkije-bezoeker als u heeft misschien wat tips voor de beginner. Komende zomer ga ik met een vriend van me in ieder geval naar Istanbul. Maar misschien om de 'echt' Turkse sfeer te proeven, willen we nog iets verder het land intrekken. Heeft u tips voor steden die vanaf Istanbul goed te bereiken zijn per trein? Ik dacht zelf aan Eskisehir (te groot?) of Afyon (te ver?)

Complimenten voor uw foto's en ik hoop dat u ook een paar goede suggesties heeft!

Frerik Kampman,
Guest 28-Apr-2006 11:12
Sevgili Dick,
Bu siteyi ne yazýk ki bu kadar geç keþfettim. Ben Türk halk danslarý eðitmeni ve dansçýsýyým. Siteyi gezerken göz yaþlarýma hakim olamadým ve aðladým. Anladým ki dost olmak için insaný tanýmak gerekmiyormuþ. Herþey için sað ol Türk insaný dostu, sevgiler.Deniz
koray kahraman 27-Apr-2006 09:19
hi, pleased to see all the photos but thrace is not only of Edirne, you must visit at least Tekirdað,of course also Kýrklareli,which is my hometown,regards.
Murat 27-Apr-2006 00:23
Hello Dick ;
Great job..Congratulations.What kind of cameras do you have?
I was born in Istanbul and i m living here but i never look at my city and my country like in your photos..I thank you for to show me this secret look ,I discovered again my country in your photos..You are a very good photographer.Thank you again .
Dick Osseman26-Apr-2006 18:58
To Kaan: I did visit Safranbolu, sorry, no pictures yet.
kaan 26-Apr-2006 17:21
brilliant (.
i'm from Safranbolu,i couldn't see my town's photos,you didn't visit here..
just near Amasra,Safranbolu waiting you..
melis 26-Apr-2006 10:14
tebrikler OSSEMAN...inan bu siteye girince farkýna vardým;gidip görmem gereken o kadar cok yer varki!ben turkiyede oldugum halde bunu yapamadým seni gercekten kutluyorum.inan cok faydalý ve harika biþey yapmýþsý denebilirki cok iyi bir iþ cýkarmýþssýn.eminim elinde olanlarda bu fotograflar kadar güzeldir.onlarý sabýrsýzlýkla sanýrým bý turk olarak yapmam gereken tek seyý yapýyorum:tesekkurler OSSEMAN...
ozgur 25-Apr-2006 21:07
i was born in sivas and live in izmir since 1991. there're so many detailed pictures what i havent seen, in these both countries.
congratulations& thanks so much for loving us

ozgur yesilyaprak
Guest 25-Apr-2006 19:24
These are the best and informative pictures I've ever seen in the internet. Thankyou for your willingness to share these beautiful pictures with us. Well done. I'm searching historically well known 'generals statues' pictures. Is it possible to add those pictures to your site. Like; Ataturk, Ismet pasa, Kazim Karabekir pasa. Thankyou very much. Dee.
Elif 25-Apr-2006 10:32
selamün aleyküm i really liked the photos tey are very good!! go on!!!
inci 25-Apr-2006 10:28
thanks for all photos,ý only say a turkish idiom:..."ELLERÝNE SAÐLIK"
Mustafa Nedim Tokman 22-Apr-2006 06:44
Hello Dick,

I was searching for some pictures for Turkey and to my surprise I couldn't find nice pictures of the places I was looking for. I think your page will come first from now on on a Google search. :)

Great job! I am impressed, feel proud of your pictures, showing people what Turkey really looks like.
Taner Celebi 21-Apr-2006 23:21
Thank you Mr.Osseman, It feels like your surname sounds almost like Ottoman. If you didnt tell me where you are from I would say you are a real Turkish. Because of the places you have seen. You are really doing a great job by taking marvellous pictures of Turkey. You make me proud. I believe you would make a great friend. I would like to tell you, you have my friendship. Thank you.
Pinar 21-Apr-2006 17:12
Hello Dick,
thank you very much. That is incredible!
The photos are wonderful. I'm turkish but I have born in Germany and live in Krefeld, near Venlo. You make me feel very happy by doing this. Many thanks...
Hamza Senbil 21-Apr-2006 10:01
Ich war der jeniger ,der dich(vor 2 min.)vorhin in Frankfurt treffen wollte unter"Guest".
Guest 21-Apr-2006 09:57
Wenn du nach Frankfurt kommst,sende mir erst vorher eine e-Mail,so dass wir zusammen einen Kaffee trinken können.Ich hätte mich sehr gefreut.BÖYLE DEVAM ET;HOSCAKAL.
Hamza Senbil 21-Apr-2006 09:38
Dear Dick,..First many many Thanks for this "hard-work" of you.Congritulations.Lots of Turkishpeople haven't seen this all cities and locations in the Türkiye.Because Türkiye is a relativ big country.To visit all thees places would you need endless long time and much money!You maked it us easy and gave us many inspirations to our next journey!I can understand you;why did you called our land as Turkey(it is a strange-name for a land) ,and not as Türkiye.It could be found better,easier by more foreign people in www. At specially for me,it was very nice+interesting+prakticable.Because I live in Frankfurt and can use your tourism-guide.But,you shall change the photo of city Bursa please.There are more beatifull places in Bursa,(also in Eskisehir,where I come from)!Keep in love.Bei
Donna Sheree 20-Apr-2006 20:26
dear mr osseman,just want to say as a regular visitor to turkish resorts,and with many turkish/kurdis friends,i have the greatest respect for turkey and the people,its so nice to see people like yourself showing the world an honest veiw of turkey,if only there where more people like u in the world it would be a better place.keep up with your much appreciated hard work.Again thank you.DONNA.Northern Ireland.
H.Demir 19-Apr-2006 14:52
Dear Dick,
your photos are fantastic, panoramic and also very detailed. I'm from Sivas, working in Kayseri. We didnot get so much good photos from our cities. In my opininon, our goverment (especially Tourism Ministery) must give you a medal.
Best wishes from Kayseri.
Ilyas Kantar 19-Apr-2006 14:09
Hallo Dick,
I don't know what to say... You've done a great job.
Very many thanks for sharing all these beauties of Turkey...
Ilyas Kantar
orhan 19-Apr-2006 08:24
erg mooie foto's van antakya.
Olcay Korkmaz 18-Apr-2006 14:31
Hi Dick,
First of all you did a great job buddy! In the name of all the turkish community I'd like to thank you very much for travelling in our country and showing the different faces of our culture. Big deal! for real! I guess you spend a lot of time in turkey so that you had the opportunity to study about our culture and mentality. Well all I got to say... Whenever your back in town you've got a second home to stay just let me know. Thanks a lot!!!
Mustafa Koç 18-Apr-2006 11:57
Hello Dick,
I am a teacher in Antalya. After I had seen your nice pictures want to write somethings. We turks like our guest. But you are our valuable guest now. Becouse to say a bad things about Turkey and Turks is very easily and "in". But you prefer a hard way. You are talking about turkish people very nice voices. I think you want to be honestly. Thanks everything. If you visit Antalya please write us. We want to know you and we can show you more interesting places villages and nature here for photograph. I have to say you that you win our hearts not only photos... Thank you Dick...
M. Ali Hocaoglu 18-Apr-2006 08:53
I was very pleased to surf in this web site. Thanks very much Dick to make me feel so happy. I am from Antakya and the pictures taken there were so good.
M. Ali Hocaoglu
F. Erkin KUCUKKARAGOZ 18-Apr-2006 03:32
This web site is a totally cultural treasure! Million thanks to Dick. Hope to see you in Marmaris where Mediterrenean and Agaen seas hug each other.
nian 16-Apr-2006 21:22
firstly i wanna thank u so much coz u come over here and help to show the beaty, history and the culture of the Turkey from over there and i have a comment about your photos too..i think they r really gorgious coz they have all the honesty and the pureless point of the view from all around here.
lots of thanks again..
GÜLHAN 16-Apr-2006 09:41
DoguBey 16-Apr-2006 09:02
hello...that is incredible...thnx a lot...
Ayse 13-Apr-2006 07:53
Kizim, cok genc oldugun belli ama artik bu simarikligi biraksan iyi olur, utandiriyorsun.
ilyas 12-Apr-2006 19:44
Excusame sir but there is no any fotos from ADÝYAMAN NEMRUT MOUNTAÝN.. ÝT ÝS 8. WONDER OF THE WORLD !!! and every years many tourist coming there... i think you didnt came in Adiyaman...Ýt is the biggest historical place in turkey ADÝYAMAN !!!!! PLS attention !!! thanks...
osman 12-Apr-2006 11:31
Thanks for making announcement of Turkey....
congratulations for this..ý appreciate your job..
evrngzp 12-Apr-2006 11:19
thanks god job
Murat YILMAZ / Teacher 11-Apr-2006 18:16
Thanks Mr. Osseman ( Mr. Osseman your last name is very interesting. Can I say you Mr. Osman ! )
Loves from Black Sea and Unye.
supernova 11-Apr-2006 01:15
thanks for making announcement of Turkey....congratulations for this..ý appreciate your job..

[url] [/url]
erdal 10-Apr-2006 12:42
nasýl gezdin birader bu kadar yeri biz burnumuzun dibindeyken gezemiyoruzdaa...
Betül 10-Apr-2006 11:42
HiDick.I am fromAdana in Türkiye.Why dont you come adana?I think you can take wonderfull photos.Ýf you want to come adana,I will help you.Thank you for this nice photos.seeyou...
Huseyin Kaya 07-Apr-2006 13:26
Thanks,for Midyat's phots.Midyat
Özgür Güdü 07-Apr-2006 11:07
Thank you Dick. It's so nice to see the places that I love from your objective.
Onur Güner 07-Apr-2006 08:20
thank you so much for your interest.We also would like to see Holland and it's beauties.keep up good work !!!!
Sonja 06-Apr-2006 15:47
Hallo Dick,
Ik heb je website van mijn vrienden uit Turkije gekregen, je hebt daar veel fans:)
Het zijn prachtige foto's!!!

mehmet 06-Apr-2006 06:02
thanks for you its very good picture from my country....


Ayşen toprak 05-Apr-2006 07:29
Mehmet A. Cetinbas 04-Apr-2006 01:13
Dear Mr.Ossemann:
I enjoyed the pictures you have posted on your web page and am certain that I will refer your web page to many friends who are interested in Turkey. Congradulations and keep up the good work.
Ibrahim 03-Apr-2006 23:41
That is a wonderful web site. Thanks for your invaluable efforts.
xena 03-Apr-2006 22:16
good job!! thnx..

and ur site most popular in Turkey...
Ergin Nural 03-Apr-2006 21:20
Herr Ossemann,
You have done a great job...Thank you.
I just can imagine how many kms that you should have drive and walk
to get all these fantastic photos..
kader 03-Apr-2006 15:15
did you visit all those places and shot those fotos?
sertacc 02-Apr-2006 20:26
Really Amazing and great work of art. Congratulations. Even Turks couldnt tell the country as beautiful as u did.
Please put some Giresun (Blacksea coast) pictures if you have some!
semih baydar 02-Apr-2006 10:13
cenk ahtungside 02-Apr-2006 02:51
these photos are realy good, ý realised what we have got
Hasan Yediyıldız 01-Apr-2006 15:41
Dear Dick,
Thanks a lot for your nice Niksar's photos.I was born in Niksar but now I live in Ýstanbul because of this sometimes I miss Niksar.When I wacthed your Niksar photos I'm very happy aðain thanks a lot for your succesful work
Best Regards
Hasan Yediyýldýz
Dia 30-Mar-2006 16:39
Hi!I'm from Kosovo.I liked really much those photos.All of them.I would like to have a picture of Turkey flag but a good one.Can you send me on my email
Elif 30-Mar-2006 13:10

Such beautiful photos - I'm Turkish and have tried many times to photograph different cities but have never managed to show its beauty the way you have. Thank you!
dila 30-Mar-2006 09:37
dear dick
your pictures are wonderful, i dont know when you would like to visit turkey/niksar next time but if we meet there. I promise you niksar has wonderful mountains were the pepole of niksar life normadic like they lived before 1500 years.
Osman 29-Mar-2006 07:07
Fanntasticooo.Fanntasticooo.(Ne demekti?)
Yani gözel olmuþ.Çook gözel olmuþ.
Merak edilen ve cevabýný görmediðim iki þey var Dear Dick :
1-Dick ne demektir Türkçe'ye vurunca
2-Osseman'ýn bizim Osman' larla alakasý var mý ?
Yigit Senyuz 28-Mar-2006 23:46
Hello Dick:
I congragulate your art work, you have captured the most eye-catching moments! Keep up with the good work...
mehmet fevzi altay 28-Mar-2006 18:21
lovely from antakya...thx
resul das 28-Mar-2006 13:05
Hello Dick,
Thank you very much for beatiful images.. You are very expert. In my opinion forget you to ELAZIG. Elazig is small city but there is historical past of it.
best regartds..
Resul DAS
Engin Ilgazli 28-Mar-2006 09:25
Hi Dick,

got your homepage by coincidence from my cousin from moscow sent to me to Germany (we are well organised ;-). Very nice pictures and report on Izmir - my 2nd hometown ;-) Keep up the good spirit. Tot ziens, Engin
mujgan 27-Mar-2006 23:28
it`s great!, nice pictures and beautiful compositon of different cities.
Steve Brayford 27-Mar-2006 19:28
Fantastic photo's Dick.

Great to see the smiling kids faces in some of the pictures, real heart warming stuff.
It makes me want to jump on a Kamil Koc right now.

From one Turkey lover to another, keep up the great work.

Steve B
Birmingham, England.
noname 27-Mar-2006 15:19
is Dick Osseman your real name?
it means "ya**ak osman" ???
Levent Tinmaz 27-Mar-2006 11:06
Hi Dick,
You have done adorable job.I think words are not enough to describe what a great and adorable art you did. I can only sat that, congratulations.
Ivan Denisenko 27-Mar-2006 01:30

Grand Master Dick Osseman !

Tykhe flying over Asia Minor dropped by mistake her famous horn full up with marvels. You have depicted the major part of them and more, realized a tremendous work. Congratulations !
Well, as a tour guide I have to tell the lovers of history that they can observe all these beauties in situ but they'll need time, more than a month.
Ladies and gentlemen, please have a seat and apreciate, one by one, these pictures of the country of tales brought to you by a talanted artist.
I am very surprised with the first picture I have ever seen getting the unique tone of blue of Eðirdir Lake's waters.

Wish you a long healthy life, full up with right lights.

Ivan Denisenko
G.Kumder 26-Mar-2006 21:18
I would like to congratulate you, Mr. Osseman. This is a great job and to have "Turkey-lover" friends who make people around aware of our natural beauties.
Thank you.
Yasar Yazar 26-Mar-2006 15:50
Hi our friends,
We call you friends because we really saw what you thing about our culture and society. We are really glad about your search and you’ve gave us lots of information about our country that it’s make you special fried for us.

Today we were really understood we have to realize our culture how they effected of world culture, art, life stile and architecture.

We with you and thanks to you from our heart.
musel Sevik 26-Mar-2006 15:32
Dear Dick OSSEMAN,

Al photos are wonderfull. This is a great job. Unbeliveable.
Thank you very much for your help about TURKEY.
UNYE my home town. Now I am lieving in antakya/Hatay.. But my heart is lieving at there.. Thank you again
izzetyilmaz 26-Mar-2006 14:36
merhaba mr.osseman..çalýþmalarýnýz için teþekkür ederim.Burdur-sagalassos 'a resimleride eklemenizi rica ediyorum..þarýlar dilerim...
nart 26-Mar-2006 12:01
good job man ...
i am living in norway and just designing a personal-website so what i say is can i use some of them on my page..ment the some pictures..let me know please
okay 25-Mar-2006 22:34
arkadaþlar yemeyin böyle numaralarý ya bir avrupalý neden ilgilensin Türkiye ile bu kadar adamlarýn niyetleri baþka neden hep varoþlarý göstermiþ ki bu adam nevruz kutlamarýna güneydoðuya giden bir adidir..
okay 25-Mar-2006 22:29
arkadaþlar yemeyin böyle numaralarý ya bir avrupalý neden ilgilensin Türkiye ile bu kadar adamlarýn niyetleri baþka neden hep varoþlarý göstermiþ ki bu adam nevruz kutlamarýna güneydoðuya giden bir adidir..
Guest 25-Mar-2006 03:10

Congrats & thank you very much for this step by step Turkey gallery.
Best regards frm Istanbul.
Guest 25-Mar-2006 02:41

Congrats & thank you very much for this step by step Turkey gallery.
Best regards frm Istanbul.
martina 24-Mar-2006 19:22
Hi Dick, good evening, an increadible & extraordinary work you have done!!! I have to get a camera as well & start taking pictures...most of the places I have seen myself, too, & as someone mentioned below, when are you going to climb nemrut dagi, a unique place, which waits for you. Kind regards, Martina
Abdülkadir Bağdat 24-Mar-2006 15:00
Dear Dick OSSEMAN,
The great job has been done by you and congratulations for your intensive effort.
with all best wishes,

Abdulkadir S. BAGDAT
ayaz 24-Mar-2006 13:51
Nice Job Mr Osseman. Thanks from Turkey.
Ebru Tunalı 24-Mar-2006 07:31
Hi Dick;
How nice you had a chance to go round Turkey and it is nice of you to choose TR. I wish we will have the same opportunity in the future as the money and time never comes together for a privite company worker in Turkey:(((
I appriciate your hard work in getting all these effort on the internet. Please note that I will advise these web site to all my friends.
We would love to see you in TR again and again. Whenever you come to Ankara please send me an e-mail to have a chat at least.
Very best regards,
Burcu 23-Mar-2006 23:55
Hi Dick,
I would like to Thank you for everthing..All the pictures are great actually My Country is Awesome..
My best wishes for you...
Hasan EMLEK 23-Mar-2006 20:50
Dear Osseman,
Al photos are wonderfull. This is a great job. Unbeliveable.
Thank you very much for your help about TURKEY.
UNYE my home town. Now I am lieving in Antalya.. But my heart is lieving at there.. Thank you again..
TYPHOON 23-Mar-2006 16:35
M.LEVENT BAYSOYU 23-Mar-2006 11:08
Thank you for have been turkish peoples's heart
Bedri 23-Mar-2006 08:05
Türkiyemizi bizlerden daha iyi taniyan, tanitan harika bir insan..... Ne desem bilemiyorum, tüm iyi ve güzel sözler böyle insanlara ; tesekkürler Dick Osseman....
özkan taşkiran 23-Mar-2006 07:07
hamza 22-Mar-2006 17:50
Thank you BEATIFULL PLACES turkey Mr Osseman .
umit 22-Mar-2006 16:13
wellcome..... they are fantastic.... thank you
Sahin 22-Mar-2006 15:53
Teþekkürler / Thank you Mr Osseman
Gelibolu / Çanakkale
Diana 22-Mar-2006 15:11
Thank you Dick for sharing your wonderful, cultural pictures of Turkey. You have a very rich collection of photos, and I would like to use some of them for my Turkish History class if you have no objections.
Gulay 22-Mar-2006 12:04
Dear Osseman,

What a great job you did!All the pictures are great!
Do not take care Fatma´s criticism and thank you very much your friendship.(We need this nowadys)
fatma 21-Mar-2006 20:51
Mr. Osseman,
Thank you so much ..
Guest 21-Mar-2006 18:57
Hallo Dick, ik kreeg deze site van een turkse vriend, in een woord geweldig!!
Prachtige foto s!!
Ik ging al graag naar Turkije , maar nu weet ik dat er nog heel veel meer te zien is.
Hartelijke groet
Adem 21-Mar-2006 16:39
Merhaba Osseman,
Benim ülkemi benden daha iyi gezmiþ, ciddiye almýþ ve harika kadrajlarla ölümsüzleþtirmiþsin. Sonsuz teþekkürlerimi sunarým...
Hikmet Geckil 21-Mar-2006 16:15
Dear Mr. Osseman,
What beautiful pictures these are. I can't believe you took so many pictures of this country and my hometown (Malatya). This is just a painstaking work and thank you for those great pictures from your camera. Wow.. this is incredible!!!...

My best wishes for you...
Hikmet Geckil, Assoc. Prof.
Department of Biology
Inonu University
Malatya 44280 Turkey
bozkurt 21-Mar-2006 15:09
din dil ýrk farký gözetmeden insanlarý,hayatý,yaþamayý seven toplumun bir bireyi olarak cenent toprakalrýmýzý adým adým gezmiþ olmanýz ve fotoðraf kareleriyle tüm dünyaya açmýþ olmanýzdan dolayý size müteþekkirim
karalama yapmadan süslü cümleler kurmaya gerek duymadan sadece içimden geçenleri sizinle paylaþmak istedim ve size tek kelimeyle yazmam gerekirse dileklerimi


sevgi saygý ve dua ile kalýn

Adriana N. 20-Mar-2006 19:29
Dear Dick
Compliments for this fantastic
I hope to visite soon yous underfull contry.
Sincerely congratulations
orhan 19-Mar-2006 19:17
i am totally overwhelmed by your collection. come and drink our tea when you think about visiting canakkale again.
Kivanc Cubukcu 19-Mar-2006 18:23
Dear Sir,
After looking at your albums, I was proud to be a citizen of this beautiful country. What struck me the most is that those pictures were taken by a Dutch tourist doing a great favor in the positive representation of my country. I appreciate all that you have done for us.
All the best.
Kivanc Cubukcu
Tanju Berk 19-Mar-2006 13:15
I'd like to thank you for your frienship, understanding, efforts and for all you have done in the name of peace and love.
Sincere Congratulations,
Tanju Berk

Respect & Regards,
Krisztina 18-Mar-2006 19:04
Dear Dick,
I have a Turkish friend, who showed me your picture gallery. It is simply phantastic, I will choose the destinations for my trip in July to the Eastern part of Turkey based on your photos. Do you also have some pictures on the Nimrud Dag statues? I wish to visit them too, but I ask for your advise first, do you recommend them?
Looking forward to see some more shots, thanks
Krisztina 18-Mar-2006 18:55
Dear Dick,
I have a Turkish friend, who showed me your picture gallery. It is simply phantastic, I will choose the destinations for my trip in July to the Eastern part of Turkey based on your photos. Do you also have some pictures on the Nimrud Dag statues? I wish to visit them too, but I ask for your advise first, do you recommend them?
Looking forward to see some more shots, thanks
Dick Osseman18-Mar-2006 17:58
Sevgili Fatma,
Mersin'i nasýl yansýttýðýmla ilgili olarak beni ilk olarak eleþtirdiðin zaman sinirlenmiþtim. Bir þehri ziyaret ettiðimde, birkaç saat dolaþýyorum ve karþýma ne çýkarsa onlarýn fotoðrafýný çekiyorum. Mersin'de dolaþýrken bunlar ve dilenen çocuklar dikkatimi çeken þeylerdi. Sahili ziyaret etmedim ve balýkçý resimleri görmek için Sinop galerimi görebilirsiniz. Belki Mersin'e tekrar giderim ve biraza daha resim çekerim. Bu arada insanlar þu an galeride olanlarla yetinmek zorundalar. Sizin ve diðer ziyaretçilerin þunu anlamalarý gerekir ki; ben herhangi bir þehrin tam bir resmini oluþturmaya çalýþmadýðým gibi, bunu yapamam da. Mesela, inþallah Ýstanbul galerisi yýllar içinde büyümeye devam edecek ama kesinlikle bitmeyecek. Mersin galerisine ne olacaðýný kim bilebilir. Sevgili Fatma, bu yazý bir Türk tarafýndan yazýldý ve yanýt vermek zorunda deðilsin. Bundan sonra böyle bir yanýt alamazsýn.
Mehmet Fatih YILDIZ 18-Mar-2006 09:06
My Friend Osseman,

SuperGreat Job, This is so wonderful..
i couldn't do this :)

Thanks, Respect & Regards

Mehmet Fatih YILDIZ
Muzaffer Gulenc 18-Mar-2006 04:40
Dear Sir,

You did a great job, I appriciate what you have done.Thank you very much.
Demet 18-Mar-2006 01:51
Dear Mr. Osseman!!
I Love you ... you make me fall in love again and again with my past,with my future,who we are and what I am... Thank you...
Manuela 17-Mar-2006 22:56
it makes me fall in love with Turkey all over again, wunderschoen!
Ich liebe und vermisse die Turkei sehr und diese Bilder haben sie wieder sehr nahe gebracht.
Habt Ihr auch Fotos von Sariyer?
Vielen dank f[r diese wunderschoene Minireise,
Thanks for giving me a wonderful Miniholiday through these pictures!
FAHRETTIN ERTEKIN 17-Mar-2006 13:49
oZCAN TURHAN 17-Mar-2006 11:11
I hope all happiness with you.
Thanks a lot.
For everyone : Ottoman was an EMPÝRE.
Omer Yagiz17-Mar-2006 09:43
Dick, your wonderful galleries about Turkey has got to be the largest collection of high quality photos from my country. I visit your pages often and everytime I see something new and exciting. All I can say is "thank you" or "dank u" for your wonderful efforts.

Groeten uit North Cyprus..
Aklen ALTINEL 16-Mar-2006 23:05
How amazing it should be to witness this many colours in person.

With your open heart and your eyes full of life and memories, I wish you and to all your loved ones the best experiences of life which will amaze you and make you happy like I am right now after visiting this fabulous site.

With all best wishes from Istanbul, Turkey
HUSEYIN SIMSEK 16-Mar-2006 21:45
My Dear Friend,

I called you my dear friend, because your pictures showed us how beautiful person you are.

They are absolutely brilliant. You viewed and examined our country much better and from a different perspective than our so called field experts. The pictures tell the past and present Anatolian History. All talk for themselves and all are lovely and gorgeous.

Your pictures have already reached to so many countries around the world. I am right now viewing your pictures from Sydney. Another person is viewing from New York and another guy from Shanghai.

You’ve done very well keep up with the good work

fatma 16-Mar-2006 20:46
sevgili Ayça,
öncelikle kibar ifadeler için teþekkür ederim.Ayný kibarlýðý bu sayfayý hazýrlayan kiþiden göremedim.Oysa benim ilk yazdýðým gayet saygýlý ve içten bi eleþtiriydi.Haklsýn, benim demek istediðim de o deðildi zaten. Ben bir Mersinli olarak, sadece Mersinle ilgili çektiklerinin Mersini yansýtmadýðýný söyledim.Eðer bakarsan göreceksin.Mersin bir sahil þehri,bir sürü tarihi yere de sahip ayný zamanda.Ama ne sahilden bir görüntü ve ne Ashab-ý Keyf'ten, ne uzun kýyýlarýndan, balýkçýlarýndan, bir tane bile fotoðraf yok.Ama mendil satan çocuklarýn kare kare fotoðraflarý var,bozuk yollar var.Bu benim görüþüm ve haklý olduðumda ýsrarlýyým.Mersin burdaki gibi deðil, bu Mersin deðil..Ben bunu gayet kibar dile getirdim, eðer bu bir yorum köþesiyse bu da benim en doðal hakkým.Ama kendisi bunu çok çirkin bir hale getirdi..O nedenle kendisine ve yapmaya çalýþtýðý þeye saygý duyamam bu saatten sonra.
Tekrar teþekkürler.
Richard Hayden 16-Mar-2006 20:01
What a fabulous Work of Art !! Well done and thank you so much !
Haydar Duman 16-Mar-2006 17:07
Cher Mr.Dick Osseman.
Je suis un guide de la turquie depuis 30 ans et un des rares qui connait toute la Turquie.Je tiens de vous remercier de votre effort et le site que vous offrez pour le monde en fesant connaitre mon pays.Si on est tous humain dans ce monde je pense vous faites connaitre la Turquie et d'apres vos jolies fhotos aussi le monde entier en profite et voient ce beau pays D'apres vos effeorts. Merci encore.
Haydar Duman.
Gökhan Oruçoğlu 16-Mar-2006 16:21
I'd like to thank you for your frienship, understanding, efforts and for all you have done in the name of peace and love.

Sincere Congratulations,

Respect & Regards,
yazgan erol 16-Mar-2006 16:09
Lieber Dick,
Ich bedanke mich für deine Mühe die du dir gegeben hast den Menschen bei zutragen, dass auch in meinem Land, schönes gibt.
Deine Mühe ist für mich sehr wertvoll, weil du den Menschen gezeigt hast, dass Freundschaften mehr Wert tragen, als, dass die Menschen sind andauernd vernichten.
Mit der Hoffnung, dass eines Tages alle Menschen nur gutes im Kopf haben anstatt Blut und Hass.
Lebe gut und werde immer glücklich
Freundlichem Gruss
Adil Gurkan Ceyhan 16-Mar-2006 14:59
Dear Osseman,

I hit your website long time ago, when I was in Luanda-Angola working for oil company. I worked and visited places in almost four continents. Surprisingly I am hit your web site after taking my some vacation in my country and visiting first time Divrigi. Another interesting thing was I am from Sivas, I was born there but never had a chance to go and see the "Great Mosque" in Divrigi, you say it is not from Selcuk's Architecture Style.

After all your nicely done web site getting popular in Turkey, and after Angola, I decided to go to Iran and work there, now I am currently in Tehran, and visited places like Shiraz, Mashad still more to see... I would say that coming from eastern Anotolia and especially Sivas, Iran is an amazing complementing and hidden great culture today, and I would not state much how much you are missing being not visited Iran.

Coming from Turkey, and now enjoying in Iran. My last word is on Divirigi again as German Architec mentioned on his book, on the Northern Portal Gate in Divirigi, if you can start understanding the imaginative life tree, you would see and answer for evey question we face in the life, that life tree is a mirror of life... and right now I am after visiting and working in Arfica, Europe and America, now living in the mirror Anatolian Culture in Persian (Iranian) culture to see more depth in to my culture.

thanks for being a reason to take me to Iran today ...
Ahmet ALTUNER 16-Mar-2006 14:41
Saygýdeðer ve Sevgili Dick Bey,
Bu güzel çalýþmandan ötürü sizi yürekten kutlar.Yaþamýnýzýn hep güzelliklere dolu olmasýný Allah'tran dua ederim...
Selam saygý ve sevgilerimle...
hesna 16-Mar-2006 13:43

karadenizde - özellikle de ünyede - bir karadenizliyle geçirdiði zamanlarla, þimdiye kadar yaþamadýðýný farketmiþ bir akdenizliyim ben...... siteniz güzel günlerin anýsýna "sýk kullanýlanlar"a eklendi...
Adelya 16-Mar-2006 10:26
Bir turimci olarak ben bile ülkemin tanýtýmýnda bu kadar baþarýlý olduðuma inanamadým.
Katkýlarýnýzdan dolayý sizi kutluyorum.
ceylan ozalit 16-Mar-2006 10:26
Valla bu siteyi hazýrlayandan Allah razý olsun,güzel ülkemin güzel þehirlerini izlemek çok güzell
Haluk Işındağ 16-Mar-2006 08:06
Sevgili Dick Osseman,

Yaklaþýmýna, çabana, gösterdiðin dostluða, barýþ ve sevgi adýna oluþturduðun örneðe teþekkür ederim. Seni candan kutlarým.

Sevgi ve saygýlarýmla
DI.Haluk Iþýndað
serhun 15-Mar-2006 21:50
sevgili dick

hazirlamis oldugun bu güzel site icin seni tebrik ederim...

KHANPOSSE 15-Mar-2006 19:42






My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.
I've lived, a life that's full, I've traveled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Ayça Seral 15-Mar-2006 15:33
Sevgili Fatma,
Mr. Osseman'ýn ülkemizi sevdiði için gelmesi, tekrar tekrar geliyor olmasý sence yeterli
deðil mi? Nerenin resmini çektiðinden ziyade, bizlere hangi gözlerle baktýðý ö
o gözlerin samimi bir sevgi dolu olduðunu görmemek için kör olmak lazým. Uçan halýlar, dünya güzelleri, güller, yatlar, aqua renkli havuzlar ve koylar, bizi yabancýlara yeterli tanýttý mý dersin? Türkiye bu spotlardaki Türkiye mi, yoksa Mr. Osseman'ýn sevecen resimlerindeki basit ama misafirperver insanlar mý? Açýk kalplilikle ir düþün istersen.
neslihan ö. 15-Mar-2006 12:30
I say "congrulations"......
thank you for everything....
neslihan ö. 15-Mar-2006 12:29
Nihan 15-Mar-2006 11:12
As if you visited all these places,I say "congrulations" and you chose the right country to turn around.
ömer salih akar 15-Mar-2006 09:23
thank you for your photos. a lot of place of turkey are shown on this photos. ý saw also sivas. ý am from sivas too.
health to your hands :)
dick tracy 14-Mar-2006 19:05
what "dick" means in Turkish? i really confused?
kursat 14-Mar-2006 15:36
süper bi tanýtým olmuþ teþekkür ederiz...
Duru Dincer 14-Mar-2006 01:10
harika bir site olmus kutlarým tebrikler..
aksu 13-Mar-2006 23:45
Osseman, Teþekkürler...
fatihcanery 13-Mar-2006 21:28
elinize sağlık.cok güzel olmus
fatihcanery 13-Mar-2006 21:28
elinize sağlık.cok güzel olmus
Rammstein 13-Mar-2006 16:38
Turkiye Hakkinda boylesine guzel bir site yapip dunyaya tanittiginiz icin bir Turk olarak size tesekkur etmek isterim.cok emek harcanarak guzel bir eser cikmis ortaya.(Nasreddin hocanin sehri AKSEHIR i unutmussunuz galiba?)

Guest 13-Mar-2006 15:26
Betul 13-Mar-2006 15:00
I envy you:)
I am from Ordu and I live in Eskisehir. I like the comments about Ordu. It is how it looks for a foreigner. I will only advise you to go high plateus like "Cambasi" in Ordu and "Ayder" in Rize and "Kackar" just to view wonderful nature and feel the oxygen. If you are not vegetarian, the taste of meat is quitely tasteful in plateus. People say because of the oregano that cows and sheeps eat. And I realised that you did not climb to "Boztepe" in Ordu, this is something unusual because I am sure everybody probably advised you to go there to see the Ordu "bird-eye view. People do paragliding from Boztepe to the seaside. And I would advise you to visit people in the villages.
Thank you at all:)
Have great Turkey visits!!!
Guest 13-Mar-2006 14:57
hello..ý from Turkiye..ý see some photos of Turkiye here..but ý couldnt see photos of Adýyaman ...Commagene.Nemrut..this is a big loss ý think
efkan sinan 13-Mar-2006 11:14
dear mr.osseman,thank you for your turkiye pictures.nice job.ý saw all pictures in see my country was interesting,from a stranger wishes
MEHMET ALİ 12-Mar-2006 08:34
selam dick. ben afyonluyum fakat istanbulda yaþýyorum. ismim mehmet ali. baþta afyon fotoðraflarý olmak üzere tüm fotoðraflarýn ve uðraþýn için sana teþekkür ediyorum. harikaydý.
nicolite 11-Mar-2006 15:56
ihk can't spraeecan nederland,but dankewell omdat asshubelift..
Sibel Gazozcu 11-Mar-2006 11:46
Dear Mr. Osseman,

I have gone through some of your photographs of Istanbul. They are amazing!!! You have done a wonderful job by sharing those photographs. Excellent work...Hope you could continue visiting Turkey and taking more pictures. Its a pleasure to visit your web page.
rosemary 11-Mar-2006 10:40
dear mr osseman, your photographs are outstanding and wonderful. they brought back many warm memories of my trips to istanbul in the eighties. i'm so fortunate that you are willing to share your pictures. i'm sorry that your are having problems with a certain person. please carry on your wonderful work in the knowledge that you are giving so much pleasure and insight for others.
Suzan Atasoy 11-Mar-2006 04:40
thank you for wonderful visual feast.
ilker 10-Mar-2006 22:05
that's wonderfull, thank you for everything
uGy 10-Mar-2006 14:35
just w0w
Murat 10-Mar-2006 11:30

Thats are wonderfull. We are living in Istanbul but we couldn't visit all of them. Congratulations!

However, you can add an option to your web site to upload more photos from guests. Of course, after your filtering. I advise you to visit Beypazari and Safranbolu for example.

MEHMET KOCATÜRK 10-Mar-2006 06:43
very good.thanks. thanks a lot for this work, that you've done
m kocatürk 10-Mar-2006 06:39
very good.thanks
fatma 09-Mar-2006 20:06
I have never told you unpleasant words like fool :/
I don't care you answer me or not. You are so rude and disrespectful people..
Keep going enjoy yourself!
Dick Osseman09-Mar-2006 19:23
Some Fatma is pestering me. I think the whole thing started on March 5 (see there, she wants me to take pictures of the beaches and the summer camping ground and all that stuff one can find on any website) when she criticized me for showing poor people and I wrote that she probably was rich. Then she countered she wasn't rich, so.... That message I deleted, I was so annoyed. On March 9 she is telling me I am not sincere and all that. Her criticism is that I am only enjoying myself. Fatma, you are so right, will you nows shut up? In my profile I write that I do this to let people enjoy my pictures as I take them, and I imply that I am not in the business of advertising Turkey, that is for the advertising boys to do. Fatma seems to think she can instruct me what pictures to take, what to show, what not. I will NOT answer any more of her messages and keep deleting them since they only annoy me, and I indeed do this to enjoy myself. The March 9 wil stay in, so people can see what a fool Fatma is. I suppose this will only make her angry, but that is a risk I am willing to take. As a matter of fact, I may keep her messages in as a side show. It's this kind of sillyness that sometimes makes me want to quit. Please let the Fatma's of this world make their own site, with happy campers at the campfire on the beach, and let them stay out of my world.
yemre 09-Mar-2006 19:12
izmit-masukiye-sapanca'yi gezmeni tavsiye ederim. su aralarda bir cok profesyonelin geldigi kartepe`ye cikip hem korfez`i hem sapanca golunu resimleyebilirsin.

hollanda dan 150 kisilik bir kafile gecen hafta gelmisti.. seni de bekleriz..
Bedia 09-Mar-2006 15:05

Bu siteyi,bu sahane fotograflarla donatip,bir dünya cenneti olan ülkemi tanitan ve TÜRK OLMANIN NE KADAR AYRICALIKLI BÝR ÖZELLIK OLDUÐUNU bir kez daha hatirlatan site kurucularina-GÜZEL TÜRKÇE'm ile-sevgi ve saygilarimi sunup çok tesekkür ediyorum
fatma 09-Mar-2006 13:49
You have deleted my message. This show that I am really right about you. You don't endurance any criticism. You don't want to advertise Turkey. You only enjoy yourself!!!
I don't believe you are sincere..!
Sezin 09-Mar-2006 13:35
Hello Dick,
You web site's link is being circulated by fwds and in the introductory mail it says how anyone would admire the photos in the link. This is not only about Turkey but also a link picturing the heritage of various world civilizations. Great work. Thank You.
Said DAGDAS 09-Mar-2006 12:28
Tesekkurler OSMAN (osseman) Bey...
Said DAGDAS 09-Mar-2006 12:27


tesekkurler osseman bey...
Birol Gürol 09-Mar-2006 09:44
Hello Mr.osseman
Congratulations. I was be very happy when I saw your ýnternet pages and pictures of turkey. THANKS A LOT. I wýsh you be happy all of your life.THANK YOU THANK YOU
Birol Gürol-Ýstanbul cýty
Bays 08-Mar-2006 16:30
Great work and great job, congratulations.
Also from the buttom of my heart I would like to thank you for showing the world how we as Turkish people would like the way the world would
Please keep doing it. You’re doing the best.
emel 08-Mar-2006 16:27
thanks a lot for this work, that you've done. they're amazing. i love my land and i loved these photos.
Guest 08-Mar-2006 14:55
Mr. Osseman,
Your gallery of Turkey is the most comprehensive that I have seen on PBASE. I plan to visit this beautiful country in 9/06 and I will be visiting your gallery for reference a lot. Your work here just validates that I am making the right decision to make Turkey my next destination. You have shown how historical and beautiful this country is and thank you for putting this together for us visitors who will benefit a lot from your work.
özlem 08-Mar-2006 14:26
Thank for wonderful photo. Þehrimizin bu kadar güzel olduðunu bilmiyordum. Benim memleketimi bu kadar güzel gözlerle gördüðün için saol.
Özge CORDAN 08-Mar-2006 10:15
Thank you for your excellent photos from our contry, Turkey. CONGRATULATIONS...
Cengizhan M. 08-Mar-2006 09:58
Dear Osseman thank you very much for your wonderful photos. Be sure that many people in Turkey will confused when they check your photos. Because we, Turkish people are not accustomed to see neutral photo which is taken by foreigner about Turkey. Thanks very much your No:1 quality photos.
Cengizhan M.
Guest 07-Mar-2006 20:58
Dear Dick,

Wonderful collection of images presented in such an organized package. What an investment of time and effort. It is simply stunning.

I truly hope you would continue doing what you love to do most without being disturbed by those who seem to confuse the birthright to LIVE on a patch of land with the OWNERSHIP of it.

This is a Treasure for those who had not yet seen Turkey and for those of us who in fact were lucky to be born there but, for one reason or another, did not have the opportunity to see it from the perspective you seemed to have looked at it.

It is so nice to share the sights of my motherland with others who are equally lucky to be born on other patches of the Earth.

Thank you very much, or as we say it in Turkish, “Sagol, Varol”…
Tariq Habib 07-Mar-2006 19:28
I visited your site as a friend had sent me a link in an email. I think you have done an outstanding job in capturing the spirit of the country. Like you, I am not Turkish, but went there first in 1972 and lost my heart to it. I returned a few more times but now that I have settled in Canada, I have not had the opportunity to visit from here.

The Turkey you show is the Turkey I remember and love. Simple friendly people, quaint houses, beatiful landscape, delicious aromas, warm welcomes, rich history, open hearts, helping hands etc. etc.

I will visit your site often to rekindle my memories.

Thank you so much.
Oytun 07-Mar-2006 17:00
Dear osseman
Thanks for this beautifull website. i'll follow ur website.. i hope visit my country again and take photo a lot about my country..
best regards
Emin Birey Soyer 07-Mar-2006 15:34
Sayın Osseman,
Bu güzel fotoğraflar için çok teşekkürler ederim,Türkiye'de yaşayıp, güzel ülkemi sizin kadar gezememe rağmen, sizin çektiğiniz fotoğraflarla neler kaçırdığımı bir daha fark ettim...Her şey için çok teşekkür ederim,umarım sizinle tanışma mutluluğuna erişirim.
Jay 07-Mar-2006 14:35

Zubuk Otcu 07-Mar-2006 14:35
Great work, congratulations. Very impressed. This is real Turkey.
Sam Zacum 07-Mar-2006 09:36
Impressing collection of beautiful photos from the Country I was born in!
Best regards,

Sam Zacum
FATIH YAZICI 07-Mar-2006 08:02
Nur 07-Mar-2006 01:31
Dear Dick,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart . Your work is incredibly wonderful. Take care
Nur AUS/Melbourne
Ahmet KOSAR 06-Mar-2006 18:31
Dear Dick,
Thank u very much for this great work.
We try hard for making rich all children of this country..
but it isn't possible.. :( like in other countries...

c.m.groeneveld 06-Mar-2006 18:07
Dag Dick, prachtige foto' s van de mozaiken in de AS! Ik geniet ervan.
Tineke Groeneveld
omur 06-Mar-2006 17:56
Congratulations on your work and thank you so much
Cagnur 06-Mar-2006 14:42
Congratulations ..great work... I admired ...and on behalf of my country thank you :)
Tulay Sayita 06-Mar-2006 11:51
Congratulations on your work and thank you. :-)
mözer 06-Mar-2006 10:03
We really 10 q Dick. You've done a great job for my country. Pictures are lovely especially Konya Pictures.
Dick Osseman05-Mar-2006 21:32
I dislike beaches. And I find poor children generally more fun than rich ones. Also, if you want me to prevent me from taking pictures of poor children, here is a suggestion: make them rich, like you. Right? Or stop complaining.
fatma 05-Mar-2006 20:46
Mr. Osseman,
Actually, when I saw this page, I was really pleasured and I appreciated you. But then I was sorry..Although we have very beautiful places in Mersin, you choose taking poor children or bad road which were fixed by our municipality.I wish you took our beaches, summer camping ground or something like these. Nevertheless, I appreciate your interest.
Guest 05-Mar-2006 06:52
Simply great, you managed to summarize the beauty and charm and depth of this blessed country... history is breathing through your pictures and keeps my memories of lovely Turkey alive in my heart.

God bless you, and may more people like yourself exist in the world, we need beauty, it purifies the souls..

serdar 05-Mar-2006 02:43
harika bir site tebrik ederim bütün arkadaþlarýma tavsiye edeceðim
OSMAN DILER 03-Mar-2006 15:32
Adnan Kabaalioğlu 03-Mar-2006 15:27
I was born in Ýnebolu, which seems to be one of your favorite sites in Turkey. Your photos and comments about Ýnebolu and other parts of Turkey have been an exciting experience for me. Thanks for your interest..(I may send you the photos of the house where I was born and lived for 5 years and visited nearly every summer. It is so important for me and my family because my mother's grandfather has built it around 1880; so it stands there as a historical house.)

Prof. Dr. Adnan Kabaalioðlu
Akdeniz University Hospital, Antalya

Adnan Kabaalioğlu 03-Mar-2006 15:24
I was born in Ýnebolu, which seems to be one of your favorite sites in Turkey. Your photos and comments about Ýnebolu and other parts of Turkey have been an exciting experience for me. Thanks for your interest..(I may send you the photos of the house where I was born and lived for 5 years and visited nearly every summer. It is so important for me and my family because my mother's grandfather has built it around 1880; so it stands there as a historical house.)
Prof. Dr. Adnan Kabaalioðlu
Akdeniz University Hospital, Antalya
Çağdaş Narin 03-Mar-2006 10:15
gultekin Ylaçın 03-Mar-2006 10:14
Mr. Osseman
All ot them are very nice pictuers. Thank you. I was born in Sinop At Turkey. I want your site at Tatlýca Þelaleri at ERFELEK.
Caner Yesildag 03-Mar-2006 07:45
Mr. Osseman
I was born in Nigde where is the some part of Capadocia. I checked your pictures for Niðde. I can say you missed most of the places. Many peoples don't know plenty of historical and troustic places in Nigde. Most famous one is TYANA where is the very important city during the Rome empire , It is located in Kemerhisar that is 30km away from Niðde. Another mysterious place is a Hitite city on top of a mountain near the Komurcu village. You forgot to visit Gumusler monastery too. Thank you for your interest for our country. Best wishes...
hanneke 02-Mar-2006 21:05
Ik heb met veel plezier uw foto's bekeken. Het was alsof ik over turkije vloog, af en toe neerstreek en dan aan uw hand door het landschap wandelde. Dank u voor deze prachtige foto reportage.
ilksev gogeakin 02-Mar-2006 20:21
Very nice pictures. Congratulations on your work and thank you. boyar 02-Mar-2006 14:23
Hi Dick
What a wonderful page, I am very impressed.
Thank you these beautiful pictures..
Best Regards
Mehmet ÇAPAR 02-Mar-2006 13:10
Resimler güzel ve paylaþýmýn için teþekkürler

Emeklerin ve ellerine saðlýk
Christine 02-Mar-2006 13:01
Hi Dick
What a wonderful page, I am very impressed.
Thank you these beautiful pictures..
Rana 02-Mar-2006 08:03
I appreciated you.. That's super work and thank you very much for sharing with us.
Rana / IZMIR
deniz 02-Mar-2006 05:05
Mr. Osseman
u're a great photographer, i agree. something lacks though! how about east of turkey?
Guest 01-Mar-2006 14:32

Myself as a photographer and a Turkish/Canadian, I admire your work. Thanks for sharing.
gonulcelen 01-Mar-2006 10:16
Mr. Osseman
Thanks for the photos from all around Turkey, especially Alacahöyük-Alaca-ÇORUM town and AMASYA merkez and merkeze baðlý köy belde ve bucaklar.
We are waiting you to come again to our beautiful country-TÜRKÝYE.
Zeynep 01-Mar-2006 08:43
I really like your photos, you're a great photographer. Thanks for visiting our country.
Luc De Vos 28-Feb-2006 12:26
Beste Mr. Osseman
Met bewondering heb ik uw prachtige beeldenreeks over de Aya Sophia doorgenomen. Over enkele weken trek ik met mijn klas laatstejaars naar Istanbul en uiteraard staat dit unieke monument op de agenda. Mijn felicitaties voor de schitterende presentatie van de foto's: het verlangen om weer eens tussen die muren te dwalen wordt er sterker door... Ik wil enkele van uw beelden gebruiken als inleiding op onze klasreis en hoop dat u daartegen geen bezwaar hebt.
Alvast bedankt.
Veel groeten
L. De Vos
Gent - België
Mustafa 27-Feb-2006 12:09
Nice work. Congratulations
Lloyd Goding 27-Feb-2006 04:20

May I add my thanks to you for such a splendid repository of Turkish images. Having lived there for two years, I enjoy seeing through your eyes many of the same places and things that make this country so dear to me, especially the faces of the people and the backwater places.

Yanki Mehmet 26-Feb-2006 22:16
Thank you very much fo sharing your work. Are you a professional photographer or is this just your hobby?
Lydia Sanderson25-Feb-2006 15:00
These are the best and most eclectic image galleries from Turkey that I have ever seen, I look forward to additions and will come back for more visits. Your pictures brought back wonderful memories of my own visits to the country. tesekkur ederim . . . Lydia
yusuf akbas 24-Feb-2006 22:19
Great job Mr Osseman.Thanks for showing us how primitive we are and what a nice country we have..This beautiful country is not shown even on those rubbish Turkish Tv channels of ours.They only sing and dance all day long.
fatih 24-Feb-2006 20:45
Thnak you for visiting our country the site is very good
Can Hayat ÖZYURT 24-Feb-2006 08:30
Türkiye fotoðraflarýn çok güzel. Paylaþtýðýn için teþekkürler. Yine bekleriz TÜrkiye ye.
Özellikle pek bilinmeyen Akkuþ Niksar bölgelerini gezmiþsin. Çok ilginç ve güzel yerler.
mustafa yaşar 24-Feb-2006 06:48
Dik osman gerçekten bu kadar yeri gezipte mi çektin bu resimleri ? Eðer gidip gezipde çektiysen HELAL SANA ....Çaðdaþ evliya çelebisin...
Mecit 23-Feb-2006 19:59
Hi Dick..Thanks a lot for the landscape about all around Turkey..I have been livin in Turkey for 24 years but I have not seen most parts of Turkey as much as you seen.I think you are mad about Turkey regarding your shots about Turkey.I hope we will bump into in the streets of Tokat...I really wanna meet with you..Anyway,Thank you very much indeed.Youd did a good job..keep it..see yuh..bye
fevzi 23-Feb-2006 16:33
thanks for photo mr Dick Osseman
Fatih Ferah 23-Feb-2006 10:46
Hii Dick..Thanks for photo all of araund to Turkey...
Very Amazing..

See you..Adio (:
Guest 23-Feb-2006 09:05
that was a gorgeous archieve u have about my country..
i am really impressed.. thanx and next time in istanbul
gel ve bir acý kahvemizi iç!!.... :)
özer gökboncuk from antalya 23-Feb-2006 08:08
özer gökboncuk 23-Feb-2006 08:02
dear dick OSSEMAN;as a turkýsh cýtýzen,thank you very much for takýng these photos from ANTALYA and showýng ýn thýs sýte to world people.we lýke you and we lýke all people of the world.because TURKEY is a country of peace and freedom
Guest 23-Feb-2006 07:49
hey man you are great photographer. I am turk. thanks for photos.
hatice 22-Feb-2006 13:05
mr osseman arkadaþlar güzel ilçemiz birecikle ilgili resimlerinizi için sayfanýzýn linkini bulmuþlar güzel resimler çalýþmalarýnýzda baþarýlar dilerim
Olcay Dayan Dİgnef 22-Feb-2006 11:06
Hallo gecahte meneer !!
ik ben olcay uit Kusadasý - Izmýr , getrouwd met een Belgische man al voor 3jaar en aan het in Turkýje wonen !! Het maakt niet uit als wýj in Turkýje of in Nederlands of Belgie geboren hebben !! De wereld nodigt ons allemaal uit !! U hebt geluk om overal kunnen te bezoeken , we hebben geluk om uw ervaringen kunnen te zien via website .
wilde zeggen : BEDANKT VAN HARTE VOOR UW HART !!! groetjes aan de familie
Mike Marunchak 21-Feb-2006 23:37
I lived in Turkey for almost 17 years while I was growing up. Your pictures--especially of the eastern towns like Diyarbakir and Gaziantep which don't seem to have changed a great deal--have taken me back to the wonderful days of my childhood. Thanks for the great pictures!

Mike Marunchak
Chicago, USA
Dick Osseman21-Feb-2006 19:42
In answer to Oya:

Thanks for your comment. However, I will not change the name for a simple reason. When I started the site it was with English texts only (I am Dutch, in my language it would be Turkije, closer to the Turkish spelling, but pronounced differently, more like English Turk-eye-ye). Recently a student offered assistance, and now some pages have texts in Turkish. The site is getting more and more Turkish, but still very many people seek it with Google or have received links from friends. For that reason I do not change the names of galleries if I can avoid it, nor of the site itself. Sorry, but the reason is a very practical one and has nothing to do with respect for the name of the country. The Netherlands in Dutch are Nederland, but we are also called Holland or The Low Countries and the popluation, though calling themselves Nederlanders, are known all over the world as Dutch. And yes, I don't like that bird the Americans eat ar some festival either. It keeps spoiling searches in Google.
Tiger 21-Feb-2006 16:08
Dear Dick,

What an amazing job you have done with the pictures of Turkey. I have always wanted to do the same you got me beat to it. Thank you so much for an amazing job and helping the rest of the world to see the beautiful scenes of Turkey. You have made alot of Turks very proud! Feel free to let me know if you ever need help with anything in the US. Thanks Again for an amazing job
Tiger (an American Turk)
Celil 21-Feb-2006 15:12
Dear Dick Osseman;

I was extremely thankful from your photo archive about Turkiye.

be sure, I haven't seen the places you have seen yet!

thanks, thanks, thanks...

best regards;
Guest 21-Feb-2006 14:19
Just great, and thank you for all your hard work

Guest 21-Feb-2006 12:01
Nice work Dick. All Turks are grateful for this work. We appreciate this,it's for sure. A little advice for you : If you are planning to come Ýzmir again, you should really see Cesme and Kusadasý,the touristic parts of the pearl of the Aegean.
OYA UYAN AKGUNES 21-Feb-2006 08:15
Our Dear Friend Dick, you have done a perfect job, thank you so much for all your energy and love on my country.. I will be forwarding your link to all my foriegn friends to show the beauty of Turkiye.. May I ask you for a favour? Please can you call my country as TURKIYE, not TURKEY from now on on your web-site? We will appreciate it very much.
With my warmest regards, 21.02.2006
Oya Uyan Akgüneþ
yasin 21-Feb-2006 07:45
dear Dick;
i wanna say really thanks.. im from turkey and im people pf the ÝZMÝR.. i love my country and my city... thnaks for all photos... but you didnt take a photo different side in my city... Alsancak, Kordon , Karþýyaka, Goztepe , Ýnciraltý , Bornova... :(
ok not important.. :)) thanks for everything.. but you must know this... Ýzmir is best city in my country.. liveavable... :))
Kindest regards,
thanks really thanks... you have a Turk Spirit... ;)
yasin cantopcu
Guest 20-Feb-2006 19:48
Great pictures, truly impressive.
I’ll come back to see more pictures.
Thank you
murat arman 20-Feb-2006 17:07

it s amazing pictures thanx a lot to share with us
thank you ....
okan 20-Feb-2006 15:32
Thank you very very much for your kind interest to our country.
If you come again, be sure that, many home will open its doors for you to entertain you in our country with pleasure.
Okan Soykan
my gsm , pls call me if you come to istanbul: 0090-532-3162121
Serhat 20-Feb-2006 15:13
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks..
It seems that you traveled more than me even in my country..
Very beautiful job.. You discovered the paradise before death..
Wish my best for you and for your lovers..

Serhat Aydin / Istanbul-Kanlica..
PS: Kanlica's favourite thing is Yoghurt..
Asli 20-Feb-2006 11:15
Dear Dick,

I really appreciate what you have done :). I used to be a photographer but I am in a very very different job now as life brought me here. You have done as a foreigner what I couldn't do as a Turk. Thx. for this. Hope to have a chance to work with you in future for new portfolios.
Guest 19-Feb-2006 21:22
Just got back from Turkey myself and was looking around for other photos. Beautiful work. I'll probably leave more individual comments on specific photos but just wanted to say great job and invite you to look at my photos from Turkey:
Sinan, NJ 18-Feb-2006 21:59
The best photo archive about Turkey in the world. Dick you should have been in love with Turkey to do such hardworking and paasionate job. I really appreacitae your work, i will distribute this website to my network. What i want to know is to "Why Turkey?"... just a curiosity
Astrid 18-Feb-2006 16:58

Hallo Dick,

thank you for this site with all the wonderful pictures and informations!
mustafa 18-Feb-2006 10:43
Good job Osseman...
Huseyin K. 15-Feb-2006 04:00
Hello Dick,

I think you have quite a collection here. I am Turkish but I haven't seen the places you have seen yet! I like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for going through the troubles to create this site. This is not only a great service to the travelers, photographers (such as my wife) and the inquiring minds alike, but also a great service to my native country -- Turkey.

I am not sure what type of negative comments you received from my country-men but I hope you will not be discouraged or intimidated by them. After all, you are taking pictures of the reality. Idiots were here when the men-kind arrived and they will be here after we are all gone! Do I need to say more?!


Huseyin K.
İSMAİL OZDEN 15-Feb-2006 00:43 II first of all want to thank you really by my heart that you have visited and like my country . I had been in Holland for 20 days and really I also like the DUTCH people so much that they were warm blooded just like Turkish people I am from kayseri but living in ÝSTANBUL if one day when you come to my country <<<<<<<<<ý will be pleased to meet you as a guest of me thank you very much for your cooperation about TURKS AND TURKÝYE


Attachments Preview:

Betty 10-Feb-2006 22:01
I've really enjoyed your website. I lived in Adana, Turkey for 2 years, 1974-1976. I really liked seeing what has changed and what still looks the same as it did then. It inspired me to get out our many, many slides that we took and get them put onto CDs. Good work.
elif 10-Feb-2006 10:46
hello dick
you are a great photographer, amazing!!!! thank you so much for this such a great job. I live in new york and I am little homesick. I was going to die of crying. I wish you the best. take good yourself and keep up the good work.... bye
Hakan, USA 09-Feb-2006 21:54
Hey Dick,
Great website, great pictures.
I'm from Edirne and loved the pictures.
I will forward this website to my friends.
Many thanks
Guest 06-Feb-2006 17:55
Beautiful website and pictures are magnificent. Keep up the good work. Your site was forwarded to me after a friend forwarded the Rotary Website. Thnaks
Gökçe Bengisu 04-Feb-2006 21:53
Dear Sir,even you put the photo's of Muðla's mosque's shoes,you didn't put a picture of Kusadasi which is next to Selçuk.Kuþadasi has already a small island and in this island there is a castle which was made by Bizans.If you can not find the photo's,i can send you...
Best Regards...
gokcen capkinci 04-Feb-2006 21:03
I visited your galleries,and found wonderfull.Thanks your all working.
Good luck and best regards
Feridun Alkaya 03-Feb-2006 02:08
Ozellikle Anitkabir fotograflari icin tesekkur ederim.
Cenk 01-Feb-2006 05:44
Dear Dick Osseman,
I have to start by saying, i love the site. I've lived in the states most of my life and currently do so but i was born and raised in Istanbul. I have many friends here that wonder what its like there and i tell them about it as well as try to find good examples of pictures to show them. You not only make it so easy but provide some of the best I've seen yet.. I applaud and congradulate you. I also think that a "thank you" is an order on behalf of Turkish people for presenting it in such a beautiful manner. I will save your link and email it to a few friends. Heck, I'll even put it on my website to get you more visitors. I appriciate your efforts and thank you again.
Demir & Gulgun Karsan 30-Jan-2006 22:32
Dear Dick,
A wonderful gallery of pistures of my country. Please do not mind the negative letters from the Armenians and Greeks. They are raised from childhood to hate Turks and any positive thing anyone does for Turkiye is a negative thing for them. This is an irrational human behaviour but what can we do? We are willing to forget the past, be good friends and leave in peace with everyone, if they can just use their heads and hearts and think about what they are doing.

We love You
Cuneyt Kaptanoglu 30-Jan-2006 15:08
Hi Big man.
Every body said needed every thing about you(I don't mean the silly ones). I think the last one left. You must get a TR passport also. I know you don't want but anyway if you want I have also many pictures in my hand that I can share with you over Turkiye. I lived in your country just for 3 months. Very nice days for me. If you come to Ankara please tell me and lets drink RAKI together and take a lot.
Best regards.
Stay like that.
Cuneyt Kaptanoglu
Ebru and Memo Belgin 28-Jan-2006 18:04
Dear Dick,
We are so happy to see all the pictures on your website. We live abroad and anything that is related to home (Turkey) is priceless. You have been to places which we didn't have the chance to go . It is marveous to see those places from your eyes. We believe your perspective as an artist and a human being is exceptional. Thank you so much for all your pictures and your excellent taste representing the old with the new, the beautiful with the natural and even the little alley cats :). Please do not worry about different negative opinions of other people. Peaople are just too sensitive I guess. You are doing/did an excellent job. We wish you the best and happiness to your family.
Warm regards
Guest 28-Jan-2006 14:47
Dear Dick,
I have already visited your web picture gallery of Turkey.
I must mention that this is the MOST beautiful and rich picture site of Turkey I have ever seen.
I must express my deepest sincere thanks to you and any other friends (if there is) for all your efforts.
I do hope to meet you one time.
In fact, if you ever happen to come to Izmir again, please let me know of your plans, so that I can arrange a meeting/speech from your own voice to all my colleagues and people of Izmir.
Warmest regards,

Prof.Dr.Kamil Okyay SINDIR
President, Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, Izmir Branch
1462 Sokak No:33, Alsancak, Izmir, TURKEY
Tel: +90.232.4220068 Fax: +90.232.4222764 gsm: +90.533.6678167 email:

Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept.of Agricultural Machinery
35100, Bornova, Ýzmir, TURKEY
Tel: +90.232.3884000 ext.1502 Fax: +90.232.3427642 gsm: +90.532.3631287 email:
ATALAY 28-Jan-2006 14:09
I would like to say something about that but I wouldnt because Thoses are perfect pictures about My country.THANKS A LOT FOR ALLS.definetly good word from hakan "keep up good work"
zafer altemur 27-Jan-2006 12:29
dear dick
many thanks for yr nice pics.a great work buddy pls keep on taking pics..
Aysegul Karagozoglu 26-Jan-2006 14:01
many thanks for information about my country. I have found a small mistake about city named of BURSA! on turkish translation. this city famous of silk= in turkish "ipek". not leather.BURSA is my family city.
I am living in Torbali near izmir. Ýf I have get some of nice pictures about "metropolis (old ancient town near us)" I will sent them to you...
best regart
hakan 24-Jan-2006 19:09
i live in the US and it is an honor for me to congragulate you for your time and hard work that made this picture gallery possible. we all appreciate your effords and beautiful pictures.
keep up the good work
hakan beden
Guest 23-Jan-2006 08:49
Hi Again,
Firstly I am not blaming you for anything.I was curies about smthng and I asked you answered thanks for that.Secondly I thought why you did Turkey picture instead of your own country.
Dick Osseman22-Jan-2006 18:29

This is becoming complicated: If you are referring to my Ankara commentators' comment (that I had to delete offensive language and such): I do think those people lived in Ankara, they just wanted it to be presented in a different style to mine. Most comments are very complimentary. Also, many are from Turks living abroad, who could not easily visit all those places.

Thanks for the support, though.
Guest 22-Jan-2006 15:28
Hi again,
just for fun.Ok in that case there is nothing to say.
But It is ironik isn't it?Lots of turkish wrote comment but most of them haven't seen this places yet?
Dick Osseman21-Jan-2006 13:11
I do this just for fun. It happens.
Guest 21-Jan-2006 12:52
I was face up your website while I was surfing.
I just can say why did you do that?to make money or what?
Another thing is All turkish wrote here some comment.I am curies about why they dont go to these place to see alive??
Ozhan Eyigor 20-Jan-2006 10:26
Dear Mr Osseman
First of all great site with great pictures. And as for the comments it looks like everybody enjoys as I do. The one thing that I liked with your portfolio (and there are similar comments) that you give the visitor an unpolished, real view of Turkey. One thing I would like to suggest is that you should start visiting more rural sites. As one can see you have been to most of the cities and touristic sites and posted pictures from there. I think it would complete your site if you could put pictures of a daily life of an untouristic village anywhere in Anatolia. I am pretty sure you will find more of your favorite old houses to picture at those villages, too. And if you come to Bursa again, please contact me and we can go around to find such places for you to visit and picture.
One last Q: To my curiosity, what brand of cameras you use, conventional and digital?
Best wishes and keep going!
Dr. Ozhan Eyigor
Uludag University Faculty of Medicine
eda 18-Jan-2006 15:01
Hi my name is eda
And I want to say something about your web site. When I saw your website I was very happy. Because I think it's very very succesful. Because in our country nobody did like this web site. And also we can find a lot of picture about my country and my city. For this thank you very much.
Best wishes
Serhat 18-Jan-2006 11:38
Merhaba hollandalý türkiye aþýðý dosta;
Kusura bakma ingilizce bilmediðimden dolayý türkçe yazmak zorundayým.Ben sadece Teþekkür etmek için mesaj yazmak istedim.
Thank You Dick.:)
Good luck:)
noname 18-Jan-2006 04:41
thank you dick,its really good pictures
Ali 17-Jan-2006 15:28
Well done.
Ali from Mersin
pınar 17-Jan-2006 10:10

ýf you will come hatay/antakya ý can help you
Isa SARI 17-Jan-2006 09:56
Dear Osseman,

Your photos are "great". We cannot or "don't" do like your works in our land. But you succeed this, congratulations. If you come to Ankara, I want to meet with you and I can help you.

With all respect:
Dick Osseman16-Jan-2006 19:30
In reference to the question "Do you have any ancestral conection to Turkey": None. My name translates approximately as "Man with ox- or oxen" and that's all there is to it. Nothing like Osman with some "se" thrown in. It's as Dutch as can be (though contrary to some other peoples the Dutch know they are a conglomerate of other peoples and don't make a fuss about this; we don't pride ourselves of our ancient history, because we know that most of our population comes from all over the world now).
Ugur 16-Jan-2006 10:30
Dear Dick,
You made a great job and I would like to congratulate you. I spent alot of my time in Bodrum and I wished you would show more about this wonderful half island because so many visitors are comming every year and a lot of foreigners are buying houses to stay and enjoy Bodrum.
Guest 16-Jan-2006 04:36
Dear Dick:
Do you have any ancestral connection to Turkey?
Anna 15-Jan-2006 21:26
Dear Dick,
regards from Turkish Club, Moscow, Russia!
Thank you so much for your art, for your wonderful pictures, that reflect all sides of Turkish life and so many places of interest I dream to go to! You're a really happy person because you've travelled along Turkey and seen all these places, which are breathing history and you can feel it entering some mosque or kosk or whatever.
Will wait new photos of our beloved country!
mahurgozlu 14-Jan-2006 19:46
yaklasik üc yildir internette geziniyorum,ilk defa Türkiye'den bu kadar güzel resimler ve aciklamalar olan bir sayfayla karsilastim, yazmadan yapamadim takdir ettim.. öncelikle kendi adima tesekkürler.

zulal 13-Jan-2006 03:57
Dear Mr Osseman , Thank you for sharing this immense tresure of photos of Turkey with us . I am from Istanbul and live in Canada . We travel back every few years and visit different areas , but you have given us ALL. I don't think we would have the time to see it all , and you have made it possible with your great photos . Regards, Zulal.
Sevgin Oktay 12-Jan-2006 17:51
I thoroughly enjoyed looking at your pictures of Turkey, from afar, the United States. Another town that would be of great interest is Safranbolu, a UNESCO heritage center, near the Black Sea coast. I am including your web site as one of my favorites. You can be sure that I will be visiting your site frequently. Thank you for a great service well done!

Sevgin Oktay
New York, USA
Davras Yavuz 11-Jan-2006 09:03
Mr. Dosseman,
Wonderful initiative, congratulations. I am a Turk working in the Netherlands and would be very pleased to meet you. Since you mention your interest in old houses please have a look at some photos of Beypazari which I think you will like (at, they have done a wonderful job of renovating hundreds of classical Turkish houses now available as Pansiyons with the original local owners next to them or nearby. If you would like to have the corresponding JPG files just let me know.
Thank you.
D. Yavuz
Den-Haag, Netherlands

Elvan Amasya 10-Jan-2006 19:42
Congratulations Dick, and thank you for being so generous to share these gorgeous moments with the rest of the world, we greatly appreciate it. I will definitely be spreading the word to the ones I know, and wish everyone who visits this website do the same.
As a token of our appreciation I would like to invite you to Toronto, Canada to meet more Turkish crowd, and have some baklava and Turkish coffee with us.
Utku Kuturman 09-Jan-2006 19:12
incredible pictures. Congratulations for this brilliant have done a great job!
METİN İVAK 09-Jan-2006 17:55
Refik 07-Jan-2006 14:54
Dear Dick,
What a spectacular web site about Turkey. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!..
I viewed it with a great pleasure and deeply admire your fantastic work. You deserve lots of credit for your hard work. We all should recommend this page to everyone, not only Turkish speaking people.
All the best,
SERPIL 07-Jan-2006 09:34
Ülkemizi bir Hollandalý'nýn bu kadar güzel anlatabileceðine inanmazdým doðrusu. Gelin görün ki site gerçekten çok güzel olmuþ.. Dick Osseman'ý caný gönülden tebrik ediyorum. Sitede Dick Osseman'a yazýlmýþ notlarý incelediðimde kötü sözlerde okudum. Tabi ki herkes kendi memleketini burda görmek isteyebilir. Ama bu þekilde ifade etmek kötü olmuþ. Bence bu siteyi herkese göstermeliyiz. Ülkemiz için yabancýlar sadece karalama çalýþmasý yapmadýklarýný ispatlýyorlar en azýndan!
ali 06-Jan-2006 14:42
sizbuna ülkemizin güzel fotoðraflarý demeye utanmýyormusunuz hani dünya kültür mirasý listesine giren o güzelim safranbolu resimleri yuh olsun bunu hazýrlayan geri zekalýya
seher cakir 06-Jan-2006 12:07
Thank you Mr.Osseman.I am writting in Kastamonu.Wonderful...
Guest 06-Jan-2006 10:11
ertan 06-Jan-2006 08:22
Sayýn Osseman,
ellerinize saðlýk...Abartýsýz söylüyorum ki; çok profesyonelce çekilmiþ fotoðraflar. Sizi kutluyorum ve ülkemizin tanýtýmý adýna yaptýklarýnýz için teþekkür ediyorum. Nice baþarýlara ulaþmanýz dileðiyle sevgiler.
YK 06-Jan-2006 03:52
An excellent resource. I'm using it to plan my next trip to Turkiye. Well done, keep up the good work.
YK, Australia
Mahir Ozden 05-Jan-2006 12:28
Dear Mr. Osseman,
This is a great site for both Turkish and World people to discoverTurkish land's rich history and natural beauties. Most of Turkish people even don't know historical background of their location. I will forward your address to all my friends to spread such a valuable work. I wish you success in continuing work.
Bekir Engin 05-Jan-2006 07:17

Hi Mr. Osseman,
Thanks for posting photos of Turkey and thus contributing to presentation of country and helping Europe to know Turkey better, which will be useful in Turkey's progress towards European Union.I was really happy with seeing the photos of my hometown, Kutahya. Best Wishes.
Serdar Akcapınar 05-Jan-2006 06:24
Merhaba Dick Osseman,

Bu güzel site için size teþekkür ederiz.
Esin 05-Jan-2006 05:13
Dear Dick,
Turkey needs to be defined and you help it to define. Your work is worth of world.
Thank you!

C.Tekin 03-Jan-2006 08:43
Dear Mr Osseman,
First of all wish you and your family a happy new year!
Have enjoyed every page/picture on your side..It's Awesome (Geweldig!).
Mr Tekin/Rotterdam/Netherlands. 3-jan-2005.
a visitor from ahlat 02-Jan-2006 16:27
dear Dick, i found some turkish explanations while visiting some pages in that site. so i thought you know turkish.did you write them by yourself or get help from somebody else?if you wrote them, that means you are good at are same as me. i can explain what i mean in english but have some difficulty while listening to people speaking english.thanks a lot again and again for your works about turkey.
Emin KK 02-Jan-2006 15:56
I admire your work. Congratulations..
Dick Osseman28-Dec-2005 16:48
Well, I am still learning the language. I can explain what I mean in most cases, but when listening people keep using words I do not know. And complicated things I cannot express yet. I hope to reach that point in a year or two, because I think it is a very interesting language.

a visitor from ahlat 28-Dec-2005 16:41
Dear Dick. do you know Turkish?
visitor from ahlat 27-Dec-2005 19:37
Ahlat Ahlat an open air musuem. thank you very much Dick. your site is excellent. everybody go and see Ahlat by using the link above.
Elvan 24-Dec-2005 19:01
Hallo Dick,
Ik wil je badanken voor de prachtige foto's van Turkije. Ik heb genoten van je foto's. Die van Sivas in het bijzonder omdat ik hiervandaan kom. Zo gedetailleerd heb ik ze nooit gezien. Ik hoop dat wij nog van je nieuwe foto's kunnen genieten. Ga zo door !!
Rose Teding 21-Dec-2005 07:03
Your photos are so amazing. I had the opportunity to shoot Istanbul, but obviously not to your talent and capacity. Do you have any suggesting about capturing the beauty of city life? I am looking forward to going back and shooting more of this magical, photogenic city. Thank you for such beautiful photography. Very well captured and with an amazing sense of emotion. I thoroughly enjoy them. Rose Teding usa
Jeff Patterson 19-Dec-2005 10:48
Wonderful site that I enjoyed very much. I was an exchange student in Turkey in 1996-97, and returned for another six months in 2001; between the two I managed to make it to most of the country except for the Karadeniz littoral. Also, I studied Comparative Literature in school, specializing in modern Turkish literature. I'm currently thinking of going back to teach some English in Istanbul.

I had hoped to do a site like this myself, but you beat me to it.

One area I have very little experience in, just passed through, that I hope to explore more is the southern shores of the sea of Marmara. It seemed untouristed and had a sort of genteel 19th century vibe. Just an idea for further exploration. Also, when I went up the Nemrut Dagi in Adiyaman it was almost totally Turkish tourists, if that makes a difference to you: it was well worth it. When I went up the Nemrut Dagi near Van, it was entirely untouristed. Check it out.

Keep the photos coming and I'll keep looking.
esin 06-Dec-2005 20:45
Mr. Osseman
Thank you very much..
please visit us..
esin-kadir dilaver
from kocaeli
Dick Osseman03-Dec-2005 08:27
I wrote you a mail.

In general, keep me informed on developments regarding that site.

mehmet 03-Dec-2005 02:47
Dear Ossemani
First of all I would like to congratulate you for this very impressive,wonderful site... We designed site of Mardin City, Turkey in
We take your photos thumbnails to my page.. and linking to this page..

thank you all things..
Nizah 01-Dec-2005 02:29
Dear Dick

I'm going to Turkey this 27th January 2006 and will return on 4th February. What's the weather going to be look like? It's going to have a snow ? I'm really appreciate to your website as I can have take a first look what is going to be like when I visit to Turkey.
My trip will take about 9day 7 night. It will take me to Istanbul, Bursa, Pamukkale,Konya, Ankara and back to Istanbul. I will bring my 4 months daughter and 3 years son, I'm afraid my little baby will easily get cold. Is there any tip that you can tell me on this trip?

Dick Osseman27-Nov-2005 13:04
I took a look at the site you suggested and found it too commercial for my taste. I will leave the link on for a short while for people who are interested (the site is in Dutch by the way), then I will take your message off, because I do not want to turn this into some forum for the promotion of Turkey sites, particularly not if they contain mainly travel information.

You also left me puzzled, are my pictures very nice, or just the ones at the site you linke to?

Ricardo 25-Nov-2005 13:59
Very nice Turkey pictures :)

A. A. Kutluer 11-Nov-2005 09:27
Dear mr. Osseman, I am Ates Kutluer, living 25 years in Holland and working as a trainer in een adult education institution Odyssee. Because of the discussions, somtimes without facts, about membership of Turkey in the European Uninon, and our work with Turkish organisations here in Holland with two of my colleages we decided to organize a study-trup to Turkey. We have chosen the South East Anatolia because of its various etnic groep, rich history, landscape but also because of the recent research of EU this year made by Universty of Tilburg (Atlas of European Values)in which this region is different fram the rest of Turkey. Our trip starts on 14 april next year from Antakya and shall take 8 days. We have placed the program of our trip in the pages of our organisation and my colleage has placed your website. I was one time in 1970 in Hatay but I could not visit the museaum there. I am facinated and excited by your pictures, So excited that I do not know if ý can wait until april. respectufly yours. Ates Kutluer
Faruk Yavuz 07-Nov-2005 14:23
Selam Sayýn Dick Osseman;
Sizi gerçekten ve yürekten kutlarým. Bu kadar detaylý ve harika resimler çekip ayný zamanda burda yayýnladýðýnýz için. Benim yörem (Tatvan)Bitlis-Van arasýnda). Baþarýlarýnýzýn devamý dileðiyle. Hoþçakalýn.
Not: Ýlginizi çeker umarým benimde burda matörce bir sitem var bakmak isterseniz.
guest 21-Oct-2005 14:32

I was at the citidel but it was not a sunny day. Thanks you for letting me family see the city better than I could. David
murat 19-Oct-2005 14:14
i spent my most beautiful years in Bursa. it was a good nostalgia. thank you for this.
muhammed kablama 02-Oct-2005 17:23
from þanlý urfa we saw u at our conser ýn balýklý göl
muhammed kablama 02-Oct-2005 17:21

how are u.ben türküm ve semszenim
Hasan Ergün 30-Sep-2005 22:30
Dear Dick,
You have recently been at my hometown Inebolu. Thank you for sharing your amazing pictures with us. I have very much appreciate your efforts and wish you good luck and health to continue shooting beautiful pictures. All the best, Hasan
Fusun Buyuklu 27-Sep-2005 23:19
Dear Mr.Osseman,

I came across your page by chance while surfing on the web. I am deeply impressed how far you have travelled in my country, like many people I have yet to see most of the places you have photographed. Excellent work, wonderful shots, amazing places... Your album brought me deep nostalgia of my beloved country.

Thank you for sharing them with everyone, and hope to meet you/your family some day to thank you personally. Please let me know if you come to Italy or to Turkey. Best regards and hoscakal.
Gülseren 25-Sep-2005 18:51
Hallo Dick,
als ich nach Bildern aus Bursa, meiner Geburtsstadt, suchte stieß ich auf deiner Seite. Ich bin total begeistert. Obwohl ich Türkin bin, kenne ich meine Heimat lang nicht so gut wie du. Ich lebe seit 33 jahren in Deutschland.

Ich möchte mich in Namen aller in Ausland lebenden Türken bei dir für all deine Mühe bedanken. Mit diesen wunderschönen Bildern kann man ein wenig das ewige Heimweg dämpfen.

Vielen Vielen Dank
Cok tesekkürler
Guest 22-Sep-2005 03:02
Congratulations on your work in Turkey... As a Turk I have yet to see many of the places you have photographs. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Muhammad Ejaz Kaleem 26-Jul-2005 19:35
Dear Mr Dick Osseman ,plz do u guide me about the hotels and also about the currency of turky.i wish to come there next year.plzz help me in this matter.tell me how much ur turkish rupee in usd $?
Thanks once again to have a web and galleries abt BURSA city.if i m here in pakistan then you can say my soul ther in BURSA.
Dick Osseman12-Jul-2005 18:38
Meral nog eens

Gebruik die foto's gerust, ik vergat dat expliciet te maken. Verwijzen naar de bron is altijd gewenst.

En Neuze moet Neue zijn.

Dick Osseman12-Jul-2005 16:51
Beste Meral,

Bedankt voor de lovende woorden, en succes met dat essay. Mocht je daar zin in hebben, stuur me een exemplaar. Mijn adres krijg je als je me een mailtje stuurt, graag op . Mocht je Duits kunnen lezen (of iemand vertaalt het), ik heb een paar pdf's die samen een (goed) artikel vormen waar de Neuze Zürcher Zeitung indertijd foto's van mij bij heeft gebruikt. Het gaat over de talen in Antakya, en de bevolkingsgroepen die wel/niet Arabisch aanhouden als hun taal. Ongeveer twee krantenpagina's tekst. Die zou ik je best kunnen sturen.


Meral 12-Jul-2005 16:26
Hallo Dick...

Ten eerste wil ik meedelen dat je verzameling van fotos gewoonweg super is! Wou zelf dat ik turkije op zo een manier met eigen ogen kon beleven, ze zouden dan heel wat onvergetelijke herinneringen rijk zijn.
Op dit moment ben ik voor mijn studie bezig met een klein onderzoekje naar Antakya.. Historie, architectuur, monumenten, bevolking en dergelijke zijn enkele onderwerpen. Mijn vader komt uit Antakya maar ikzelf ben in Nederland geboren, maar alsnog voel ik me een Antakyali. Vandaar ook mijn intresse naar Antakya en o.a. haar geschiedenis. Hierbij zou ik graag een aantal foto's van jou willen gebruiken als het kan, blijkbaar heb jij meer van Antakya gezien dan ik dat ooit heb mogen ervaren. Ik zal deze site vermelden in mijn essay.

Volgens mij ga ik in de toekomst wel vaker je site bezoeken:) het is het waard...

Vriendelijk groet

David 03-Jul-2005 06:03
Fantastic photos! I wish I were back in Turkey...ahh
Sabahattin Bilsel19-Jun-2005 14:19
Congratulations and many thanks your great work and kind message on your profile page. All your galleries are more than amazing. Keep them coming! Hope to meet you some day, somewhere in Turkey... Met vriendelijke groet :)
Özkan Ay 15-Jun-2005 10:25
Hi Dick,

first of all really beautiful picutres. I live in Germany and was born hear, my parents came from a village near Bursa. I went there a several times, especially the central square and Ulu Camii, and as watched your pictures I felt like I would be there.

And again nice and beautiful work go on like you did in the past.

best wishes from Germany
Eldar Kadymov08-Jun-2005 22:31
Dick, thanks for reply. I think people're just too envy to your galleries, that's all. They are simply beautiful, just like your feeling of the moment... BTW you're not generous either for any votes, unless you really don't like my photo galleries, hahahahaha !
Guest 07-Jun-2005 02:29
Thanks for the great pics of Hagia Sophia. It wasn't easy to convince people
that the mosaics are there out in the open without your pics :)
Simon 06-Jun-2005 23:54

Great job!

Thank you for all of your work!
Erkan Erdem03-Jun-2005 23:43
Dear Dick,
Unbelievable and amazing photos...
May I ask these questions: where is your favourite place and what is your favourite photo camera...?
Thanks and Greetings
Mustafa CELIK 20-May-2005 18:35
Merhaba Ben sayfamda resimleri yayýnlamak istiyorum müsade edermisiniz acaba ?
Tire / Ýzmir - Turkey
mert 11-May-2005 02:47
Dear Dick ,thank you for your hard work. I was born in Bergama I have been in state 33 years .
Jessica Sahutoglu 08-May-2005 13:40
WOW!!!! I am so in love with this site! Is there a way to download all the pictures at once? Also, have you ever been to C(h)evlik in Samandag, Antakya? I didn't see any pics of it, but maybe I missed something..

Jessica Sahutoglu
Jean Corey 07-May-2005 04:47
Dear Dick,
I want to add my congratulations and thanks for the wonderful, beautiful pictures. They go a long ways towards satisfying a classical art and history junkie. I can spend hours learning about past civilizations and can often learn many things from a picture that could never be quite understood through words. Also a few years ago we saw Istanbul, Ephesus, and Priene. It was so great to see so many reminders of the things we had enjoyed seeing. Thanks for taking the time and hard work to put together such a large and complete collection of photos.
Jean Corey
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Birsen Amin 03-May-2005 13:38
Dear Sir,
First of all I would like to congratulate you for this very impressive,wonderful site.
I came accross with it while surfing for my hometown, Diyarbakir,Turkey..It was a big surprise to find all others as well. I thoroughly enjoyed surfing your site for hours...
What a treasure!!. And what a nice gift to us !!..
Thank you so much.
"Ellerine saglik.."

Birsen Amin,Sydney,Australia
Alican Yoker 30-Apr-2005 13:48
ik heb met veel genoegen, vooral de foto's van Istanbul en Edirne, bekeken.
Wij komen zelf uit het oude Istanbul, Fener, bij de Yavuz Sultan Selim Camii.
En het is erg mooi om zoveel dingen te herkennen, ik heb zin in Istanbul gekregen dankzij de foto's, ik kan niet wachten. De foto's van de Carsamba Pazari(woensdagmarkt) in de wijk Fatih waren prachtig, als je de foto's bekijkt lijkt het wel alsof je er zelf net hebt gelopen.

Ik heb een paar mooie foto's die ik zelf heb genomen afgelopen zomer, van Eyup(uitzicht vanaf daar), misschien kan ik ze opsturen?

mvg Alican
ina hussaarts 14-Apr-2005 20:10
Hallo Dick,
We zijn eind maart wezen skien in Uludag. Ik had voor die tijd je pagina gevonden en genoten van de prachtige foto's van Bursa. We zijn dus ook een dag hierna toe geweest en oa de groene moskee en het muradya complex bezocht. Verder zijn we ook nog een middag naar Cumalikizik geweest. Dit alles heeft een extra dimensie aan onze skivakantie gegeven, mede door je goede informatie. Ben zelf nu ook met een webpagina bezig over
Uludag, Bursa en Cumalikizik: onder 2005 zit Uludag.
groetjes Ina
Mustafa KILIC 14-Apr-2005 02:16
Hello Dick

Thanks for photo all of araund to Turkey specialy I had glad to see photo of Ünye
Ünye is my town I am living in Ýstanbul wery interesting that when I miss my town I am looking your web site for photo thak you again I hope you like of Ünye well
if you like to visit to Ýstanbul came my work hotel

see you as soon as possible

Mustafa KILIC
Dick Osseman12-Apr-2005 16:10
Dag Emre,

Meestal schrijf ik, om logische redenen, in het Engels, maar voor deze keer: heel hartelijk dank voor de vriendelijke woorden. Het kost me weinig moeite door te gaan met het werk: er liggen nog een heleboel foto's te wachten, en ik probeer al een tijd drie, vier keer per jaar in het land te zijn. Steeds vaker vind ik het leuk buiten de toeristische seizoenen te komen, dus in de winter, vroege lente, late herfst. Het land lijkt dan nog wat echter, al zijn sommige gebieden dan moeilijk toegankelijk. Toch hoop ik nog eens Kars in de sneeuw te zien (Het boek van Pamuk Orhan viel me erg tegen, maar de plaats blijft trekken. Trabzon in de sneeuw? Weet ik niet, zou wel eens natte sneeuw kunnen worden).

Ik hoop dat u, en misschien wat andere Turken-in-Nederland, de weg naar mijn site nog vaker zult bewandelen.

Graag gedaan, en mijn groeten terug,

Emre Karayavuz 12-Apr-2005 11:35
Hallo Dick,

Ik heb eerder een berichtje achtergelaten in het Engels en zag later dat u Nederlands bent. Nu dacht ik als een Nederlandse Turk, ik moet nog een bericht achterlaten! En in het Nederlands kan ik mezelf beter uitdrukken natuurlijk.
U heeft een fantastische galerie van foto's gemaakt en wil u daarvoor bedanken, u heeft ons land heel goed in beeld gebracht..leuk zijn ook de foto's van burgers en kinderen. Zulke foto's kom je op internet maar weinig tegen.
Ik woon zelf ook in Nederland, namelijk in Eibergen, een klein dorp in het oosten van het land. Ik ben geboren in Trabzon en zag al dat u daar ook mooie foto's heeft geschoten. U bent vast in aanraking gekomen met de warmte ook van de mensen daar en wil u daarom ook mijn warme dank geven voor het maken de fotos van Turkije en met name Trabzon. Ik hoop dat u zo door gaat met u werk..het is zeer aangenaam om te zien dat een buitenlander zo bezig lan zijn met 'ons'land.

Hartelijk dank en zeer vriendelijke groeten,

Emre Karayavuz
Emre 12-Apr-2005 11:20

I enjoined watching the pictures you must be a great fan of Turkey. That makes me very happy allso...And I allso enjoined the pictures of the city were I was born, Trabzon. I don't live in Turkey at the moment and than it's nice to see some pictures of the country you miss and thank you very much!

Emre Karayavuz
Cherilyn 26-Mar-2005 09:34
Hello Dick,

I saw your images today and usually I do not seek out contributers, but your work is quite amazing and I must say, I'm very impressed!

I am seeking photography submissions for the next issue of Surface Online Art Magazine. The deadline is "April 15th" 2005. The theme is "The Rise and Fall of God and Evil". I'd like it if you'd submit no more than 5 pieces to our magazine. The set must have a title. Also, a title for each piece.

There is no payment for your submissions, but you will have a chance to showcase your work in our growing magazine. Please send submissions to me at:

Also, please include a small bio and link with your work. If you haven't any ideas for this issue, perhaps a future theme? Check our submission guidelines for themes that are coming up. :) I could also have another peek at your work and help you chose.

Thank you,
Cherilyn Ferroggiaro
Photography Editor The Surface Online
Arts Magazine and Gallery
konur 26-Mar-2005 07:46
dear dick, thank you for your hard work. as an art historian, i really enjoy them. your detail images perfect. i keep most of your pictures in my hard disk. all very important data of date about art and life. good luck to you and thank you.
Dick Osseman25-Mar-2005 09:20
Thanks Gail, for all the kind words. Emirsultan mosque Ý have visited several times, but most pictures are still in analogue form, and it may take some time to put them on the internet. Ýn particular since Ý keep shooting more (today Gaziantep).

Gail 24-Mar-2005 01:57
Hi Dick,
I was born in Bursa, now living in Canada, once in awhile I get home sick. One night, I typed "Bursa+photos" and your website came up. It felt like I found a lost treasure. Your photos are hauntingly beautiful since it captured the feeling and not just the scenery. Thank you for your hard work. I'm going to go through the rest of the album to make myself familiar with the rest of the country, since I have not travelled through Turkey. Even for Bursa, I've never been inside some of the places you published. You made it possible to get to know them better. If you go to Bursa next time, please visit Emirsultan. You might find it interesting. Emirsultan Mosque and the graveyard next to it has some interesting tombstones. Thanks for sharing these photos. I thought, Bursa is a hidden place from the rest of the world, but I guess no longer. I do hope that you will get recognition for your great talent. All the best, Gail
Rinaldi 28-Feb-2005 13:00
I would be interested in using some of your photos for cd cover.Could you please let me know if it's possible? Thanks. Gabriella Rinaldi. Italy
Opa en aanhang 16-Feb-2005 14:57
Hoi zoon dick,
tijdens wat over gebleven tijd in het slotervaart ziekenhuis, bericht ik je dat wij als 176000ste bezoeker van je site de weg hebben gevonden in het door jou zo geliefde istanbul en andere steden in Turkey.

Haaike is opgetreden als typiste en zoekmachine voor je vader, moeder en zus.

groeten en succes,

orhan ozan yoncalık 02-Jan-2005 19:20
thank you for your perfect visualizing of our country,Turkey...
Turkey is a country that cannot be explained but just experienced..
and your photos are real proofs of this truth...
when you are in my country, please contact me...
Larry Willis 31-Dec-2004 03:33

I especially enjoyed your pictures of Adana and Silifki. My wife and I lived in Adana for 4 years during the 1970's. We lived near the train station from 1970 to 1972 and then on a street called Yeni which ran North and South (parallel to Ataturk)from 1974 to 1976. I was serving with the Air Force at Incirlik. Two of our three children were born there. We used to go camping at Silifki (Castle By the Sea).

At that time Adana had about 350,000 thousand people. Looks like it has grown and modernized.


Oğuzhan 07-Dec-2004 12:13
This web page is wonderful i want say smething "THANK YOU SO MUCH ABOUT ZÝLE AND JULL CEASER"
this is a great work
I wait to you zile again we will drink semaver tea :)
Guest 20-Nov-2004 04:45
Hi Dick,

Your Turkey picture gallery is simply incredible! Frankly, your Eastern Turkey gallery on the Ottoman/Selcuk Architecture might be the most extensive there exists, definitely most extensive by far on the net. The fact that you collected these pictures as a hobby truly blew me away! I was greatly amazed by the attention you paid in the details and the complete coverage of the architecture that you have looked at. These pictures are not snapshots from a "tourist in shorts" :) They should make any seasoned professional architecture or history photographer full of envy. Your approach is very original in photographing the Anatolian history. Studying ancient Roman or Greek cities is relatively overdone and your concentration on the newer eras makes your work unique.

Your Sivas pictures touched me the most because that's my hometown. I don't how many times I walked by Buruciye/Cifte Minaret and I stared at the great stone entrance, still I see many new figures in your pictures that I didn't realized before. This internet thing is wonderful, somebody from Amsterdam is teaching me about my hometown by pictures while I am halfway around the world away!

I hope whatever motivates you to do this doesn't end and we would see lots of new Turkey pictures from you.

Thank you.

Joan Filigrana 14-Nov-2004 21:05
Thanks Dick, your Kariye pictures at Istanbul are splendid!!!!!!

Joan from Barcelona
Guest 14-Nov-2004 12:24
I really like your style. nice variety of images.
great work!
Très belle gallerie avec beaucoup de variété
En fantastisk samling, mycket vackert.
Wundervolle Bilder.

Dick Osseman05-Oct-2004 04:50
Hi Nick,

A splendid message to begin another working day, thanks. When I started I wondered if I were not "off topic" for whats essentialy a photographers' (instead of "geographers') site.

I am still learning the rather difficult language (it's another family than the Indo-European, of which I speak several languages, so grammer and words are utterly different), but manage most simple conversations by now, to the delight of the Turks. There are a number of other languages spoken in the country, but only recently has the government accepted this as a fact. Formerly everyone within the borders was supposed to be exclusively Turkish, and speak the language that went with it (children in school will learn it, it's the language of choice all over the country). But gradually acceptance that there also is Kurdish, and Laz, and probably some Armenian and a number of other minority languages spoken is growing.

Well, off to work, thanks again.

Dick Osseman
Guest 04-Oct-2004 17:50
Hi Dick,

Yours is one of the most fascinating sites on PBase. It makes me feel like I am walking along seeing all these out of the way places in Turkey. Thanks for posting it. I was wondering if you spoke Turkish, if that is the language spoken there.

Giovanni Picchi 01-Sep-2004 18:10
Hi Mr. Osseman, my name is Giovanni Picchi I'm an italian archeology's student at the Perugia's university and I need your help.
I'm writing a thesis based on "The house of red pavements of Antakya" to complete my studies and I need the entire picture of the mosiac 03a, in the room 1, to complete this work. I saw you have a partial picture of this mosaic but I extremely need a complete one.
I'm sure you'll help me...See you soon and thank you
Dick Osseman19-Jun-2004 15:18
Dear Murat,

Thank you for your comment, I certainly will continue to put pictures on the site.
For Kastamonu i now have many new pictures with better weather than the one you can see now. So Ý may change some there. Ý made many pictures in Ýnebolu and its surroundings, and Ý will put pictures from Ankara and Ýstanbul on the site shortly. Ý hope to be able to put some new on during next weekend, when Ý am back home.

How did the exam go?

Guest 19-Jun-2004 14:58
hi my name is murat from kastamonu tosya u ve seen in inebolu and we d 2 cups of tea together and chatted. i visited your site and i found it very good and wish best remain your collecing pic
Flings 16-May-2004 10:30
Hi Dick
I simply adore your gallery,i wish i have the time to enjoy this country as much as you do.I have been there twice,once in 1976 and 1988 and this is where i dream to go again.I know the feeling ,so please enjoy it for me.I will keep your gallery in my favorites and i will check-it pretty often.Good luck!!!
Dick Osseman13-May-2004 22:13
I forgot: thanks for the compliment. I partly like to take pictures in museums and of all those ancient buildings, but also of the people. I love Turkey dearly, go there several times a year, and ever more often to the rural areas, or off season, when the tourists have gone home. I travelled over most of the country, and since I am not a car-driver I like the transport system a lot. It brings me in the most remote parts. I have been trying to learn the language, and manage well by now, which is a joy.

Kindest regards,

Dick Osseman13-May-2004 21:48
I only just started. No, truly, I have had these thousands of slides just sitting there, and then with all the new digital pictures I take nowadays, I thought I ought to make them more widely available. Thanks to Pbase I can. There will be many more following, Inshallah.
Guest 13-May-2004 21:11
This is the most extensive photo album of Turkey I have ever seen. Congratulations! Your photographs reflect the un-embellished reality of the Turkish daily life, and I like that! I must admit that as a native of Turkey I have not seen most of the places you've visited in Turkey, and I envy that!